The Big "O"

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**Lainie's POV**

Knock knock knock

"Thanks for coming over so quickly, Court. I've got a problem; I need your help." I say, pulling her over to the couch.

"Geez, Lainie, what's the problem, you look like hell."

"I didn't really sleep last night. I've been freaking out a little."

"So, what's the problem? This doesn't have anything to do with Jace does it?" She asks inquisitively.

I didn't even respond. I just looked in her eyes and gently nodded my head to confirm her suspicions.

"Ok, tell me everything. Last time I talked to you, you didn't know how you felt. What changed? Did something happen?"

"Well, we went to the VGAA brunch yesterday."


"Court, he looked so amazing! I've never seen him all dressed up before. And his smell, oh my gosh, I could just..."

"Ok, I get the picture. Did anything actually happen between you two yesterday?"

Not really. I got a little tipsy at the brunch and he helped me get home and into bed. Then he hung out to make sure I wasn't sick."

"That's actually kinda sweet, Lainie".

"Court, it was just like a light switched on....I have feelings for him. This is gonna ruin our friendship, I just know it." I say dejectedly.

"You don't know that for sure, Lainie. I think the best thing for you to do is talk to him. He might surprise you." She says with a wink.

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"That wink! You clearly just winked at me, Court." I accuse.

"I just have something in my eye, that's all. Please Lainie, just go talk to Jace. It's better to get it all out in the open. You've never hidden anything from Jace before, why start now?"

"Fine. I should probably do tbis in person. I'll see if he's home. Thanks Court."


Lainie: Are you still up Jace?

Jace: Yep.

Lainie: Mind if I come over? I need to talk to you about something important.

Jace: Sure, come on over.


***Jace's POV***

Jace: Court, Lainie is on her way over...she sounds kind of freaked out. Do you know anything about this?

Court: If she's taking my advice, then yes I do.

Jace: Well?

Court: Relax Jace. She is a little freaked out, but it's nothing to worry about. In fact, it's a good thing. Just let her explain.

Jace: You're being awfully cryptic, it's kinda freakin' me out.

Cout: lol, you'll see 😁

Jace: Whatever.

Knock knock knock

"Hey Lain--"

"Jace, we need to talk." She says barging through the door."

"Ok, what's up." I ask.

We both sit on the couch, facing one another. Lainie is feverishly bouncing her knees...she does that when she's nervous. I grab her hands to try to calm her down.

"Jace, we can't do our "lessons" anymore." She spits out.

"Ok. Any reason why? Did something happen with Brandon?"

"I ended things with Brandon. I don't think I liked him as much as he liked me." She admits.

I silently celebrate, "Well, if you really felt that way, I'm sure you made the right decision."

Lainie lets go of my hands, then drops her head into her hands with a big sigh. She then proceeds to talk at lightening fast speed. "You and Court were right from the beginning. These lessons were a terrible idea. I didn't think I would develop feelings for you, but I did. I fell hard and now I'm sure I've made you uncomfortable and our friendship----"

My eyes widen at her sudden admission and before she can finish her final thought, I cup her face in my hands and kiss her. I want her to know that everything she's feeling, I'm feeling and more. I want her to know that I don't regret these "lessons". Mostly, I just want her to know how important she is to me. So I pour all those emotions into this one kiss.

Lainie pulls away from me, a brief smile flashes across her face before confusion sets in. Before she can say a word, I pour my heart out to her.

"Lainie, you are perfect for me, you always have been, I was just too stupid to realize it until the first time we kissed. Now, there's no one else I ever want to kiss." I say still holding her face, forcing her gaze into mine.


I kiss her again. There is nothing I need to hear her say. Our kiss deepens, we are hungry for one another. I suddenly feel her fingers graze my sides as she grabs at my shirt. She breaks our kiss so she can lift my shirt over my head when I stop her.

"Lainie, we don't have to do this. I know this is all a little overwhelming. I just want you to be sure about this."

"Jace, I don't want this...I need this." She pulls my face to hers, capturing me in a passionate kiss again.

I break our kiss to stand, grabbing her by the hand to lead her to my bedroom. By the time I turn around at the bed, she's already pulled her shirt off over head and pulling off her jeans. She now stands before me wearing only her panties and bra. I've never seen anything so beautiful.

I stalk toward her and cup her face. "You are perfect." I lean in to kiss her, our tongues immediately start battling for dominance.

I unclasp her bra and drop it to the floor, I can feel her hardened nipples press against my firm chest. My hands caress her back, sliding my fingers beneath her panties to pull them below her hips.

Her hands travel down my chest, sending sparks throughout my body. I feel her hands reach my pants to pull them and my boxers toward the floor. "The beast" springs force, pressing needily against her core, she groans at the sensation.

I guide us toward the bed, not letting our lips separate, as I lower us down. My hands roam her body, committing every square inch to memory. My mouth strays from hers, to taste her jaw, her neck, nibbling and sucking along the way.

I align myself with her entrance, teasing her cl** with my tip, I hear her moan, urging me onward. I gently slide inside her, savoring the contact between us.

"Oh Jace, that feels amazing. Faster, please!" She begs and I happily comply.

I push myself up on my knees, lifting her hips to go deeper. I can already feel her clenching around me, Lainie, don't c*m yet, you can hold out a little longer, baby." Her hands rake down my back in response and I hiss as it sends shivers down my spine.

I thrust harder, deeper, faster, feeling my o****m building. I place a hand to her cheek, so she'll open her eyes and look at me. "C*m with me, Lainie."

I burst inside of her as I feel her walls clench firmly around me. Her moans and cries are music to my ears, knowing we finally shared such an amazing moment. I continue thrusting so we can both continue to ride our highs.

Lainie, grabs my face, bringing our foreheads together. "Jace, that was amazing. You were right."

"Right about what?" I ask in confusion, trying to steady my breathing.

"I just needed to find the right guy." She smiles up at me, her eyes sparkling. This is a smile, I'm confident, she has never given to anyone else. This is just for me, and it is the greatest gift I've ever been given.

I reposition myself to lie beside her, holding her close as we both doze off to sleep in each others arms.

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