Saturday shenanigans

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Dear Diary

I bloody love a Saturday. There is nothing better than a weekend at the Manor House. Besides the joy of a lie in after a long week of early mornings, there are so many gorgeous friends to spend time with. The location is amazing too, almost feeling like the countryside yet so close to the centre of London. I really love it here. It's my home.

There's 14 of us living here this year and our bedrooms are spread over 3 floors. On the first floor is James, Alf, Emma, Katie and Josh, the second is me, Dan, Rupert, Tom and Bonnie and the top floor is Matt, Devon, Oliver and Jamie. Everyone gets on so well, I've never heard anyone fight or fall out. I suppose most of us have worked with each other from such a young age, we have all learned how to live harmoniously. However, pulling pranks on each other is more common than anything else. I manage to avoid most of them, as it's usually kept between the boys. But not today, heck no today was different.

I'm a very deep sleeper. Once, there was a fire alarm at the Manor House, I mean huge siren going off, and Bonnie had to run in and wake me up cause I slept straight through. So today I had a long lie in and didn't wake up till about 11. I stayed on my bed another hour, looking through my phone, before finally deciding to get up. I made my way down stairs to the lounge for breakfast, it's attached to the kitchen and is this massive open plan room. I mutter a few good mornings to the scattered figures around the room, but still very much half asleep, I didn't take much notice of who they were.

However, I did notice the room was unusually quiet. Living with all these people, quiet is never the word used to describe the experience. Half way through making my cup of tea I hear a slight snigger, followed by another, yet it takes me a further two minutes to finish making my food and turn round to observe the room.

I almost spat out the sip of tea I had just taken due to the utter shock of what I saw. Lounging and posing on the various chairs and sofas around the room were James, Oliver, Devon, Tom and Dan in my clothes. Not just clothes, my fanciest and most expensive dresses. The whole room erupted with laughter, Em, Bonnie and Katie bursting through the door they'd been hiding behind. It took a good few minutes to gather ourselves, before I got any kind of explanation. I mean it was hilarious. Dan was sat in the dress I wore to my first ever Harry Potter premier, which was white and sparkly and extremely small. James and Oliver going full out, had grabbed my two long formal dresses, both in different shades of blue and were now waltzing round the room together. Devon was in a very sexy black number, which has much to long for him and Tom in the mini red silk dress I had worn on our date. I mean our fake date.

Apparently they'd been planning this for a while, and as I slept this morning Dan and James had crawled in and stolen them. With the help of the girls they had dressed themselves up and prepared for my reaction. They couldn't believe I didn't notice when I first walked in, Oliver said he almost burst out laughing but managed to hold it together. I think they rather enjoyed themselves in those dresses though, as they proceeded to have a photo shoot and prance around in them before I basically chased them upstairs to put them back in my room. Those boys. Always keeping me one my toes.

Anyways, we had a relatively chilled day, only leaving the Manor House to go out for dinner in the evening. We hired a table at a tiny little Italian place and managed to escape anyone noticing us for the first time in forever. It was such a lush evening and everyone had such a good time. I was sat opposite Rupert, with James and Bonnie either side and Dan beside Ru. We spent most of dinner discussing how tired we all were. There's been quite a lot of dance and stunt training recently and our bodies are definitely feeling it. So that led us to the brilliant idea of a spa day. We've booked in to go tomorrow, I'm not sure how many of us are going, but I definitely am and I can't wait.

We started talking about filming a little too...

"You did so well with your dance scenes, I would have freak out" Bonnie had said.

I just laughed and thanked her.

"No honestly though, you guys created such a tension and you had to be so close, like you have such good chemistry together".

The boys agreed, with a slight snigger. My stomach proceed to do that twisting and turning nervous motion as I raised an eyebrow at them and played with my food.

"Come on" Rupert whispered, looking over at Tom and then back at me, "you're not that good of an actress".

I scoffed at him "thank you very much".

"You know what he means, just be honest" James said.

"What" I asked knowing the answer...

"You and Tom, are you know a thing or..."

I must have turned bright red cause I felt my face burning. I definitely didn't like Tom. I think. No I know I don't... that's ridiculous.... he's my best friend. I was just being confused a bit by everyone's questions. I spent the rest of dinner denying their enquiries and I honestly do think they believed me in the end. I just told them our scene must have been amazingly convincing, cause that's true. That's all it is.

A few of us stayed up to watch a movie when we got back later. I felt myself falling asleep, so decided to go up to bed. As I said goodnight to everyone, Tom said he was off to bed too and we walked upstairs together. I definitely heard some giggles as we left the room, but I'm getting pretty used to ignoring them now. Tom had borrowed my ukulele so ran up to his room and got it, before joining me in my bedroom to return it. And okayyyyy not gonna lie, there was DEFINITELY tension between us. He gave me a hug goodnight before saying...

"Don't worry there's no plans to steal any else from your room tonight"

"Ah what a shame, you all looked ten times better in my dresses than I ever have"

"Hahah impossible"

There was a slightly awkward silence...

"I...I just mean like you know you looked super cool in that red one you wore the other week"


"Yeah, no you did, I mean I should be able to give my best pal a compliment" he said, definitely chilling out and seeming more himself.

"Awwww you loser" I laughed giving him another squeeze, "sleep well".

And that was that. Next thing I did was write it all down, in here. I think me and Tom kind of had to clear the air like that though, established we were best friends. I don't want things getting weird between us. Yeah... we would never work. Not that I've thought about it... cause I haven't I just mean he's not... no like we haven't... shouldn't...

Right enough of that. I'm off to bed, before I write something stupid down. Or you know anything else in general so...


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