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Dear Diary

I missed this feeling.

Pure happiness and overwhelming fatigue. Feeling constantly full and drained, bursting with energy and forgetting what sleep is all at the same time. And I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm literally living my childhood dream, as my childhood. Working with incredible actors, on huge movies with your best friends and getting to live in a world of magic and fantasy. It all sounds too good to be true. But in fact, it's more real than ever.

Being cast in Harry Potter is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Ever. And getting to play such a strong, secure and honest girl like Flo, it doesn't get better than that.

My character Flora Finch, is part of the golden four, alongside Harry, Ron and Hermione. She's confident, contagiously kind and doesn't mind taking a risk, especially if mischief is involved. She's a cousin of the Weasley's, potions extraordinaire and has an odd curiosity with Draco Malfoy. Tom plays Draco and we both think they're gonna make us get together in the end, our characters that is. Who knows, we still have 5 movies ahead of us.

We are now two weeks into filming the fourth film, yet this is the first time I've journaled about it. Typical, I can never keep up with this. However, it's been amazing being back, Emma practically cried when she saw me. I love all living in the Manor House together and I even don't mind school lessons when it's with the cast. Last year, Alan gave us a sort of parody science lesson in his lunch break and I swear I have never cried so much from laughing.

Anyways back to the point. Back to today. I arrived at 7 as usual, sharing a car ride in with Dan and Rupert. They both managed to fall asleep in the 15 minute car journey, but then that's not out of the ordinary. I went to hair and make up as soon as I got in. Tom was already in there, he gave my hand a half asleep kiss as I sat down. I think I've missed him the most, thought that's something I shall very much keep to myself. He's such such a good pal, we share basically everything with each other. We have some pretty cool scenes together this movie, so we're both super excited about that.

We both had our hair straightened as usual, mine being brown and shoulder length and flicked in and the bottom and Toms of course, bright blonde. Which he hates by the way. I think it suits him. Then make up and costumes and we were ready to go. We had big group scenes today, with the names being selected from the goblet of fire, so I was prepared for lots of standing about and messing around.

You have to keep yourself entertained on a film set. For instance, today James and Oliver instigated a rather adult version of eye spy, which kept us happy for 3 or 4 hours. It doesn't sound like much but honestly, hilarious.

I was pretty pleased with how I did today with my lines. It was interesting to work out how I think Flo would react to Harry's name coming out the goblet, if she'd believe him and everything like that. But I kept it true to her, loyal, straight forward and comforting whist still showing her concern. Well hopefully that came across. We will have to wait and see in the film.

School lessons were ok. Emma helped with my French cause I am HOPELESS. But so's Rupert, so we usually just piss about for the hour. The boys hair is honestly hilarious at the moment, I swear it's almost as long as mine.

We finished a bit earlier today, around 4ish, so we all decided to get dressed up and go for Dinner. When I say dressed up I mean the boys put a shirt on and me and Em had slightly nicer tops on than normal. I think we scrubbed up well though. Tom had this vintage black and grey shirt and a huge denim jacket which was so cool, he's said I can borrow it whenever. Legend, aw I love him. Well not love but like, you know. Not that he isn't gorgeous cause like fair play I mean, could be worse but what I'm saying is... it would be weird and... I mean I don't...

Stopping before the hole gets bigger. Now tucked up in bed, tired and happy. Tomorrow we have dance rehearsals, so I better get some rest. It's going to be hilarious.


Diary of a girl filming Harry Potter Where stories live. Discover now