Let Him Cover His Ears

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Me: *hears a man cough and covers my ears*

Benjamin: Why are you covering your ears?

Me: *still covering my ears and doesn't answer Benjamin*

Benjamin: I'm talking to you! Why are you covering your ears!

linda0244: Dude, leave him alone!

Me: Benjamin, I have autism!

Benjamin: So? Did you cover your ears, because that man coughed?

Me: Yes.

Benjamin: That's no reason to cover your ears! Grow up! People cough when they are sick! With Flu Season upon us, that's something you'll have to contend with!

linda0244: Just leave Will alone! Let him cover his ears as he pleases! He just doesn't like it when people cough, and that's okay!

Benjamin: Whatever!

This story was written on Sunday, October 4th, 2020.

A/N I have autism, so I cover my ears from time to time! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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