What are Best Friends For?

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**Lainie's POV**

It's a Monday like any other. I'm at my desk at work testing out the latest level of "Zombie Apocalypse 9". I just finished fine-tuning the graphics on the nuclear reactors in this level and they need to be perfect before I can hand it off to my boss for his final approval before I leave for the day.

I love my job. It's creative, challenging, fun and even better, I work with my best friend, Jace. We met in college and immediately bonded over our love of video games and greasy pizza.

I am one of only a handful of women that work here, video game development is definitely a male-dominated industry, but I think my evening with Courtney and her friends proved that this is where I belong.

Just then, Jace leans over my cubicle wall. "Hey, Lainie, wanna grab a beer after work?"

"Sure. I could use it after the weekend I had. Plus I could use your advice on an issue I'm having." I reply.

"Ok, I'm gonna head around the corner to Pete's to snag us a table."

"Perfect. I'll be there in ten. I just have to take out this convent of zombie nuns and pass the file off to Jack, then I'm out of here." I holler over my shoulder.

Pete's Pub is Jace and I's favorite after work watering hole. It's close to work, cheap and their nachos are delicious.

I walk through the door and am greeted by Pete himself behind the bar as he slides me a mug of my favorite tap beer. "Lainie!"

"Hey Pete."

Before Pete can suck me into a tedious conversation about keg deliveries and bar fights, Jace waves me over to our usual table.

"So tell me about your weekend. What happened with Chris?" Jace asks, taking a swig of his beer.

"Have you ever heard of kegel balls?"

**spit take**

"What the hell, Jace! I'm covered in beer." I yell.

"What the hell, me? What the hell you! You can't just start a conversation with "kegel balls" without giving a guy a heads up." He scolds me, wiping beer off his mouth.

"I'm sorry, Jace. I'm just so confused and frustrated. Chris broke up with me and then Courtney and her friends were watching some millionare porno and I think I suck at sex." I ramble.

Jace just stares at me with a look of shock and confusion, then asks Pete to bring us a round of whiskey. "I can tell I'm gonna need something stronger for this conversation." Jace says looking down into his beer mug. "I think I need you to slow down and walk me through one topic at a time. Let's table "kegel balls" for now and tell me what happened with Chris."

Sometimes I think the main reason Jace hangs out with me as much as he does is because I don't come with the usual amount of drama as your average girl. But I have to give him credit, when drama arises, he steps up and does what he can to be a supportive friend. And having a male perspective is an added plus.

I proceed to fill Jace in on everything that happened with Chris, my sister and her friends, including the awkward drinking game.

"I think I've come to the only logical conclusion. I suck at sex." I state matter-of-factly.

"Lainie, that's ridiculous. You can't possibly be bad at sex." Jace scoffs.

"Oh no?" I challenge. "I've really been giving this some thought, Jace. It's the only logical explanation."

"Logical explanation for what?" Jace asks.

"Think about it. I've had a reasonable amount of sexual partners and/or relationships in my adult life. I'm not a whore by any means, but an average number. I haven't had a single relationship that's lasted more than two months." I explain.

"That doesn't mean anything. You just haven't found the right guy." He reasons.

"Jace, I've never had an orgasm that didn't require battery-operated assistance!" I shoot him with the hard facts. "I've always had a explanation for it. It was the guy and I's first time together, we were nervous. One or both of us had been drinking. I was really stressed out from work.

Maybe the problem is just me, I suck at sex." I conclude, throwing back both Jace and I's whiskey. I obviously need it more than he does.

"Ok, let's say, "hypothetically-speaking", that you're bad at sex. What exactly do you plan to do about it?" Jace asks.

"Well, I've been thinking about that too and I have a plan, but it won't work unless you help me." I say hesitantly.

"What do you want me to do, teach you how to have sex?" He asks, laughing and shaking his head.

I just stare at Jace, nervously chewing on my bottom lip.

Jace's eyes meet mine, realization smacking him in the face. "Oh no!"

"Please Jace! Please don't make me beg. I feel pathetic enough as it is." I plead.

"Lainie, you know you're my best friend and I'd do anything for you, but I think this is crossing a line."

"Jace, we wouldn't actually be in a relationship or anything. This would be strictly platonic. Purely for educational purposes. No different than you teaching me to ride a bike."

"Right, just like riding a bike except I'm teaching you how to ride a d**k instead!" His words dripping with sarcasm.

"It's not like we haven't seen each other naked before, Jace; albeit unintentionally, but we have."

"You promised to never bring that up again, Lainie!" Jace scowls at me.

"Fine. I'm sorry. Please Jace, I really need your help. Do you want me to start jumping every guy I see so I figure it out on my own?"

"Pete, another round of whiskey over here please!" Jace stares into his beer, avoiding eye contact with me. "Fine, I'll do it, but we're gonna need to set some ground rules so things don't get weird."

I jump off my stool and throw my arms around Jace's neck. "Eeek, thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best friend ever, Jace."

"You owe me big for this, Lainie."

"Like, I buy the next round big?" I ask.

"Like, you buy next year's San Diego comic con tickets for us big."


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