Chapter 48: the Grand Plan (Slaegian Empire Perspective)

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The streets of Haringpoint, the cosmopolitan capital of the Empire, the beating heart of Ysanigrad lay contrastively dormant today as a contingent of Faithleann's Imperial Crusade, alongside a caravan of mixed Dwarven and Human refugees that included Mogul Dolmond's entourage from the Eastern Provinces arrived at the Imperial Capital on a gloomy afternoon. The complete evacuation of the Slaegian Empire's Eastern Provinces had now reached the capital herself. Towns, villages were abandoned totally as the Ostalrocii Volcano devoured all in its path. Even Mountassone, the Empire's Arsenal lay 60 feet under an avalanche of ashen earth whilst the surrounding lands, contributing about a third of the Empire's arable land lay buried. Consequently, the Eruption came at the worst possible time to strike, the pre-Autumn Harvest, predicted by the Imperial Senate to be the greatest of harvests thanks in part to Emperor Uldin's Irrigation Expansion. Many died during the journey westward mostly from starvation and the ashes choking the weakened and the young to death in an apocalyptic account of the hundred thousand. To many of them, it seems like the foretold prophecy of Geltagar's Comet was to upturn the Empire from its rightful place among Gliesia's soil and Cipag, God of the Forge was to unleash his wrath.

Dubbed 'the Great Ashening' by the heralds, this event is marked with great hardship and tragedy that shook the great balance of the Empire.

The Chosen One's arrival was initially cold, but as news broke out of his return the streets of Haringpoint resuscitated to life once again to greet the Chosen Hero of the Sacred Crystal Heart. There was a mix of hope and despair that painted the scene, from prayerful praises of salvation towards Faithleann's return to questioning inquiries about what had just happened to cause such disturbance as many people were now reeling to the effects of the Ostalrocii's Eruption. The Citizenry avoided going outside except when they need to buy food and water. The refugees were given healing and warm porridge and blanket to shield themselves from the waking cold by charitable citizenry of the Capital to ease their hard journey. The ash cloud had turned the warmly awaited harvest season into a food crisis. Grain, Fruit and Vegetable harvests were buried, choked and ruined beyond repair by the Ash Cloud's wake causing the people of the Empire near and far to ration dried cuts of salted morsels. This resulted in the said cold reception Faithleann disappointingly received as noticed by the pale and gaunty eyes that the denizens of Haringpoint can attest to the returning Crusaders.

Overall a depressing scene for every one of the Crusaders upon their return compared to when they had left.

"You have arrived." Karliah nodded to Faithleann's retinue.

"Where is the Emperor and the Grandmaster? Are they all right?" Faithleann asked.

"They are taking refuge by the Grand Cathedral. In fact, the Emperor refused to leave the Adoration Chapel's cloister for days." Karliah mentioned. "Owyne has been acting with the Prime Minister to address the food shortages but right now thigs are dire." The College mage added.

"We must seek an audience with both of them at once!" Faithleann demanded.

The Crusader leaders galloped to the streets of Haringpoint towards the Grand Cathedral, now turned into a fortress with guards and sentries patrolling the holy building much to the fretfulness of the Cathederal's clergy and caretakers. After announcing their arrival to Uldin's majordomo, the senior leadership of Faithleann's retinue and Mogul Dolmond stand in audience with Emperor Uldin's Court. Grandmaster Owyne.

"How are we going to explain everything to the Emperor?" Faithleann asked.

"I will explain everything he needs to know. Karliah and Olayra should set their focus on investigating more of the Prophecy with the Grandmaster." Mogul Dolmond answered.

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