JUST a friend

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Dear Diary

Ehhhhh so I had a weird dream. Like really weird. I don't even want to write it down cause then it makes it more real than it already is.., ugh let's get it over with. Me and Tom kissed. In my dream that is. I mean it's ridiculous and is obviously all stemming from the fake date situation yesterday, but yeah, sooooo weird. I told Em and she was buzzing about it. Weirdo. I've discovered there is this running joke between a few of the cast where like they think me and Tom are secretly in love, which we obviously aren't. But everyone teases Dan and Katie and Emma and Rupert in the same way, so i guess it's not that big a deal. But yeah, now that I've got that out of the way...

I had a costume fitting for my Yule Ball dress today, which is SO exciting. They were just fitting me in canvas to get the shape right, so it was completely plain, but wow I love it. It's almost like a corset top that is scarily tight, don't know how I'll manage to dance let alone breathe in it, and then a huge skirt. I can't wait to see the real thing. Emma was in trying a first draft of hers on and it's beautiful. Pink and purple and frilly and just so so cute.

So after that, we were given the scripts for the World Cup scenes, which is going to be epic. We get to do stunts as we use a port key and huge scenes with tons of extras. I also have to flirt with a new guy coming in to play Cedric, his names Rob. It's not a relationship or anything, Flo is just like that. Very confident, flirty, whitty and loves to wind people up. But yeah, I can't wait to meet the new people coming in.

We filmed a scene after lunch, where I was helping Dan with the dancing. We filmed in a few locations, to show our characters practicing throughout the week, one in the courtyard, another in the common room, in the great hall etc. This was hilarious because I actually was having to teach Dan, so there was very little acting involved. Bless him, he's not a natural. So our afternoon mainly consisted of my toes getting stepped on, and Dan continually apologising. I love these sort of scenes though. There's no script, just a bit of direction and we improv the whole thing. It's so easy when it's people like Dan, cause we've been working together like this for years, so we always seem to basically know what the other character will say and react and things like that.

Back at the Manor House, I chilled in my room for ages, then was ambushed by Rupert, Oliver and Bonnie who dragged me downstairs to play cards with them. They were still teasing me about the fake date and asking me all these weirrrd questions about Tom, that I'm not even going to bother writing down. It's times like these where I wish I were Flo and could come up with some brilliant come back and turn the joke on them. But alas, I just blushed and floundered about awkwardly. Matters were made worse when Tom came in from work and asked if I wanted to go up to his room and look at our future scenes. We were treated to wolf whistles and cheeky comments as we left the room to go upstairs.

I haven't been in Toms room much, but it's completely opposite to what Draco would have. It's very colourful, filled with photos and guitars and books. We had been given some dialogue of a conversation Draco and Flo would have during the ball, where they would confide in each other and have a brief moment of... well something... and then things would go back to the icy way they always have been. We ran over the lines and talked about the scene. They both come from wealthy family's and are only children, with there parents often being busy for them. I think we can push into that storyline and their relationship as things go on. But it was so nice being on my own with Tom, I can't remember the last time we were. I mean except from the date yesterday but we were our characters so it doesn't count. He really is my best friend, not like a brother just like, ugh I don't know.

Some of the lads came in after a while with pizza they had ordered and we all went downstairs to hang out again. We've started a mario cart tournament and not to big myself up but I'm pretty good. Currently in third place, under Alf and James, thank you very much. I fell asleep on the couch and woke up as Rupert was carrying me upstairs to bed. I gave him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you. I love that boy, as a brother of course.

So I've written this very much half asleep and it's now almost 1am so I'm pretty much going to be knackered tomorrow. Classic me. Sorry for my rambling.


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