Sunday Spa and singsong

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Dear diary

I spent the whole day, lounging about in the fanciest spa I've ever seen and it was amazing. Not to mention very much needed. I'm not a big money spender at all, so I treated myself and booked all sorts of treatments. We even persuaded the boys to get a facial...

So basically seven of us went, me, Matt, Bonnie, Emma, James, Tom and Ollie, to this gorgeous hotel, where we had booked the whole spa, for the whole day. It was so luxurious, we honestly felt like celebrities. Like I mean I know we are, but proper celebs not teenage ones. There were even hot tubs in the changing rooms I mean???? That's just mental to me.

Emma and Bonnie were in one pieces but I only had a bikini, so was a little self conscious. Just you know, like your guy friends seeing you half naked is kind of weird. But I looked great so I don't know why I was even worried. When I came out from the dressing rooms, the boys were already in the pool, so I did the natural thing and cannonballed in to join them. That's the blessing of having the place to ourselves. No one to complain.

The girls joined us and we all explored the various saunas and steam rooms, had a few treatments done and properly chilled out. After a while I didn't worry about the whole being half naked thing, the boys were all topless so we are all in the same boat. And... ah I shouldn't write this. Hmm... right it's fine no one is ever going to read this, that's the beauty of a diary. Basically Tom looked good. Like really good AHHHHHHH can't believe I just said that. That's gross I've got to stop.


Basically I was just impressed that's all. He doesn't ever really go topless in the house and I mean I don't know why not. He's got nothing to be shy of. He's a good looking guy and my best friend. Emphasis on the word friend. I need to chill out about all this. It's confusing when you're playing characters like we are, your feelings get mixed up and confused. Not that I have feelings for him. Cause I don't.

Though... I did see him looking at me, more than once. I caught his eye at one point and he went bright red ahahahhh poor boy. But to be honest, all the boys were having looks at the girls and me, you can't blame them I suppose. Gosh I'm getting cocky, Flo's vibe must be really rubbing off on me. I apologise...

But it was such a lush day. I had some one on one chats with the boys, which I don't always get and it was so nice. Matt is literally the sweetest human I've ever met. He's so caring and sincere. I'd love to try and set him up with someone at some point, but there's really no one I know who I think deserves him ahahaha. He was asking me what I was thinking of doing for my birthday and I honestly have no clue yet. Maybe a party? I'll have to come up with something good...

We got back to the house just in time for dinner. We were all so sleepy after our day of luxury that we didn't have the energy to do much that evening. James gave me the best head massage of my life, whist humming along to the same song over and over. Ahhh he's hilarious, I love him.

Tom was playing his guitar as usual and people were singing along with him. The evening kind of turned into a campfire sing song. Without the fire that is. I've obviously released music in the past, and I'm planning on doing it after this film, but it had been ages since I had sang. So when everyone demanded we do a duet, not gonna lie I slightly freaked. They were all like... 

"Come on guys"

"I'm not going to bed till you do"

"I'll make you a cuppa in return"

"Please it's been ages since you've sang together"

And they weren't wrong, we hadn't properly sang a duet in... must of been over a year. Which is insane. Tom gave me a slight look of "pleaaaaasse", so I gave a big overly dramatic sigh, and plodded up to the window seat to join him. Before I could even ask what we should sing, he started to play.

And classic Tom, it was one of my favourite songs. If I ain't got you. I gave a slight eye roll and shook my head as everyone else cheered. He started singing the verse and I waited until the chorus to join in. Wow it was magical, I've missed singing together so much. We laughed the whole way through and everyone had joined in with the song by the end of it.

Tom took my hand and made us stand up and bow to everyone, which was greeted by applause and laughter. But mainly laughter. Emma even brought me a cup of tea, "as promised" she said.

What an icon.

So that's me in bed, surprisingly early. I've got tons of exciting things this week, so I want to make sure I'm super prepared. What a fab weekend though, I'm so lucky to be around all these amazing people. And the singsong with Tom tonight, it honestly was like nothing I'd ever... you know it was emotional in a weird way but not like...

Ugh I don't know what I'm trying to say. But I can feel it so I'll just hold on to that until I work it out. I didn't dream last night, I wonder if tonight will be the same. Only one way to find out... fighhhhht. No I'm kidding.


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