Fight with me: Fix him part 2

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Third pov 

      It was time for Eren to transform into a titan he was above the gate that was destroyed by Renier. Erwin had told Levi to go down with the horses so Cass was in charge of how things go.  

"It's time. Let's take back the wall." Cass saids to Eren, he nods then jumps off the wall. As he's falling he bites his hand to transform. Lighting comes down then a loud roar was heard. Eren looks to the broken gate and goes to plug it up. As he does all eyes were on him as he plugged up the wall. 

'That's one side done.' Cass thinks as she steps off the wall to connet her wire to the house next to Eren's titan. When Eren came out of his titan he had all his stuff on him still. 

"Well that's a first huh Cass." Connie saids as he lands next to her. 

"Hey Connie wouldn't you think Renier would have attacked once Eren turned?" She asked as Eren went over to her and the rest of the squad. 

"Now that your saying it, yeah he would have.." Connie saids thinking, but he couldn't think for long because they had to get to the other side of the wall. 

"Wait. Before we go I want to think about some first." Cass saids to the people with her. 

"No we have to get to the other side now." Misaka saids to her. Kiah walks in front of Cass. Her eyes kinda meet Misaka's. She knew to back off when their eyes met. Kiah's face was still hidden from them, but they can see her eyes. Kiah knows how to hide, she's done lots of hiding when the wall first broke. Kiah looks to Cass nodding for her to continue. 

"I wanted to ask Armin something. What do you think of this. Don't you think it's strange that no attacks haven't happen yet?" She asked him. Armin took a moment to think. Then it hits him

'If titans can be in the walls then....' 

"I have to get to the commander." Armin saids before he leaves to go where the commander is. 

"Did you know something about this." Kiah asked her as she gets ready to go to the where Bertholdt broke the wall. 

"I just thought it was strange that there was no attack. They would have done something, but I knew Armin would figure something out." Cass states as she tells everyone to head to the other wall. 

"Eren I want you to be in the back, Jean will be in the middle." She tells him as he nods. 

"Wait does this mean you think I look like Jean?!" He saids as Jean laughs. Misaka hits them both on the head for them to get going. As they were going to the wall they saw a crew there doing something it the wall. The squad went up to the wall knowing they didn't want to mess with what there doing. 

   Cass went over to Hange to see what's up.

"Hange what's going on?" She asked her. 

"Armin thinks Renier and Bertholdt might be hiding in the walls." Hange tells her. It makes sense the walls are hollow inside. A man who was checking the walls felt a hollow part in the walls. He shot up a smoke signal. 

"I found th-" He didn't get to finish with Reneir stabbing him. Cass was going to go, but Levi beat her, Levi had stabbed his blades into Reneirs neck. Bertholdt had come out of the wall to head too somewhere to hide. At that moment Reneir transformed. Levi was already back up on the wall. 

"Damnit!" He saids before Erwin tells him to go with the horses. Kiah looked at Levi then to the other side of the wall where there was no destroyed homes. She saw something that gave her dead body chills. 

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