Lack of Sleep

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Dear Diary

The rain last night was absolutely mental. I'm guessing it's due to how old the Manor House is, because the sound of the downpour seemed to echo and rumble louder than ever. Sleeping on a floor, I have discovered, isn't as easy as I thought it would be and by 3am, I gave up. I tried going to my own room, but it being on the top floor, the noise was even worse. The only option was a cup of tea and the sofa in the lounge.

I wrapped myself up in a blanket and using my phone torch, navigated myself downstairs. Much to my surprise, as I entered the lounge I found it not to be empty. Matthew was fast asleep on one sofa and Tom was sat by the window reading. He put a finger to his lips incase I hadn't noticed the sleeping Matt beside me and ushered me over to him. The conversation went something like...

"Rain keeping you awake?"

"Yeah, and Emma's floor wasn't much use as a bed"

"I did wonder if you'd last the night, feel free to have the other big sofa, I've tried but don't think I'm sleeping tonight"

"Aw thanks. What you reading?"

"Goblet of fire, trying to do some research"


"How Draco feels about the whole dancing with a Gryffindor, and just about Flo in general"

"I know what you mean, I really wish we knew what happens in the next book, we could perform much better this film"

"Nah I dunno, cause like Flo and Draco don't know where it's going or what's happening or anything, so we can make it more authentic in that way"

"Yeah you're right. As always"


You know something like that. He really cares so much about how he portrays his character, he wants to do him justice. I admire him for that.

Matthew woke up mid conversation and we all decided to put the kettle on. After some deep, middle of the night conversations about life and death and everything in between, we all fell asleep, Tom curled up on the smallest couch, a gent as ever.

We woke up to everyone coming down in the morning, and after a shower and some breakfast headed to set. I had lessons till lunch, maths and English and stuff, which wasn't much fun, but things got more exciting in the afternoon. They're making a BBC documentary on the movie and everything to do with what goes on behind the scenes, and they want me to be one of the hosts. So exciting!!!!

I chatted to the BBC crew and we worked out a few things we could do together over the next few months, that viewers would want to see. This includes tours, interviews with fellow cast mates and even a day in the life of me on set. So between the Yule Ball, the Tri Wizard Tournament and a hosting documentary, this is probably the most fun I've had on these movies.

We really wanted to go out this evening but the rain was still so bad, so we opted for a big movie night. We almost watched the first Harry Potter but Rupert wouldn't let us. He's never seen one of our films and doesn't intend on doing so until he has kids. I mean it's mental but also the best thing I've ever heard.

Instead we watched the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which we all loved. It was so nostalgic. We have the weekend off now, and I think the plan is to go into London tomorrow, if we can. They need to make sure we have a bit of security and some cars with us so it's safe, but fingers crossed. There's also this massive indoor trampoline park the twins really want us all to go to, but that might have to wait till Sunday. Who knows.

The rain has finally stopped, so I'm happily back in bed. I was shattered today after the lack of sleep from the night before, so a lie in is very much in order. Anyways I loved today, I love my friends and I bloody love Flo Finch.


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