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Third pov 

"Attack titan....." Eren saids low while leading on a wall in his cell. He heard the door unlock and saw it was Levi, Hange and Cass. They let Misaka out too. 

"What are you talking about there Eren?" Hange asked as he walked out. 

"It's nothing really." He saids. 

"You know how teens are. They start saying weird things." Levi saids walking out of the scouts jail. When they left Hange started going off about how many experiments she did on Kiah and Cass. Cass shivered at the memory of finding Hange watching her sleep and going around town the other day to see how many ghost she could see. 

   Today the scouts were to be awarded a metal for their work of taking back the wall. So was a court meeting as well to go over reports that Hange had taken. Everything during the court meeting went pretty good, until Eren stood up all of a sudden. All eyes were on him as he said sorry. Hange knew he thought something wasn't right, but didn't say anything. After the trial everyone was given a break to rest before the Histoira would give the metals. 

"Eren are you ok?" Misaka asked worried about him. Everyone was worried about him. He nodded not really wanting to talk about because he's trying to piece it all together. 

"So Cass what kind of experiments did Hange do with you and Kiah." Connie asked changing the subject. 

"Too many I don't think I can sleep for the next few days." Cass saids thinking back to Hange asking her tons and tons of questions about her family and how long that power was in it. Eren went to her and hugged her. 

"After this lets get married."  He saids in her ear. 

"You sound like Ymir....." Cass saids looking down thinking of the time she spent with the her. Ymir tried to call Cass out on something, but of course she had a smart come back to her. It was funny because they ended up laughing at the end. 

"So and if I do Im not wrong though. I told you I was going to marry you after taking back the wall." He saids hugging her. 

"Remember Hisotria was going to marry us." He saids to the girl placing his hand under her chin to make her look at him. As much as she loves him, she rather read more about what's in her father's notebook. It had so much information about her family and the past of them too. She wanted to learn more about certain things before anything else.   

"Everyone it's time." Levi saids getting his squad together for the metals. All the scouts were on one knee in rows for Historia to give them the metals. As Hisoria got to Eren he had like what seemed to him a flashback of some kind. Though he did see something that made him freeze. 

   After the ceremony Cass went up to Eren to what was wrong. 

"Eren are you sure your ok? The way your acting is making me worry about you." She saids before he falls in her arms. It makes her worry more. 

"Misaka somethings up with Eren he just collapse in my arms." She tells the black hair girl. Misaka runs over to see what was wrong with him. She knew what he was doing, so all she needed to do was just play along. 

"Misaka does this have to do with his powers or something please I don't him in pain." She saids as she pats Eren's back. He slides down on his knees, but put one up. Cass was clueless about what was happening until Eren brought out a ring. 

'Oh this is what's happening.' Cass goes red as Sasha cheers for her. Misaka has a small smile on. So did Levi surprisingly, Hange was coding over how cute it was. Kiah had her arms around Cass and sending a glare to Eren. 

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