The big scene

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Dear Diary

Tom Felton is an absolute legend. I mean the most fun to work with and I honestly perform my best opposite him. The scenes today were just so good ahhhhh... you can't explain this feeling. Nothing compares to acting. I'm truly obsessed.

We were back in the great hall all day, filming more of Maggie and Rupert and then me and Tom. In the make up trailer, we were running our lines and ad-libbing little bits so we felt really prepared. I'm so glad he's as dedicated and as organised as he is, it really helps me not stress. We then went for a little walk around the grounds on set, to sort of clear our heads. It was a really big day for us both and I think he was feeling the pressure as much as me. So we strolled around, with a cup of tea to keep us from freezing. At one point, I said something like...

"I'm really glad it's you"


"That I get to do all these scenes with, and have such a cool storyline with. Like I'm super happy it's us two".

"Awwww come here darling" he said slightly teasing me. He pulled me in for a big hug. He could defo tell how nervous I was and a hug was absolutely what I needed. Grabbing my hands and holding them to his chest he went on...

"Just enjoy today, you're gonna smash it regardless, so you might as well have fun while you do. It's just me and you, don't worry about everyone else, just focus on Draco and Flo".

Typical Tom. Literally always saying the right thing. I gave him another big squeeze before he said "you ready" and we walked back to set.

There were lots of extras about, often saying hi and trying to have conversations with me. Usually I'm so up for that, but was a bit hopeless today. I'll let myself off the hook though, seeing as I was running lines in my head and a bit preoccupied. After about two hours of background stuff, they set things up ready for our scenes. I was super ready and in the zone now. Tom gave me a wink, as a sort of we've got this and he was right. This sort of scene was right up our street. So after a few more tech checks, we started to film. The overview of the scene went like this...

McGonagall and Ron are waltzing around the room. Little sniggers can be heard and we see Draco whispering things to his friends, who in return are laughing, and not very subtly. We see Flo spot this and glaring over snarls back at Malfoy...

"Something you'd like the share with the class blondie"

Draco, not unfamiliar or pleased with this nickname from Flo scowls back, smirks and says...

"Oh I would, but I doubt your tiny, pathetic mind would understand"

"That's funny, I seemed to remember I'm still ahead of you in... hmmm let me think... all of our classes"

Draco, unable to contain himself, whisper shouts as loud as he can "You filthy Gryffindor, never know when to shut your stupid mouth. You're almost as bad as that mudblood friend of yours, Granger"

"...And she's ahead of everyone in every class..." Flo continues on, using everything she can to further wind Draco up.

Meanwhile, Ron trips up and is scolded by McGonagall as they continue to dance. Malfoy, with a look of grim delight on his face, growls over to Flo...

"And that Weasel cousin of yours is currently bringing more shame to your family than you do... which I mean is impossible right?"

He'd found Flo's sore point. She stood to her feet, still composed but clearly boiling up inside and not whispering now but almost shouting says...

"I'd love to see you try and last five minutes on a dance floor without embarrassing yourself to death, but that might require someone to actually dance with you and there's more chance of me becoming your step mother than you getting a date..."

"Enough!" snapped McGonagall.

Everyone was staring at Flo, who even though had been shocked by the sudden attention drawn to her, remained pocker faced and composed. Draco on the other hand, had stood up in protest of Flo's final comments and was red faced and breathing heavily.

"Ah lovely just what we needed, two volunteers" McGonagall said jauntily.

Both Flo and Draco stared at her in pure shock, Draco stammering out a "what?"

"You heard me, Ronald has done quite enough, down you both come. Now."

After a good few seconds and another harsh summoning from McGonagall, both Flo and Draco slowly made there way to the centre of the room, eyes firmly fixed on the floor.

"Now, I happen to know you have both had your fair share of balls to attend growing up, so I expect a high level of dance from the both of you. The quicker you impress me, the quicker this is over. I shall leave it to you to decide how long this takes"

Flo's eyes met Draco's as they looked up. Both still clearly loathing each other, they seemed to be in agreement with how this were going to proceed. Giving a deep sigh and slightly shaking herself off, Flo said...

"Right, let's get this over with. What are you wanting Professor"

"Just a classic waltz miss Finch, something which you are more than capable off"

"Yeah well, I know I can handle it, but I can't say I have high hopes for Mr Malfoy"

"Huh, I've been to Balls with the minister of magic you filthy little..."

"Thank you that's quite enough Draco. Both of you pull yourselves together now, music please..."

Annnnnnnd cut. Scene over. We had a big round of applause from the cast and crew after the few ours of filming came to a close. We didn't make it to the dancing today, so that will have to wait till tomorrow.

But I mean, that was one of my favourite bits of filming I've ever done. We filmed it as the script read a good few times, before we went off improving and ad-libbing. We did lots of shots of us reacting to each other, glaring over at each other and everything in between. The director was so kind and so happy with how it went. He was super encouraging, which meant a lot.

Me and Tom gave each other a big squeeze and spent the rest of evening practicing our routine for tomorrow and chatting through every detail of today's scenes. He's actually just left my room to go to bed, we've been in here for ages.

But as usual it's become too late and I still insist on writing in this thing. I'll thank myself for it in the future I'm sure. To some up the day, acting opposite your best friend is amazing, playing a sassy character is the most fun and I really need to go to bed earlier. So without further a due...


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