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Thrid pov 

    It was the morning after Levi found out about Kiah. It was almost like things went back to normal another power was found about Kiah. She can make herself known to people of her choice. Hange had her own things to deal with that night. Hange had found out that the priest was killed. She knew the person who killed him knew that he knew so he kept him quite. 

   That morning she had told Levi and his squad. 

"Make this look like it was never touched. The MP's will be coming here soon." Levi ordered. Everyone got up to get ready to leave it didn't take that long because Kiah had done most of the cleaning while Levi gave the order. Once everyone was out they up a hill just in time to see the MP's at the cabin. Everyone had mixed feelings at the moment. 

"Let's go we need to keep moving." Levi told everyone as he was walking ahead of them. Hange had told Levi that there were some people or someone that was after Eren and Histoira. So the rest of that day was spent planning on how to get Eren and Historia away from those people.

"People just love to keep you to themselves huh. Titan boy." Cass saids as she get some food ready ready for everyone to eat. Eren looked up at the girl smiling, but it soon faded. 

"I don't know what these people want with me and Historia, but maybe it has to do with my powers." He saids helping her out. 

"Yeah maybe that is it. I mean we have Annie who can call titans and harden her skin. Renier who is covered in amor and Bertholdt who is pretty much a weapon of mass destruction. Then there's you. Fighting with the scouts to take back land that we lost to the titans. I think they should help us get Renier and Bertholdt and then be against us and going after two people." Cass saids as she cooks the food. Eren stands next to the girl, knowing she went through the same thing he did. 

"Even though Im the one in trouble just now I'll be the one to save you because you save me too many time." He saids taking her hands. 

"last time it was Misaka Eren." She tells him. 

"Not what I meant." Eren was going in for a kiss. 

"Hey you two stop making babies and get the food over here! We're hungry!" Jean yelled before Eren could kiss the girl who's laughing at him. 

Time skip to the next day

  In wall Sina, there was cart that was holding Historia and Eren, but it was really Armin and Jean dressed as Histroia and Eren. Where the real Histroia and Eren was on an another cart going a differant way. On the roof tops the others wait for who ever is going to get them. Things went faster then what everyone thought. The cart was hijacked taking Armin and Jean away. So was the one with the real Histoira and Eren. Levi ordered Misaka and Cass to after one of the carts and not to be seen while going after them. 

  After sending Misaka and Cass, Levi and the rest of his squad was ambushed by someone of Levi's past. 

Kenny Ackerman... 

   Levi had the biggest fight you'll ever see with Kenny and his squad. He was flying through the air trying to get away or attack someone in the squad ready to kill him. For Levi Kenny was the biggest problem there. 

"Come on Levi don't you remember who showed you how to do all this." Kenny said as he knocked Levi into a bar. 

"Capitan Levi! Um welcome to my bar." Said the man behind the bar stand. He was scared due to how Levi looked. He had blood on the side of his face. Levi hid behind the bar stand, he saw a gun and got it ready to aim at Kenny. 

"Come on Levi remember all the good times we had when you were a baby." Kenny smirked, but it went away seeing a gun being shot at him.   

   Misaka went after Arimn and Jean and caught up to them getting to them before Armin got raped. Cass went after histroia and Eren, but somehow she lost them. She looked all over for them, but she couldn't find. 

"Misaka is going to kill me." Cass saids to herself as she went to where she was. 

"I'll make sure your funeral is nice." Kiah tells the girl knowing she's dead meat. When they got there Misaka was uniting Jean. 

"Cass where's Eren?" She asked, Cass went behind Jean because he's taller then both her and Misaka. 

"Please don't be mad, but I lost the cart and I couldn't find it. They went through a tunnel and then didn't come out." Cass saids scared for her life hiding behind Jean. Jean was scared to he was a human shield at that point. 

"Wait I think I know where we can find them. I know where that tunnel leads." Armin saids. 

"You got lucky." Misaka tells the shaking girl. 

"Armin you saved my life." Cass saids coming out from behind Jean to hug Armin. Armin hugs her back. 

"Come on let's go get eren and Histoira." He saids. 

Ok this one is really short, but the more chapters the better the book right? I've always been that way with my books I have big fat books in my room right now anyway see all in the next chapter byeeee.  

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