Second Thoughts

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**Jace's POV**

Holy s**t, what the f**k just happened? One second, I'm casually making out with my best friend and the next, I'm springing to action as she barely grazes me ear.

Lainie can't know that she had this affect on me. I'm supposed to be helping her. I'm gonna need a game plan so I can hold it together before we do this again.

I cross my legs in a painful effort to tame "the beast" and try to push what just happened out of my mind.


Work on Monday was business as usual until our team received a meeting invite from the boss marked "Urgent".

I stand to peer over my cubicle wall at Lainie. "Do you know what this meeting is about with Jack?"

"No idea, but we better get in there, you know what he's like on Mondays." She warns.

The ten of us shuffle into the conference room and settle in for  what we can only imagine will be our reason for drinking on a Monday.

Our boss, Jack, enters the room shortly after us and immediately gets to the matter at hand. "As you all know your game, "War Machine 5", has been on the market now for almost a year. Sales and player reviews have been pretty consistent, with minimal issues. I've just gotten word that it's been nominated for three awards at next month's Video Game Achievement Awards ceremony."

The team breaks out in celebration, clapping and cheering at Jack's announcement. Maybe we'll be drinking for a different reason tonight.

I look over at Lainie who looks to be in shock, eyes wide, mouth slightly agape. I gently elbow her to break her trance."Lainie, this is amazing, that game was all your idea, we just brought to life." She looks at me with a shy smile, joy washes over her face.

"Ok, settle down now, I know you're all excited, I am too. Just being nominated is a huge honor." Jack brings us back down from our high. "This means that you'll all be attending the awards ceremony. It's black tie and you're representing our company. I expect you all to look your best and don't embarrass me. Now get back to work. You've raised the bar for yourselves and I expect this team to be going to that awards ceremony from now on." 

Jack leaves the room and we all follow out after him. The office is a buzz the rest of the day with the excitement of our nominations.

"Lainie, can you believe this? We're going to the VGAA's!!!" My excitement is interrupted when I see Jack stick his head out of his office. "Lainie, Jace, get in here."

The two of us walk into Jack's office and close the door. "Lainie, you and Jace put in a lot of time and energy on this game, these nominations are a testiment to your dedication to this team.

"Thank you, sir." We say in unison.

"The ceremony is next month, but in two weeks there's a brunch for all the nominess and I want the two of you to represent the team at that brunch."

"Jack, I'm not so sure about this. Maybe you should send Damon instead or maybe Mike." Lainie stammers.

"Lainie, you're going and that's final." Jack insists. "I'll forward you both the details for the brunch and the ceremony. Don't mention it to the team yet, but the board is very excited about this and they've told me to spare no expense. That means we'll be arranging the tux rentals for the whole team and sending you all in limos. Lainie, the board knows this game was your brain child and told me to get you a stylist for the brunch and the ceremony to take care of everything; dress, hair, make-up, the whole works. This is a big deal, you should be very proud."

I pull Lainie from Jacks office, "Lainie what was that about? Why don't you want to go?"

"Jace, you know me, I don't like to have attention drawn to me. Can you honestly picture me in an evening gown, walking a red carpet? I'll probably fall on my face. This is not what I signed up for when I decided to be a video game developer." Lainie says in a panic.

"Lainie, relax. It'll be fine. Remember, I'll be there with you the whole time. I'll even hold you upright so you don't fall down." I say, giving her a reassuring smile.

"Thanks Jace." She says, pulling me in a for tight hug. "Just wait til my sister hears about this, she's gonna flip. She's been begging me to let her give me a makeover for years."

"You know, a makeover isn't a terrible idea for one of our "lessons"". I say under my breath so no one else hears me.

Lainie shoots me a confused look. "What does a makeover have to do with my "lessons"?" I'm starting to feel personally attacked whenever she uses air quotes with the word, "lessons".

"Think about it." I explain, "Most people won't eat something that doesn't look good, right?"

Lainie stops me by putting her hand up in front of my face. "I get it, you don't need to finish that analogy."

"How about I come over to your place again this weekend, you can invite your sister over too, so she can work her magic." I suggest.

"Fine." She concedes. "But if I come out of this looking like a poodle, you can kiss those comic con tickets good-bye."

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