The Art of Dating

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**Lainie's POV**

"Court, there are so many people here, I don't know if I can do this."

"Lainie, relax. You look amazing. All you have to do is smile and the guys will take care of the rest." Courtney reassures me.

"Maybe that's what happens when you smile, but this is me we're talking about."

"Let's just start by walking along the boardwalk. You smile and if any guy catches your eye, let me know and we'll try to get his attention."

"I can do this. We're just walking and smiling." I mumble to myself.

We continue walking for a while when Court grabs my hand to stop me. "Don't panic, but I think there's a guy checking you out."

"What? Where?" I ask, looking all around me.

"Lainie, just chill. Focus on me. I'll walk you through this."

Courtney and I stand along the Boardwalk pretending to be deep in conversation, when I notice two guys about 10 feet away from us talking and glancing over at us.

"Lainie, I just want you to look at them long enough to make eye contact, smile, and then look away."

"Ok......I did it. Did it work? Did he notice?"

"It totally worked, he's coming over here. Now take a deep breath and just talk to a normal person." Courtney instructs me. "I'm gonna walk over there like I'm getting a soda. You can do this Lainie."

Courtney leaves and I turn back toward the cute guy and smile again.

"Hey, I'm Brandon."


"Nice to meet you, Lainie. I'm not normally this forward, quite shy actually, I just knew I'd regret it if I didn't introduce myself."

"Well, I'm glad you did."

"So Lainie, could I get your phone number? Maybe we could go out sometime."

"Sure, I'd like that. Here, give me your phone, I'll put my number in there."

"Thanks. I'll call you."

Brandon rejoins his friend and Courtney makes her way back over to me. "So, how'd it go?" She asks.

"Good. I gave him my number."

"Lainie, that's great! He's cute too, nicely done."

Brandon: Hey Lainie, just making sure you gave me the right number. 🙂

"Court, he texted me, what do I say?"

"Lainie, it's a text, just say "Hi".

Lainie: Hi. Yep, this is Lainie.

Brandon: Awesome. Would you maybe like to catch a movie tomorrow?

"Court, he asked me to a movie tomorrow."

"Say, yes! Lainie, you are hopeless."

Lainie: Sure.

Brandon: Great. I'll call tomorrow and we'll work out the details.

Lainie: Sounds good.

"Can we go now, Court? I think we've proved that the makeover was effective."

"Sure, let's go. Jace is gonna flip when he hears about this."


***Jace's POV***

That's was close. I got back to Lainie's about five minutes before Lainie and Courtney did.

"So how did it go?" I ask, hoping the response is not what I'm expecting.

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