What A Crazy Dentist!!!

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At the dentist's office....

Theresa: *reading a magazine*

Dr. Harris: *sees Theresa wearing red Converse low tops* No!!! This will not do!!! I have to pull your teeth! *grabs Theresa by her arm*

Theresa: Dude, what the heck?! Let me go! *trying to pull back*

Dr. Harris: In all my life of being a dentist, I have seen someone wear Converse! I have to pull your teeth, because of it! Sit in this chair here!

Theresa: No! I was just waiting for my daughter to be done. She's getting her teeth cleaned.

Dr. Harris: Sit down, I say! I have no anesthesia, or novacane! So, this will hurt!

Dental Assistant: *gets a needle*

Dr. Harris: *laughing maniacally* I had to pull some girl's teeth last week, for wearing Converse!!! Now, you will go through the same fate!

Theresa: You need to get some help!

Dr. Harris: I went to dental school, and got a degree! I know exactly what I'm doing! Hold still, while I pull those teeth! This is gonna hurt, now! *laughing maniacally as he get Theresa to open her mouth and start pulling some teeth*

Dental Assistant: *injects Dr. Harris with the needle*

Dr. Harris: *collapses to the floor and falls asleep*

Dental Assistant: Get on out of here, Ma'am! That dentist is a quack!!! He shouldn't be a dentist in the first place! Pulling someone's teeth, all because of Converse?! He's a sick man!

Theresa: He is! I was waiting for my daughter.

Dental Assistant: She's waiting for you in the waiting room. She has no cavities!

Theresa: Great! *leaves with her daughter to go to Pizza Hut*

Dental Assistant: Now, what to do with this quack?

Dr. Harris: *still out like a light*

This story was written on Tuesday, September 22nd, 2020.

A/N Dr. Harris is a quack! He needs to have his license revoked! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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