Nuclear Pyro

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**Lainie POV**

Courtney: What time does the band start tonight?

Lainie: 9pm at The Bottom Bar

Courtney: Wanna grab dinner beforehand?

Lainie: Sure.

Courtney: Let's meet at 7pm at Lola's.

Lainie: 👍

"Sorry, I'm late. I was at Mom and Dad's and they pulled me into the middle of another one of their fights again." Courtney rushes to the table, falling into the booth.

"What's it about this time?" I asked, not at all surprised, they fight all the time.

"Mom wants to get vaginal reconstructive surgery, but Dad says it's unnecessary."

"Ugh, sorry I asked."

"So how are you? Excited to see Brandon tonight?

"Yeah, I hear his band is pretty awesome." I tell her, looking over my menu.

"You don't sound very excited. Did something happen on your date?"

I swear, my sister can read me like a book. "No, yes, I don't know. Court, I'm confused."

"Confused about what? What happened?"

"The date was nice and Brandon is nice. But at the end of the night, when he kissed me...I immediately thought of Jace." I admit hesitantly.

"Like you were wishing you were kissing Jace instead of Brandon?

"I don't know....and then..."

"There's more??"

"Yeah, I went over to Jace's on Monday night for another "lesson"...."

"Is that what you two call it?" She says in a mocking tone.

"Shut up, Court. I asked him to give me some tips on oral, I even brought produce."

I scrunch my face up and bite my lip afraid of how my sister is going to react to what I'm about to tell her.

"Produce? Oh god, Lainie, what did you do?" She whisper screams at me from across the booth.

"The produce wasn't really "effective" I gave Jace a blow job."

The words tumbled out of my mouth so fast, I would have thought she didn't understand me, but nope, she understood me perfectly.

"LAINIE REY MITCHELL!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! She says through clenched teeth.

"I know. In the moment, it made sense in my head."

"What did Jace do?" She asks calming down slightly.

"He came in my mouth."

"JESUS CHRIST, LAINIE!! That is not what I meant!

"Sorry, Court."

"Let's just take a deep breath, calm down a little. Ok. What happened after your "lesson" was done?"

I'm hesitant to even answer her question for fear of her response. "He said I did good and that he wanted to go to bed, so I left."

She glares at me but doesn't immediately respond.

"Lainie, this is a really important question. How did you feel....during?"

"I enjoyed it."

"Ok. Have you enjoyed it in the past with other guys?"

"Never really thought about it. Kinda indifferent I guess."

"Lainie, really think about your answer to this next question. Is it possible that you enjoyed it this time because it was with Jace?"

How do I answer this question. Jace is my best friend, he has been for years. Could I really like Jace as more than just a friend?

"I don't know, Court. I guess it's possible, but I don't know."


"Jace, Mike, we're over here." I wave the guys over to the table we've claimed at the bar.

After the awkward conversation we had, Courtney and I tried to eat quickly and get to the bar early so we could get a decent table. And it's a good thing we did, this place is packed. Apparently Mike isn't the only one in town that's a Nuclear Pyro fan.

It wasn't long after Jace and Mike arrived that the band got started. Mike was absolutely right, they were really good. The band played a 30 minute set then took a break and Brandon jumped off the stage to come say hi.

"Lainie, I'm so glad you made it." He said, giving me a hug.

"I'm glad I did too, you guys are awesome. Brandon, this is my sister Courtney and my friends and co-workers, Jace and Mike."

"It's nice to meet you all, thanks for coming out." Brandon says as he shakes everyone's hands. "I'm sorry, but the bands gotta get ready for the next set. I'll come find you later Lainie." He kisses me on the cheek and runs behind the stage.

We all stay through the bands last set and just as they finish, Jace and Mike head home, leaving just Courtney and I. After all the band equipment is packed up, Brandon comes back out to join Courtney and I for a drink.

"Hey Lainie, do you mind if I take off? I'm getting kind of tired." Court asks between yawns.

"No, that's fine. Thanks for coming and for dinner." I say with a wink.

"Good night, be good Lainie. It was nice to meet you Brandon."

"Lainie, do you want to come back stage and meet the rest of the band?" Brandons asks, taking a swig from his beer bottle.


Behind the curtain of the stage is a variety of 70's and 80's looking mismatched furniture laid out in a semi-circle shape. Brandon introduces me to each of the band members and they tell me a little history about their band.

As the night wears on, each of the other band members and their groupies trickle out of the bar until it's just Brandon and I left on one of the couches.

"Thanks again for coming to the show tonight, Lainie. I was really looking forward to seeing you again after our date on Sunday."

"Me too, I had a lot of fun."

Brandon then leans into kiss me, placing one hand on my waist and the other on my cheek. It's not long before I'm separating my lips to allow his tongue entrance. Our make-up session heats up as he gently pushes me down, laying on the couch, him between my legs. His mouth continues to attack mine when I feel his hand graze my back underneath my shirt. As if my body is not my own, I push Brandon off me, jumping up from the couch.

"I'm so-sorry, Brandon. I-I really should be getting home." I stammer incoherently.

"Ok, um, here I'll walk you to your car." He stands, confused by what just happened.

"No, it's fine, you stay. I'll talk to you later." And with that I rush past the curtain, through the bar and out into the cool night air. I get into my car, take a deep breath and will my nerves to calm down so I can drive myself home. I don't know what just happened in there, but I know I need to figure it out soon.

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