Ground Rules

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**Lainie's POV**

Jace and I took a few days to think about my proposition and come up with some boundaries so things don't get weird between us. I decided I needed an impartial third party to help me identify what some of these boundaries should be as well as a list of things I want to ask Jace to teach me.

"You asked Jace to what?!?" My sister looks at me like I have three heads.

As promised, I had invited Courtney for lunch, just the two of us so we could catch up. This seemed like as good of time as any to drop my Jace bomb on her.

"You know I probably wouldn't even be considering this as an option if it wasn't for you and your friends." I try to deflect her accusation.

"Whatever, Lainie. So what is it exactly you want Jace to teach you?"

"At first I was thinking just sex." I provide her a visual by making a circle with my left hand and stick my right index finger through the middle of it. Her look of disgust told me she did not appreciate my visual aids. "But then I started thinking that I could probably improve in other areas as well: seduction, oral, overall pleasure, etcetera."

"Etcetera?" My sister asks hesitantly.

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know. Jace is a guy, I was kinda hoping he would offer some other suggestions as we go."

"So what types of precautions are you going to take."

"Well we'll obviously use protection, Courtney. I'm not a total idiot."

Courtney shakes her head. "Not c*****s, bonehead! What type of precautions are you going to take to prevent either of you from developing feelings for each other?"

"This is Jace we're talking about. We've been friends for years. If either of us were going to develop feelings for one another it would have happened already." I tell her.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, Lainie. The heart does crazy things when sex is involved." She cautions. "And I know you don't think of yourself as hot, but you've got a smokin' body under all those t-shirts and hoodies you wear. Think about it. You and Jace have a ton of the same interests. You understand each others commitment to your careers. You have a great time together. You trust each other and tell each other everything. If he didn't know you and you threw on a dress and some lipstick, you'd be his dream girl."

I guess I hadn't even considered that as a possibility. In my mind, Jace was simply teaching me a skill. Emotions hadn't even factored into the equation. My sister may be right. Jace and I may need to take some extra measures to keep any potential feelings at bay.


I invited Jace to my place for breakfast on Saturday so we could establish some rules before we proceed. I find he's much more agreeable to things in the morning when he has a belly full of pancakes.

"So are you still willing to help me?" I ask nervously.

"I think so, but I have some conditions." He replies hesitantly.

"Ok, let's hear it."

"We can't talk about this with anyone at work. If any of the guys on our team find out, we'll never live it down." He states firmly.

"Agreed. What else?" I ask.

"All of our "lessons" (yes, he used air quotes) will happen at my place or yours, no where else."

"That's fair. Anything else?"

Jace thinks for a moment, "That's all I have for now. But we may need to revisit this as we go. What about you, any rules?"

"My biggest concern is communication. We've already established that this may be a little weird, especially at first. If at any point I ask you to show me something that makes you too uncomfortable, I need you to tell me. The last thing I want is for this to ruin our friendship."

"I promise, I'll be open and honest about everything." He reassures me.

I clap my hands together. "Awesome, let's get started!"

"Whoa, now?" Jace asks in shock.

"Sure, why not?"

"You want me to have sex with you right now?"

"Slow your roll, big fella. Let's ease into it. I thought we'd start with kissing. Although it wasn't an initial concern, I think it's necessary to rule everything out as a potential issue so we can prioritize our "lessons", as you call them."

"Ok, I can handle that." Jace nods in agreement.

"Alright, Teach, what do you want me to do first?"

"Well, let's see what we're working with. Let's pretend we're on a date and I lean into kiss you good night. Show me how you would kiss me back." Jace suggests.

It's then that the realization hits me that Jace and I are really doing this. We're going to kiss. And this is just the start, eventually we're going to have sex too. Up until this point it had just been we're actually doing.

Jace then takes a step toward me and reaches up to cup my cheek with one hand as he leans in. Our lips meet and all I can think is how soft his lips are. Our lips slowly dance together until I feel his tongue graze my lip and the next thing I know I'm running my tongue along his. He then pulls away and we both open our eyes.

Jace takes a step back again, "That was actually pretty good. I think we can skip a kissing lesson for now and focus our efforts elsewhere."

"Well that's a relief. What's next then?" I ask, eager to improve my skills.

We both move over to sit on the couch as Jace thinks for a moment. "Maybe before we jump into anything else too physical, afterall we did just eat, we should discuss erogenous zones."

"What zones?!?" I ask, confusion evident on my face.

"I've got my work cut out for me." He shakes his head in defeat. "E-ro-ge-nous zones. The areas on your body that, when stimulated, drive you crazy, make you super horny."

"Like my nipples?" I ask.

Jace's eyes grow to the size of saucers at my admission. "Yep, nipples are one of the more obvious areas, but there are others. The ears and neck are pretty common for most people. Sometimes it varies from person to person. Guys tend to like having their fingers sucked because it reminds them of other things being sucked. Some people have a thing for their toes or a**, it just depends on the person."

"Like this?" Being the studious pupil that I am, I lean in to see if I can find one of Jace's erogenous zones. I start by kissing the spot just below his ear as a quiet moan escapes Jace's mouth. Then I part my lips to lick the same spot. I hear Jace inhale suddenly when I move up to gently nibble on his ear lobe.

Jace then quickly pulls away from me. "Yep, just like that. I think that's enough for today. How about we play some video games and we can pick up where we left off at a later time?"


For our first "lesson", I thought it went better than I expected. Maybe I'm not so hopeless afterall.

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