Dance Rehersals

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Dear Diary


Honestly I wish I could take this feeling, bottle it up and keep it with me for the rest of my life. Buzzing is an understatement.

So to backtrack... obviously I knew we had a dance lesson today, and I knew it was probably to do with the Yule ball but I had completely forgot about the other part. You know, the part where Draco and Flo are forced to dance together in the forth years rehearsals and end up being selected to do the opening ceremonial dance ON THEIR OWN, in front of the WHOLE school, at the beginning of the ball. I can't believe I forgot about it, and they're really wanting to make it a focal point of our storyline in this movie. That's Tom and I of course.

So as well as learning to waltz with the rest of the cast, us two have a whole routine on our own. We've not started learning it yet, but fingers crossed Tom gets a bit more coordinated by then. He's definitely not the worst, but he's going to need to put the work in if he expects to convince the audience Draco was the best male dancer in the year.

But I have a feeling he'll smash it. He's so dedicated and also just kind of good at everything he tries. For instance he brought a guitar into the make up trailer this morning and was making up these little songs about everyone, it was so funny. But like pretty impressive. We even sang a very husky, morning voice version of wonder wall at the end together, as of Dans request.

The other scenes went well, just doing little chatty bits around Hogwarts. I mean what could be better. Rupert's so funny, I swear he doesn't learn his lines till the car journey in every morning. He's the most unproblematic and unfazed guy I have ever worked with. Or met for that matter. Emma was scolding him today for it, just because he muddled a few words up. The sentence still made sense, but Emma learns all of our lines and if they aren't perfect she will definitely let you know about it. She's a complete legend though and I wouldn't have her any other way.

Me and James attempted to make dinner tonight, which was actually very successful. I mean it was only Mac and cheese but still worth celebrating. A huge game of monopoly followed that, but we all had to team up cause there was so many of us. I was with Tom, cause we've been encouraged to spend more time together and work out how our characters are going to respond to each other in this film, as they're forced together. I mean we didn't discuss that during the game, we didn't even win the game, but I'm sure it was still a useful way to spend our time prepping for work.

Im sleeping in Emmas room tonight, on her bedroom floor. She's pretty homesick and didn't want to be on her own and I honestly don't mind comforting her a bit. I'm so lucky my family are close, I can't imagine how hard it must be for her. Anyways, that's where I'm writing this from, rather uncomfortably sprawled out, but content with another days work. If you can even call it that.

I'm not sure what's happening tomorrow, mostly lessons and some behind the scenes stuff I think and then finally it's the weekend. I'm gonna have to make some plans with everyone, we could go into London or something. Anyways I'll work it out in the morning, I better try and get some sleep.


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