Would you rather?

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Dear Diary

You join me on a Friday night, in a beautiful old Manor House, sitting crossed legged and wrapped in a blanket in front of a dying fire. It's 3am and despite a very long and tiring day, I can't sleep. I've been trying for a good few hours now, but it's no use. So I've decided to use my time wisely and update things in here, with the hope that by the time I've finished writing, I'll be much sleepier.

It was an early start this morning, earlier than usual, which is saying something. At 6am I found myself in the make up chair, half asleep along side Em, Ru, Dan, Bonnie, James and Olly. It was very hushed as some of the boys were definitely fully asleep, and even as we made our way on to set an hour later, they still didn't look quite with it.

I should mention, we were in so early today, as hundreds of extras were joining us, as we began to film some big World Cup scenes. It's always really exiting doing these types of scenes, as all those of people acting at once, helps create an atmosphere that feels so real. Like we are actually wizards and witches. It's really magical.

It was mainly improv, walking around and interaction shots that had to be filmed. The set was amazing, so much detail and lots of beautiful things to look at. The most exciting was the tent, with its rustic Weasley feel to it. I can't wait to do our scenes in there next week. The day did drag on a bit, there's lots of waiting about on a film set, but when you're working with your best pals, it's really not that bad.

We played a few games to entertain ourselves, never have I ever, truth or dare, that sort of thing. Things got interesting in would you rather though...

I asked Bonnie "Would you rather kiss Dan or Ru?"

Almost instantly she blurted "Dan" going a slight red colour in the process.

We all, obviously, had a good giggle at this, to which she replied "come on, Ru actually feels like a brother to me, to Ginny you know, it would just be far too weird".

"Yeah yeah... of course" James teased her, so she taunted back...

"Okay then James, Would you rather kiss Em or..." and she pointed at me.

"Easy" James replied marching over to me and putting his arm round my shoulders. I'm glad that's what he did, cause for a split second I actually thought he was walking over to kiss me. Anyways, he went on, referring to me... "I'm 19 right, and your 17 which, you know is still too young, but Ems 16 which is even younger so.., easy decision"

We all laughed.

"Trust you to come up with a perfectly logical answer like that" Dan had said.

"I'm yet to see you look remotely embarrassed" Em laughed.

The game went on like this throughout the day, going a little bit too far here and there, but we were all still friends at the end of it, so I'd call it a success. We are all so much more relaxed, now we are a bit older, about love and relationships and stuff. Even kissing, I think cause we are actors, is not a big deal. Well, it is for me, but lots of the others are pretty... liberal in that way.

The boys have lots planned for this weekend, so we didn't go out this evening. The weather wasn't good anyways, so it's not like we were missing out on anything. I spent some of my evening singing in front of the fire with Tom, taking request from people in the room and making funny songs up. Later, I had a cuppa with Rob, where we chatted about our childhoods and growing up and things like that, being interrupted here and there by different people. Robs really popular in the group, the girls all fancy him. Except me, not that he isn't lovely, but I'm use to working with good looking guys, so the thought never even crossed my mind. I think that's why I'm one of his best friends here, definitely out of the girls anyways, cause he knows the vibe between us, and I think he appreciates it.

I went up to my room for a bit, where I called my family and tidied up a bit, and by the time I returned to the cosy lounge, the would you rather game from earlier, was back in full swing. This time however, everyone was involved, and there was lots of laughter going on. I heard some very interesting things said, as I made myself a drink and looked round for somewhere or sit. Tom waved me over to his arm chair, which he had stood up to give me, but I ushered him back down and perched on the arm of it instead. Surprisingly, it wasn't comfortable at all, so after barely two minutes, Tom giggled at me as sunk down to the floor and shuffled back to sit between his legs.

Some of the questions, dares and challenges that went on that night were ruthless, and I was thoroughly enjoying avoiding them all. James had brought out a bottle of vodka, with the rules being if you aren't prepared to answer the question, you have to do a shot.

Out of nowhere, Olly suggested it was my turn and with a glint in his eye that told me he had been wanting to ask me this all evening, he asked "Would you rather... snog Rob orrrrrr... Tom?"

Excited shouts and laughter echoed around the room as all three mentioned parties turned red. I looked around, probably looking like a lost child, as I searched for an answer. Rob was looking at me laughing, while Tom just smiled down as if to say "you can say Rob, I won't mind". Bless him. Never the less, I knew there was not one answer that would end well for me, either the rumours would start back up with Tom or me and Robs chill I don't fancy you vibe, would undoubtedly be gone. That's why I reached for the vodka bottle, and drank. Olly definitely knew that was my only option, as he winked at me straight after.

Rob gave me this sort of "touché" raise of a glass look, that still seems weird to me. Something about it, was almost.., disappointed? Ugh I don't know. My brains getting verrrry foggy now. I'm proper tired. But that's actually brilliant, as it's drawing closer to 3:30 am and the fire is almost completely dead. It's just slightly glowing now.

Perfect timing for me to go up to bed I reckon, fingers crossed I can get to sleep. I can't complain really, it's not like I've got an early start tomorrow. Nooo I will definitely be having a lie in. Best be off...


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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