Four in the bed

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Dear Diary

Typical me I forgot to write in here yesterday, but I pretty much did an all nighter and it was a full on day, so I'm letting myself off the hook. So instead I shall recap the whole weekend, and there's quite a lot to get through.

I had the best lie in, that was until Dan and Emma decided to wake me up. They came in blasting Scottish Ceilidh music and proceeded to jump on my bed till I fell out. I mean I'm Scottish, so I understand the music reference, but that's the only part that makes sense from the whole thing. I think they felt bad, I was half asleep and absolutely terrified at first, so they promised me pancakes as soon as I got downstairs.

So after properly waking up and bumbling downstairs in my very oversized hoodie, I was greeted by almost everyone, huddled round a pan, waiting their turn to toss a pancake. By everyone I mean the main youth cast of the film, so that's me, Dan, Emma, Rupert, Tom, Oliver, James, Matt, Bonnie, Katie, Alf, Devon, Josh and Jamie. That's the house this year anyways. Basically everyone else travels in every day, but we stay all together and I love it.
They are all like family, extra siblings and we've grown up together and will continue to do so for a good few more years.

We have a few spare rooms in the house for when guest stars come to film, we have three coming soon, and a house keeper to make sure we don't set the place on fire, but otherwise it's just us. I slumped down on the couch and had a hilarious time watching everyone have their attempts with the pancakes. Most were successful, Devons did end up on the wall and James's pancake almost hit me, but there wasn't too much damage made. Emma, of course, presented me with the most perfect breakfast I've had since being back, which I definitely needed.

We all just kind of lay about, chatting and joking for most of the morning. Me and Alf being the massive foodies that we are, spent most of our time decided where we wanted to go out and eat that day. Our top options were Italian, a world buffet or (my favourite) Wagamama's. After asking everyone, we put it to a vote and the world buffet won. So with that, me and the girls had to practically carry the boys upstairs to get ready so we could go out.

I love going into London. I mean I just love dressing up a bit, doing a full face and getting to go somewhere exciting. The lads tease me for over dressing but I can't help it. When you wear a school uniform everyday, even if it is a hogwarts uniform, you crave literally anything else. When I got downstairs again Tom was the only one ready. He really liked my leather jacket so I let him try it on, I swear he suited it better, but he didn't agree. He was telling me all about the vintage place we should visit in town when everyone else decided to join. James kept winking over at us, which I still don't understand. That boy can be weird. I think he's the most like his character, out of all of us. Or maybe Emma. Yeah definitely Em.

We all got driven into town, which didn't take long, and then proceeded to explore, shop, eat and everything else in between. We managed to keep a low profile for almost an hour before we were spotted. It kind of ruined it, but we are all use to it now. We took some photos and singed some autographs and ended up having to go get food early, just to get away from people. I sat with Rupert and Bonnie which was lush. We chatted about family stuff and music. The twins were teasing Tom about something and were making a right racket, but Em quickly shut them up. They kept looking over, it's really stressing me out not knowing why. I might ask. Nah probably not.

Anyways after food we did a bit more shopping before coming home. Bonnie, Katie, Josh and Alfred gave us a mini fashion show, seeing they were the only ones who ended up buying anything, and it was so funny. That seemed to set the tone for the evening, as everything after that seemed to me completely mad. We played twister, which with 15 people is like nothing I've ever experienced before, Irish snap which, ouch, and at almost midnight, had a game of sardines on the grounds. I one the rock, paper, scissors battle to see who went first, so ran off into the gardens to find my spot. Unbeknown to everyone else, I've had a spot picked since I arrived, which was in between the large hedge and fence. Tons of room and unless you knew where the entrance into was, impossible to find.

After what felt like an eternity of waiting, I heard footsteps and Tom squeezed his way in beside me. He seemed so pleased with him self, he said something like...

"I knew it, I was just waiting to ditch people so I could get here on my own"

"What do you mean you knew it"

"I found this spot ages ago and was always going to use it for this game"

"Haha no way"

"Great minds think alike"

"Shush, I hear someone"

We waited, we're eventually all found and heaped back into the lounge rather chilled. It's September now, and you can definitely feel it. We all stayed up, drinking hot chocolate and mucking around for most of the night. People slowly started to fall asleep, Matt of course being the first to do so, then Katie and Emma, followed by the twins and soon only me, Dan, Rupert and Tom were awake.

The boys seemed to be wide awake, but I was definitely getting tired. It was 5am by then and I was pretty much half asleep. Dan persuaded us to go watch a film in his room, so Rupert gave me a piggy back up the stairs and we all squeezed into Dan's double bed. Me and Rupert were in the middle, with Tom beside me and Dan by Ru. They put on some sifi film I still don't know the name of, because almost the second it started, I was fast asleep.

So this morning or should I say at 1 this afternoon, I woke, all cuddled with the three boys. I couldn't help but burst out laughing, which proceeded to wake the rest of them. They're my best friends so it wasn't weird or anything. Rupert had been leaning on my shoulder and I'd been lying on Toms chest. Three Gryffindors and a Slytherin in bed. That should be the name of the next film. We stayed in bed, with a few of the others joining us over the afternoon, watching tv and going over lines for the next day.

We are filming some of the dance rehearsals before the Yule Ball this week, which is going to be epic. I love doing huge cast scenes. Anyways, I've got a early start as usual, so I definitely need to get to sleep. Back I go to Hogwarts tomorrow.


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