Talking to him

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Third pov 

      The next was calm, though filled with many people who were hurt. Connie was taking care of Sasha who was sleeping. Eren and Misaka were by Armin who was sleeping, they were just waiting for him to wake up. Kiah was changing the bandage on Cass' leg with her hood on of course. She almost got caught yesterday with it off. Oh the things Hange would ask those two. Once Kiah was done she waved Levi over. 

"Leg any better?" He asked bringing the girl water. 

"Where's mine?" Kiah asked looking shocked. Levi just gave her a look. 

"Your dead." Was all he said before helping Cass up to go over to Eren and Misaka. When they got over there Armin was just waking up. 

"Armin!" Eren saids as the blonde wakes up. They hug as Kiah feels better knowing Armin was ok and alive. Levi told them to tell Armin everything that had happen before they had to leave. They told him everything Armin was in pure shock. Levi had told Armin to stay there to keep healing up while him, Hange and Cass went with Misaka and Eren to their old home. 

" So when are we going to go your house?" Kiah asked making herself unknown to everyone else. 

"I don't know Kiah, who knows." Cass saids low so the others don't hear her. 

"Capitan you know Cass used to live here too, so maybe she can go see her old home too." Eren saids taking the girl's hand. 

'Well that's one way to get to the house.' Cass and Kiah thinks. Levi just nods agreeing for her to see her old home. Turns out Eren and her were five houses away from each other. 

"How did we not know you back then?" Eren saids for both him and Misaka. Cass didn't listen though. She was staring at the rock that killed her sisters. That day was reliving itself in her head. She goes over to the rock and puts her hand on it. 

"Im sorry I didn't come sooner...." She saids to the rock. Then goes to the house to see if theres a way. Kiah pointed out there was a window that wasn't too bad. 

"Through that window we can get in." She saids jumping through the window. 

"I thought her leg hurt...." Hange saids seeing the girl jump in the house. Inside was all destroy. They all had a look around the house. Misaka felt something beside her shoe. She looked down and found an old teddy bear. 

"Hey Cass was this yours." Misaka asked the girl. She looked over in shock to what she found. 

"Mr. fluffy?!" She saids walking over to Misaka. She grabbed the bear remembering when her mother first got it for her. 

"I had him since I was five...He was my only friend before I met Kiah." She saids with a sad smile, but soon fades as soon as she remember why she was there. 

"Cass what's your last name. You know before it changes to mine." Eren saids before getting hit by Levi. 

"Pérez why?" She answers looking through the house. 

"Did your father happened to be Raymond Pérez?" He asked when looking at something. Hange went over to see what he was looking. 

"Yes why do you what to know?" She walks over, Eren hands her a a very old drawing. Her eyes went wide from the picture. It was one she had drew. It was of her and her dad, but she drew her and her dad with a black outline. There was another person there, but outlined with a light blue. 

"Who's the other person? Looks like you drew them differently." Hange saids looking at the drawing more. 

"Cass I think it's time they should know." Kiah saids pointing to what they both came here for. 

"Well you see the thing about my family...." She started as she walked to where had pointed. 

"It was rumored that her family was able to see the undead." Misaka saids as Cass picks up a book that her father wrote in. 

"Jeez Misaka nothing gets passed you." Kiah saids making herself known there. She went to Cass and put her arms around her. Hange, Eren and Misaka were in shock Levi. Levi already knew so he didn't care. 

"But it's not like my dad did anything bad, he just helped the ghosts to pass on into the next world." Cass said with her voice low. 

"Then why haven't you let Kiah pass on." Misaka said. She was going to walk up to her, but Eren stopped her. 

"Because Misaka, Im tied to Cass. So I'll be leaving when she dies, but I'll be going to hell and not heaven. Because my dear Misaka Im a demon now. I mean who did you think Levi sent to go get her. Did you really think that was really her when she tried to kill Bertholdt when he had Eren that one time. Nope that was me possessing her. And also another thing Eren- OW." Kiah saids before Cass hit her with the book in her hands. 

"They don't need to know everything." She saids walking out the door. Kiah follows her. 

"So that's why those bullies said Armin was more sad then "Ghost girl." They were talking about her." Misaka saids as she recalls seeing Cass sometimes with her father. 

   She always thought she was strange for not talking to people so even looking at them. 

"Wait does this mean knows what else I did in your room when you came back?!" Eren yells making everyone wonder what else he did. 

"Oh yeah your lucky I didn't tell her yet." Kiah runs back to Cass laughing with Eren chasing her. 

Time skip 

   At the end of the day Eren and Misaka had to be in the jail cells due to the fact they did attack Levi. Cass went to see them before she went to her room, but before she did Levi made her tell the rest of the squad about Kiah. They were scared at first, but acted normal as if she had always been there. Cass went to her room to lay down and read what was in her father's notebook. 

"Fun fact of the night: did you know that banging your head against a wall for an hour burns 150 calories." Kiah saids as Cass opens the notebook. 

"Why is that a fun fact?" She asked the demon. 

"Because why not. Anyway ready to learn more about your family?" 

"Yeah it'll be like talking to him. Talking to my father." Cass saids reading the book that her father was going to give her when she was a little older. 

"Hey Kiah check this out." Cass saids pointing to a part from the book. 

"What is this?" 

A CLIF HANGERRRRRRR!! HAHAHAHAHA. I love clif hangers don't you guys do too. Anyway I wanted to thank you all for OVER 100 reads!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! LOLOLOL. Thank you all so much I really didn't think this book would get to 100 really, but anyway I'll see you all in the next chapter cuz there will be ur surprise for 100 reads lol. BYEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

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