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Thrid pov

    In a cabin in the middle of nowhere. The new Levi squad was cleaning the place of course since Levi told them too. 

"Guys I can't find Misaka!" Cass saids as she comes out of Misaka's room. 

"Bet she ran away." Kiah saids behind her. At that moment Historia and Misaka walked in with wood under their arms. 

"Misaka you have to be resting! You got grabbed by a titan." Armin tells her while Cass takes a breath knowing she didn't lose her. 

"Believe me your not going to get through to her I caught her doing push up earlier." Eren saids to the blonde boy. Then Jean comes in with some boxes. 

"Jean did you wipe your shoes before you came in?" Eren tells him, Jean looks at him then goes back to what he's doing. 

"JEAN!" Eren yells to him, than going off on him saying he needs to get this place clean with the rest of the group. Of course the two start to argue. 

"Cass him? Out of all the people Eren?" Connie tells the girl who was cleaning the sink making her look at him. 

"Well I like that he's determine and I think he has he reasons why he's like this." She tells him before she threw her shoes at the two boys hitting them in the head. 

"Now you two I don't think you want to see the Capitan upset when he see this place still a mess right? Now quit before I get ready upset." Cass saids picking up her shoes and putting them back on then going back to her cleaning. 

"She's right the Capitan can't stand messes so let's get back to it." Eren saids.

"Yup I don't want to see him mad." Sasha saids putting something in her bag. 

"Sasha what did you just put in your bag?" Amrin asked the girl.

"If your thinking it was bread it wasn't." She tells him. Amrin goes for the bag telling her to put it back. Kiah starts to laugh at everyone then she hears the door open to show Levi is here. 

"LOh this is going to be good." Kiah saids the moment Levi walked into where everyone was at. Armin was trying to get the bread from Sasha, Historia and Misaka were putting the wood away and Connie was watching the show of Cass holding back Eren from killing Jean. Levi puts his hand under the table to check if there's dust. Cass noticed him so she let go of Eren making him almost fall. 

"Hey why you do that for?!" He saids to her, but all she did was point to Levi. Eren knew that they were going to get in trouble knowing that they didn't finish.  

"I was gone long enough for you all to finish cleaning. Why is there still dust." Levi asked the teenagers in front of him. Kiah was flouting and laughing at the scene in front of her. 

"I love this." She saids as she lands next to Levi. She looks to him knowing she did fall for the guy, but it won't be happening thanks to her being a demon. She didn't even look like a demon she looked like how she did when she died. In her goddess uniform with her hair shorter now. 

time skip 

   Hange had came over to the cabin to do some test on Eren and what else they can learn about his powers. 

"Ok Eren let it rip." Hange said as she waved her hand to him. Eren bit his hand to transform, but it didn't go well. 

"Ahh Eren what happen?" Hange said.

"Makes since his ass is still out." Levi said with a no emotion. Hange went down with Misaka. 

"Hange be careful." Misaka tells her as Hange pulls Eren out. Well tried too when Hange pulled him out his face was gone. 

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