It's Not You, It's Me

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**Lainie's POV**

"I'm sorry, Lainie. I just really need to focus on my career right now. I'm up for a huge promotion and I can't have any distractions."

Chris is hardly the first guy that's broken up with me like this. And considering my luck, I doubt he'll be the last.

"I don't get it, you told me about this promotion weeks ago. What's changed now?" I ask dejectedly.

"I'm just under a ton of pressure right now, Lainie. I really hope we can be friends."

Friends, right. That's what they all say, but how many people actually stay friends with an ex when the break-up isn't amicable?

"I guess there's nothing left to say, you've obviously made up your mind. Good bye, Chris."

I stand and walk out of his apartment. I immediately reach for my phone to call my sister. She's your typical girly girl: thin, blonde hair, blue eyed, surfer girl. A California girl through and through. Her and my mom could be twins and thanks to Mom's plastic surgeon, they practically are. Courtney is always great with advice in these situations.

"Lainie, what's up sis?"

"Can I come over, Court? Chris and I just broke up." I plead, climbing into my white Ford Focus sedan.

"Of course! I'm having a girls night with some friends from my spin class. Come on over."

"Oh, you know girls night isn't really my thing. Why don't we just grab lunch tomorrow?" I reply with a pang of disappointment in my voice.

"No! This is exactly what you need. Get your ass over here right now, Lainie Rey Mitchell!" She demands through the phone.

"Fine, but just for an hour." I give in. "I'm on my way."

I make the 20 minute drive to Courtney's, agonizing over my conversation with Chris and anticipating the torture my sister has in store for me. Despite the fact that we're complete opposites, I really don't know what I'd do without my older sister. We may not always see eye-to-eye, but she's always there for me.

20 minutes later, I pull up outside Courtney's apartment complex. I use the spare keys she gave me to let myself in the building. I slowly ease open the door to her apartment as the sound of squeals and laughter assault my ears. Why did I agree to this?

I walk into the living room to see my sister and three other women watching what I assume is one of the "Fifty Shades of Grey" movies surrounded by empty wine bottles.

"Lainie, you're here!" My sister pulls me into a hug and begins introducing me to her friends. "This is Shae, Sonja and Summer."

"Here, I bet you could use a glass of wine." Summer says, opening what looks like their fourth bottle of wine.

Shae pulls me onto the sofa. "Have you seen this movie before?"

"No, I haven't." I mumble as I take a very large sip of my wine.

"You'll love it!" She continues. "So what we do is everytime time Christian pulls out a new toy, we say whether or not we've used it ourselves or on a partner and if you have, you drink."

"What?!? Are you serious?" I gasp.

"Yes, it gets wild". Sonja adds.

"Lainie, this is just what you need to take your mind off of Chris." My sister says putting an arm around my shoulders.

Not 15 minutes later, the main characters appear to be getting dressed for a party when Christian pulls something out of his pocket. It looks like a string with two steel balls attached to it.

I look around me to see both Summer and Shae with their hands raised and their wine glasses to their lips.

"What the hell is that?" I question.

"Those are ben-wa balls...or kegel balls." Summer explains. "Think of it like dumb bells for your p***y, but they're both functional and pleasurable". She says with a wink.

"I used them pretty regularly with my ex. He said he could tell a difference, but I couldn't." Wow, TMI, Shae.

No wonder I can't keep a guy, I think to myself. Apparently going to the gym three times a week isn't enough; I'm also supposed to be doing squat thrusts with my vagina.

By the time they start the next movie in the series, it has become painfully obvious to me that my knowledge of bedroom activities is even worse than I thought. How is one supposed to learn this stuff without making a total fool out of themselves?

I decide to head home and promise Courtney I'll call her later in the week so we can do something, just the two of us.

That night I fall asleep while my mind tries to solve the impossible puzzle that is my lackluster sex life.

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