Oral Fixation

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***Jace's POV***

"Thanks for coming over, Court. I know we don't really hang out much without Lainie, but I could really use your help."

"I gotta admit, I'm mostly here to feed my own curiosity. I know you and Lainie tell each other everything, so the fact that you're coming to me with something has definitely peaked my interest."

"I know you know I'm helping Lainie with her....love life."

"To be honest, I told Lainie this was a bad idea, but I do think it's sweet that you're helping her."

"Well, I've encountered a bit of a road block and I don't want to freak out Lainie."

"Why, you fall in love with her or somethin'?" She says, laughing at her own joke.

I'm silent. I can't even make eye contact with her. "I don't know that I'd use the "L" word.... "

"I told her this would happen. I told her this was a bad idea. I told her you would fall in love with her. I mean, why wouldn't you? The two of you are perfect for each other." She states matter-of-factly.

"Courtney, will you please stop it with the "love" talk. Yes, I like her more than a friend. Yes, I want to date her. Will you please help me?" I beg.

"Yes, I'll help you. First, when's the next time you and Lainie are getting together so you can "help" her?

"We haven't talked about it, but probably soon. She's gonna be seeing Brandon later this week and it sounds like, if he has his way, she's gonna need a lot of my help and fast." I say in a panic.

"Ok, you continue "helping" her as promised. I'll do some recon on my end to see if I can find out whether or not she feels the same way about you. I'll let you know what I find out. And Jace...."


"I really do like the two of you together. No matter what happens, please don't hurt my sister. She deserves to be happy".

"The last thing I want is for her to get hurt. I don't know that I could forgive myself if I did that to her."


Lainie: Jace are you home?

Jace: Yep, what's up?

Lainie: I need another "lesson". I'll be there in 30 minutes, but I have to stop for supplies.

Supplies? What the hell kind of supplies would she be bringing over for a lesson?

Knock knock knock

Lainie let's herself in and sets a shopping bag on my kitchen counter.

"Hey Lainie. So what's the plan. What's with the bag?" I ask, curiosity getting the best of me.

"Well, I've been doing some thinking since our chat with Mike. Brandon is in a band, so I'm sure he's got women throwing themselves at him all the time. I just want to be prepared for whatever might happen with him the next time we're alone."

"Ok." I reply nervously.

"I want you to teach me oral."


"You know...head, blow jobs...oral."

"Ok, I get it. So what's in the bag?"

"Well, I remember you being a little hesitant that things might get weird between us being...physical, so I thought maybe we would start with something...artificial."

"Artificial? What the hell did you buy?"

"Well obviously my first thought was a dil**. But I went to the adult bookstore and some creepy guy wouldn't leave me alone so I had to leave empty handed."

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