Dance day and the dream

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Dear Diary

I swear if I have that dream one more time...

It's becoming ridiculous and really freaking me out, so I've heard I should write it out, then it might stop reoccurring. So here we go.

It's dark, the middle of the night and everything is quiet, except for the occasional crackle from the fire. Tom and I are sat alone and laughing, talking about something. We lock eyes and it feels like the fire has jumped inside me and is flowing around my whole body. He gives me a look that I've never seen before. We seem to stare at each other for an eternity, in a blissful daydream. And then he starts to come closer and there's a hand on the back of my head and I'm closing my eyes and I feel his breath and suddenly our lips meet and...

I wake up. Usually horrified and feeling almost guilty. I can't be dreaming like this it's embarrassing, I would die if Tom found out. Anyways hopefully now it's down on paper it's out of my head and I can put it behind me. I've had enough of my brain messing me about.

So now that's over with, I can move on to today. We were back in the great hall set, filming Flo and Draco's first dance scene and can I just say, it was the MOST fun. By around 10am we were in make up and costume, the extras and cast were in position, lights and camera were all set and Tom and I were as ready as we could be. Bless Tom, I could tell he was so nervous about the dancing. He'd been given lots of extra lesson, as he's meant to come across as an amazing dancer in the film and honestly he's come on so much.

The first shots we filmed were close ups. They wanted to see the moment the music starts and our characters have to properly be close and touch each other for the first time. As I hadn't seen Tom yet that morning, we had agreed to stay in character all day, so I did feel some tension between us. But that definitely helped with the scene. And I suppose I slightly thought  about the dream... you know but just to get into character and maybe feel what Flo's feeling... ugh I don't know. Anyways.

The scene ran like this...

McGonagall has asked for music and we can hear a waltz begin. Flo and Draco stand about a meter apart. Draco stands, almost petrified to the spot, not looking down but not looking at Flo either. We see Flo take a sharp breath and take two confident steps towards Malfoy. This is the closest they have ever been, and the tension is obvious.

"Come on then" Flo says under her breath.

Draco stares at her, making eye contact for the first time. He doesn't move.

"Hold my... just take my... ugh for f..." Flo grabs his hand and places it firmly on her waist.

"You just keep that hand nice and high okay?"

Draco seems to break from his trance and raises an eyebrow at this, whilst gently slipping his hand into Flo's free one he replies "Don't flatter yourself Finch, I'm finding this as hellish as you are".

The seem to smirk at each other slightly before pulling up into a proper waltz position. McGonagall was right. Both Flo and Draco had spent their childhood being dragged from one fancy event to the other, as they both came from wealthy family's, and though they may have loathed it, the waltz was something they could both do. Very well.

Draco wrapped his hand further round Flo's back and pulled her in close, whispering "If she's putting us on display, we better give them something to bloody talk about. Agreed?".

Flo nodded. She wasn't about to embarrass herself. Even if it meant working with Malfoy. For the first time. Ever...

They began a graceful, yet complex waltz around the room. Flo had to hold back her desire to lead and let Draco take over, but he didn't disappoint. He span her round and lifted her delicately and for a split second, a smile flashed across Flo's face, but was quickly removed. They continued on for a few minutes, the onlookers faces in shock and almost awe. After a dramatic dip, Draco pulled Flo back up and they stopped, faces almost touching and both slightly out of breath. This moment seems to last a few seconds, before we here applause and McGonagalls shrill compliments cut through the trance like moment. They both slightly shuffle back, but remain looking at each other.

Annnnnd scene.

I mean it was so so soooooo much fun. Dancing  with Tom was amazing. The lessons really had worked because he felt and danced like a complete natural. I have to say though, after what was probably 6 hours of dancing shots, we were both absolutely exhausted. We collapsed into each other's arms when they finally called cut. I told him how fab he was and he returned the compliment.

The cast and crew were so encouraging, saying that it was such an intense moment, right before they started and finished dancing. I'm hoping it came across well on camera, but Mike  assured me it did.

So I've made it to Friday. It's been my favourite week of filming so far. I had a lonnnnnnng bath when I came in and proceed to fall asleep on Dan's lap, with my legs on Em, as we all had a bit of a movie night. I adore these people, they're such good humans. I'll never take this for granted that's for sure.

So back in bed, tired as usual and blissfully happy. I can hear Matt snoring, bless him. Let's see if I can get some sleep...


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