Stunts and bruises

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Dear Diary

So I've been soooo busy the past few days, which has resulted in me forgetting to write in here. Oops I know, I mean it's not a huge deal, but then I read back through this and remember things I'd completely forgotten about, so I really need to keep this up. Even just every few days. Yup. I'll make sure of it.

So let's go back to Tuesday...

We were filming Robs first scene, where his character, Cedric, is introduced to our characters and the movie for the first time. He was so professional and chill the whole day, but he revealed to me later on how nervous he actually has been about it. But he smashed it and it was a lot of fun.

We had a hilarious bit of dialogue, where after he introduces himself to the boys, Cedric comes over to Flo and says...

"Hi, I'm Cedric..."

"I know" Flo replies, looking up at him with a slight smirk.

Cedric smiles with a raised eyebrow  and says "you know?"

"Pretty boys at school like you don't go unnoticed" Flo teased.

This left Cedric blushing bright crimson, but not looking upset about the comment, rather....intrigued...

Yeah the script read something like that. Flo is described as this stunning girl, with dark features and big eyes, not unfamiliar with attention from boys, though she's not had any sort of on screen romance. Yet. It's so funny to me that I be been cast to play this beautiful character, when I feel quite a plane Jane. But I suppose you're your own worst critic. Anyways moving on.

After filming that day, we all ate dinner and chilled with each other for the rest of the evening. I've got quite close to Rob, I think our walk on his first day bonded us a bit, and he's turned into a really good friend. We've resumed our mario cart tournament and sadly I've massively fallen behind, Oliver and James are both right at the top now, and I've slipped into 8th place. I mean I'm gutted.

So that was quite a late night, some of the boys only got 3 hours sleep, before we were back in the make up trailer at 7 the next morning. We were prepping for practicing our stunts that morning, filming parts later that afternoon. I've only done a little bit of wire work in the past, so not gonna lie, was slightly nervous, but so was Em so that made me feel better. Dan's so used to it now, the stunts and everything, and he definitely loves to show off that he knows what he's doing.

So, we spent a good three hours learning how we should fall when dropped with our wires, before we all felt safe enough to film. It went so well, though I now have bruises in places I didn't think possible. Those harnesses, are not for me. But at least I didn't break anything, that's a bonus.

Me, Tom and Ru decided to make dinner that night. Tom had been in school classes all day, and been texting us with his plans, so basically it was all him, I just helped chop some things up and Rupert was basically the stirrer. I went for a walk and a coffee outside after, my fave thing to do now apparently. I called my parents and chatted to my brothers before sitting down on one of the benches and just... well doing nothing really. Just sitting and being still. It was actually really nice.

Tom joined me after not long though.

"Hey hey" he called over

"Hiiii, you okay"

"Yeah just checking on you"

He sat down beside me, wrapping a blanket he had brought out round me shoulders, "I missed you girl, how was your day".

Awww what a legend. He's honestly the best friend, we are pretty much inseparable when we get the chance, and I do miss him when we aren't filming or in school together. So we spent a good 20 mins chatting before going back in to join the others.

"Alright love birds" Oliver called as we climbed back in the lounge windows.

"Wonderful thanks" I replied laughing.

Everything's chilled with those kind of jokes now, me and Tom kind of addressed it, laughed about it and now, it honestly doesn't faze either of us. Like even the next day, which was today, Dan made a comment at breakfast and me and T pretended to kiss, just for a laugh. The room found it hilarious and after that, I knew there would be no more awkwardness between us. And I'm so glad, cause I love Tom. I really do.

Today consisted of more stunt filming and more bruises. The documentary team were there filming behind the scenes, so I had to chat to them for a bit too, but it was much less nerve racking than last time. I found out at dinner tonight from Rob, that they've been following him about the past few days too and he admitted how weird he felt about it all...

"I mean I'm brand new and don't really know much yet, so I feel a bit ridiculous taking them on tours and things" he had laughed.

But I'm sure he was very professional about it. He has been in everything else he's done.

I just finished watching Ghost Busters with Dan, Tom, Bonnie and Rob. It's October now so we are fully embracing Halloween and all of its classic movies. We managed to squish everyone on to one sofa, which was incredibly...cosy. I was almost sat on Bonnie for half of it, and ended up sitting on the floor between Toms legs half way through. Rob was the other side of me when on the couch, and I didn't think we had known each other quite long enough yet, for me to end up sitting on him, so moved before there was any chance of that happening.

But it was lush. All cosied up with the fire on and the rain hammering against the windows. It's still raining now I'm in bed, like really loud. It better not keep me up like last time. Ah well we shall see. I'm glad I caught myself up with my writing, let's hope I'm back with a new entry tomorrow...

But for now.


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