Chapter 47: the Grand Plan (UFE Perspective)

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"Subjects, Citizens, and fellow Nobles. I greet you all as your Sovereign Prince who now has safely returned from the other side of the Great Sky." Clovich formally greeted the great gathering of the public of the Principality of Tyr Rian at Arhaf Square.

Today, after a few days of extra-fortuitous delays was the day as clear as crystal and as blue as the ocean, at this hour for Clovich's formal return from his fruitful travels from Earth. The skies were bright albeit with shading of silver today thanks in part to the newly arrived Maximov Engineering Corporation shielding the Principality from the worst effects of the Ostalroc Volcano Eruption that is still going strong. In the meanwhile, today is a day of jubilation. Many people from all walks of life were encouraged to gather before him from the Noble Peers Clovich had known since he was a child, to the intrepid Merchants and Craftsmen and all the way down to the humble Peasantry, fresh from their crop harvests came to see their ruler's face once again. All classes of men were lured into this great assembly for the same interest, 'a better tomorrow' as the Heralds ballyhooed. Even several Dwarven Refugees, who had found the time after setting up their temporary housing outside of the Citadel Walls were even encouraged to attend too. Most of them had only seen great improvement with their continued friendship with the UFE, the Upper-Class having Security, Middle-Class the prospects of added Prosperity, the Lower-Class the Idea that of a better life beyond their squalid selves. All seemed too good to be true under normal circumstances, even straight-up impossible to dream after the previous events that had transpired but the 'Skypeople' continued to surprise them every turn in various shows of charity, unmatched leadership and resilience.

"Today on the 17th day of the Fruitful Moon. I declare the commencement of the first-ever New Ysanigrad Congress!" Prince Clovich answered.

"A Congress? You mean like the Senedd in Haringpoint?" One of the attending Nobles questioned.

"Indeed." The Prince nodded.

"But let me say this right now so that I may show you that I am still one with those of my Kin. My fellow people! I share your pain through these tough times as I also share the burden of rebuilding the Realm back to its former glory. As you have seen many innocent lives were lost in both Tyr Rian and New Albany, many families were vanquished or torn apart, many parents have to bury their children and many children are forced to live a sad life without the warmth and embrace of their mothers and fathers." He continued, his voice sinking solemnly to share in his lamentations of those perished.

"The culprit of all these tragedies was none other than our Liege Lord, whom we swore fealty to served for centuries, the Slaegians Empire and their Elven Allies the Ethuilen Entente! For as long as I live I will not stop until justice has been served to all who dared ordered the warrant of our attempted destruction. My dear friends, subjects and guests. I dare say that what I saw beyond made me realized that, and although I may be hung for treason, that the Slaegian Empire, has grown fat and mired in its decadence and indolence to what Heaven aspired Gliesia to be." Clovich raised his voice and denounced.

The united uproar stirred among the crowds as they were still filled with confusion, shock, and deep rage over the previous events that seemed to cycle pass them like a raging storm. Many people questions that why the Emperor and the Elves could do such horrific things to the people of this (now-once) loyal vassal? And for what reason?

"The purpose for them to commit such cowardly acts on our realm and to induce untold numbers of suffering on our people is because of the utter nonsense come from the stupid mouth of the so-called 'Grandmaster of the College' when he casted a untested spell known as Clairvoyance that dictated that our great benefactor, the UFE were Demons who came to devour this world and corrupt and consume the souls of all living beings in it. However, does the UFE ever act like demons to us? Do they try to devour our souls or raze the Principality to ground like the demons of the old?" He urged the crowd to answer for him.

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