Among us

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Stone free: Let's play among us.

Gold Experience: Why

Stone free: Because why not it's fun.

The entire family got together to play among us.

Stone free- Cyan
Gold experience- yellow
Crazy diamond- Blue
Star platinum- black
Soft and wet- White
Tusk- Pink with cowboy hat.

Gold experience: why haven't we started yet?

Stone free: Because I invited someone

Soft and wet: Really who?

Queen has joined the party.

Queen: hello.

Star platinum: You got queen to play with us?

Stone free: yep now that we all are here let's start.

There is one impostor among us

The jostands all split up to do task.

Tusk: hey queen can I fallow you?

Queen: Sure. My task are in electrical anyway so yeah.

Dead body reported.

Stone free: Guys Crazy diamond is Dead but I didn't see who did it.

Gold experience: Where did you find him?

Stone free: in admin.

Gold experience: I was in navigation so I didn't see anything.

Star platinum: Garbage duty in cafe.

Soft and wet: Medibay

Tusk: Queen and I were in electrical.

Stone free: Sorry crazy D we didn't see who did it...

All voted to skip vote.

No one was ejected (skipped)
1 imposter remains

Stone free: okay now there are six of us left and one of us is evil.

Gold experience: Maybe we should go in groups.

Star platinum: Its a good plan but a little risky.

Gold experience: But if one of us dies we know who went with them and killed them.

Stone free: I Agree queen I'm coming with you.

Soft and wet: but our task are nowhere near complete.

Star platinum: He's right. Maybe crazy diamond was trying to do the card one and got himself killed.

Stone free: I hate that task.

With stone and Queen.

Queen: My task are still in electrical.

Stone free: I'll fallow you just Because.

The alarm rang

Stone free: O2 is down we gotta go.

Tusk, stone freee and queen were the only ones around to fix the oxygen.

Stone free: Oh Hey dad wasn't soft and wet with you?

Star platinum: Yeah but now i Can't find him.

Tusk: where's gold experience?


Star platinum: Let's go find him.

Tusk founded gold experience's dead body.

Dead body reported

Tusk: unfortunately he was killed in storage.

Soft and wet: I got lost guys.

Star platinum: It has to be soft and wet he never showed up when o2 was sabotaged.

Soft and wet: Really star but ngl you're kinda suspicious too.

Stone free: yeah dad didn't show up until we finished fixing the problem.

Tusk: That's really suspicious star.

Queen: SUS!

Star platinum: Guys I know what you're thinking but I'm not the imposter.

Soft and wet: That's something an imposter would say.

Star platinum: I'M NOT THE IMPOSTER!


Star platinum was not the imposter
1 imposter remains.

Stone free: Oh no now we only have 4 people left.

Queen where did Tusks and soft and wet go? We should look for them.

The girls separated and searched all over the map to find their relatives. Soft and wet was no where to be seen. But tusk was......AS A DEAD BODY!

Stone free: Oh no not Tusk..

Soft and wet came out of the vent

stone free: Well shi- *dies*

Game over
Imposter wins

Star platinum: I knew it was him

Stone free: Queen was the only crewmate alive.

Soft and wet: Sorry guys it had to be done.

Crazy diamond: Never trust the nice sailor boi.

Gold experience: That was fun.

Tusk: I think something important is about to happen.

Someone knocks on the door.

Wonderland: Hello I am wonderland well The white rabbit wonderland that is but it doesn't matter. Queen needs you all to come to her castle.

Tusk: We don't know where it is.

Wonderland: well pack your adventure bags Because I'm taking you all there!

The book continues....

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