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With her not speaking to Tor, for the first time in a longtime she had to go shopping with the twins. Who made her task all the more difficult as they kept biting her groceries or throwing them out of the cart. She had to place them in the cart because the shopping trolley seat in her local grocer was equipped for one child.

'' Tafari and Sadie stop it!''

'' I guess they don't like everything they're throwing out...''

A man walked up to her flashing his pearly whites while looking at the two in her cart.

''_wait I know you.''

''I don't think we've met before mister.''

'' No we haven't officially met but I've seen you before."

" Seen me?"

" Yeah_ I'm not stalking you or anything but you own the store across the road from my men's clothing store, Tailored men.''

The brown skin handsome stranger said holding out his hand for her to shake. After corona a lot of people were hesitant to shake hands and he noticed this, so he pulled out his sanitizer and offered some to her before she gladly took her hand.

'' I love your face masks. My bo_ I mean a former friend of mine gave me a few.''

'' I'm glad you found something for yourself in my products. Would you mind if I helped you out with one of them while you continue_ unless you're done.''

'' If it's not any trouble."

" Not at all."

" Thank you. I appreciate it because at this rate I was never getting anything done.''

'' My name is Eze by the way.''

'' Amara.''

Not another King Amara thought since Tor's name also fell under that category. In her lifetime she had dated two Kings and both of those relationships were troublesome. Hopefully he was just helping her and had no ulterior motives. He took Sadie while Tafari wouldn't stop watching the man who took his sister. Sadie on the other hand did not care, she seemed to love being in Eze's thick arms.

'' Not to sound like I'm stalking you but I have noticed these past two days that someone else has been opening up the shop?"

'' Yeah, that's my assistant. I've been feeling a bit under the weather lately and haven't been to work.''

'' Feeling better now?"

" Kind of."

" So where do you come from Amara?"

They continued to converse till she was done. Throughout her phone kept vibrating in her pocket and she ignored after checking the first three times only to find it was Tor calling.

'' I know you probably have a man waiting for you at home but can I have your numbers?"

" I'm sorry-"

"I just want to be friends.''

How many times have I heard that line before, she thought but still continued to give him her numbers because she had no man waiting for her at home and she was not going to let what happened with Tor prevent her from moving on in life. He helped her put her groceries in her car then buckle up the kids and waited for her to drive off.

'' Where have you been? I've been calling you for the past two hours."

'' I didn't ask you to call."

'' Why does my daughter smell like another man!?''

The twins ran into his arms as soon as she parked her car.

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