Documentry Ambush

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Dear Diary

So... I may have had that dream again. Believe me there is absolutely no truth in it. Just my brain being weird. When your this consumed by a movie and a character, I guess dreams like this are bound to happen. Anyways... freaked me out.

It was Wednesday today, which always means lots of school. Nearly everyone was in class from 7-11, before we had to go to the make up trailers. I was held back though as the documentary crew were there to start filming. Apparently they'd got a few shots of us during lessons and now wanted to follow me about a bit, to experience what my days like. I obviously knew I was getting involved with the BBC and that, but no one warned me we were starting today. Ah well, it was probably for the best, meant I couldn't overthink and get stressed about it. I had to introduce myself and take them with me through the day. I started off in makeup, it went a bit like...

"So here's where we all get glammed up. You can see some of the boys down there, hi guys (they waved), and here is the wonderful Bonnie, who you may know as Ginny".

Bonnie said hi, chatted with me about some of the make up team and basically helped to calm my nerves. It's funny how you forget to function when you're under pressure. Well I do anyways. Whilst I was getting my face done, I went on...

" So my character Flo is very glam, she comes from a well to do family so is always pretty put together. As the films have gone on, we've added little bits to the make up, to show her growing up and become more mature. As she's in school still we don't want it to be too much, but she has a little eyeliner and everything is pretty flawless, whilst still looking natural".

I definitely babbled a bit, but it was the best I could do. They then followed me into hair and costume and I did the same kind of speeches. We bumped into some of the cast so we chatted a bit with them. When I was stood with Dan, Em and Rupert the BBC crew asked us, who was most like their character. Dan said...

"I think we all have quite strong similarities to our characters. Because we started at such a young age, so much of how we played them was actually just how we were"

I continued...

"Dan is definitely loved like Harry is, like he has such a contagious personality and everyone wants to be around him. He's a very good human"

The others agreed with Emma saying...

"You're very like Flo in some ways and completely different in others. I mean I think you're so much kinder and patient than she is, with Flo she doesn't take any rubbish, and she's not afraid of confrontation or anything. You care so much more about how people feel than I think she does. Rupert I mean, yeah pretty much like Ron, though even more chilled out and less problematic. And I suppose I share a lot of similarities with Hermione, in fact I know I do"

She laughed. As did we, Rupert saying...

"Emma's got it spot on I think"

And that was that bit over. They had to stop filming as we started rehearsing the scenes. We were in the great hall, preparing for the scene where we are told about the Yule ball and Ru has to dance with Maggie. Suchhhh a cool scene. I wish it was me dancing with such a legend. Later on in the script is when me and Tom get paired together, and end up doing so well we get selected to represent the school... but I've already written that all in here. Somewhere.

So yeah, the rest of the day consisted on sitting on the verrrry uncomfortable benches, and dying from laughter, as Rupert beautifully and awkwardly, acted his way through the dance scenes. He got a huge and well deserved round of applause after the few hours we were in there. He was bright red, bless him. I brought him a cup of tea and gave him a huge hug, to which he said...

"That was like some trippy dream, I honestly was so uncomfortable I zoned out. Like for the whole thing"

This of course put me and the few that overheard his comments in hysterics. Poor thing had to do the same again tomorrow though, so he better pull himself back together before then.

Talking of tomorrow, that's when me and Tom film our first scene. It's the one that carries on from today's, like I just said. Draco is relentlessly making fun of Ron, and Flo is having none of it. She's got some great savage lines, which leads McGonagall after witnessing the commotion, to pick them out and make them dance together. It's such a good concept, I can't wait to start filming it.

This evening was rather chilled, though we all were waltzing about, trying to cram in some practice before tomorrow. Me and Tom went to his room again to practice tomorrow's scene. We decided, well it was Toms idea, to not hug or touch or anything all evening and carry it on until we film our scene tomorrow. He reckons that Flo and Draco having to hold hands and waltz and be so close together will be so uncomfortable for them, so us being less affectionate might help when we go into the scene tomorrow. I mean great idea, but slightly depressing. The whole cast is very huggy and affectionate and it was so sad having to kind of avoid Tom the rest of the evening. But oh well. Anything for the film.

I'm proud to say I was in bed before 10, and shall hopefully be asleep before 11. I mean what an accomplishment. Tomorrow is a big day, so I'm getting as much sleep as I can. So on that note...


Diary of a girl filming Harry Potter Where stories live. Discover now