The new guy Rob

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Dear Diary

We have a new house member! He arrived early this morning to drop his things off and was already at set before any of us woke up. It was all very exciting during breakfast, everyone guessing what he'd be like, and in the words of Bonnie and Katie, what he'd look like...


I was in the first car that arrived onto set, alongside Dan and Rupert, where we were told today was going to involve rehearsals for the World Cup scenes. We are going to be filming them over the next few weeks, before some of us go off on our October breaks. So, relived we were having a morning off from hair and make up, we made our way towards the rehearsals rooms. And it's there that we met Rob.

Full name Robert Pattinson, or the "new guy" to us and not going to lie, we are always a little bit precautious when people move into the house and things... but honestly... he's so lovely. As soon as I had walked into the room, he came over, shook my hand and gave me a kiss on the cheek as he introduced himself. Very gentlemanly and super chill. The perfect combination. I already know he's going to fit into the house dynamic so well.

Dan and Rupert started chatting to him as I got us some coffee and we sat and got to know him while the others starting arriving. He explained he'll be coming and going from the house over the next few months as we film the scenes he's involved in. This is his first big movie so he's buzzing about it, but thankfully not in the pushy, annoying way we've experienced with some people in the past. He's just happy to be there and I really like him. We all do.

Soon we were straight into rehearsals, having a read through of the scene, where we initially meet Robs character Cedric. I have a few great comments I get to say as Flo, being the self assured flirt that she is, and we all had a giggle as I said them aloud for the first time. Robs really good too, he plays Cedric very believable and doesn't over do it.

We have a few stunts this week as well, as we all have to be transported by a port key, so I'm really excited for that. After about 3 or so hours of rehearsing, we were told we would be spending the afternoon in a acting workshop sort of thing. Basically, it involved lots of improv and quick creative decisions, and as well as helping Rob get use to us and the way we act and things, it was a great refresher for the rest of us. It's always good to be pushed and keep improving, and everyone loved it.

There were some hilarious scenes created. The best one in my group, which was James, Bonnie, Rupert and me, involved Ru confessing his love to James, through a song like poem, whist Dan, Rob, Em and Ollie's group attended the funeral of their pet hamster. I mean when you right it down, acting seems even more ridiculous than they often feel. But there's absolutely no denying, we had the best afternoon.

We went home earlier than usual, to help Rob settle in and introduce him to the guys he hadn't met yet. His bedroom is on the top floor and has a gorgeous view, so he was more than happy with it. I sort of left him and the others to it for a while, and spent some time in my room writing a new song. It's not often I get some peace and quiet, so I fully embraced it. This led me to not sneaking... but quietly slipping out the back door for a wander round the grounds. We are so lucky with the space we have round the house and on gorgeous autumn days like today, it almost feels like walking in the woods.

I was very much lost in my own thoughts when I heard someone call my name and as I turned around, Rob was walking towards me with two mugs.

I know.

What a legend.

"Hey" he said

"Hi" I had replied

He passed me one of the mugs, which I could now smell was coffee and said "here, seeing as you made me one this morning".

I laughed and gratefully took it, admitting how cold I was.

"Thanks for helping with everything today, the house is great" he said

"Aw that's all good, I know I love it. Top floor as well, you get the best views"

"Yeah, it's great, hey I can go back inside if your just wanting to have some..."

"Aw no don't worry, join me if you like" I said as calmly and not ahhhhhh slightly freaking out teenage girl, as I could.

And so we walked and chatted, hands wrapped round our coffee. I asked about him and he asked about me and it was really nice. You know just having a new face around, a new friend, it's good for everyone. But I really appreciated him making an effort, especially on his first day. He's great.

After a while we went back inside for dinner. I saw Tom watching us out his bedroom window, as I got closer to the house. I don't think he knew I could see him, cause when I waved, he gave a little jolt before waving back. Ahhh he's so funny, I missed him today actually, I hadn't seen him at all. So when I did get back into the lounge and saw him waiting for me I gave him a big cuddle. He said his classic "alright my darling" in return, before asking me all about my day, and then being introduced to Rob. They're almost the same age, Tom being 18 and Rob 19, so I have a feeling they're gonna get on really well.

And so after food and more chatting, I snuck up to my bed for an early night. That's not to say I haven't been interrupted three times whist writing this, by someone coming in to say goodnight (it was Dan, Em and Tom, Dan to remind me to make sure I wake him up when I get up, Emma to bring me tea, and Tom just wanting another hug I think ahaha).

We are filming the scene we rehearsed today and practicing stunts tomorrow, so no doubt it's going to be an amazing but super long day. And yes that means it time for me to go to sleep. Sooooo...


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