Remembering Baltoy

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Ancient Phoenicia

Narrator: Jezebel

Chapter 10

"It's late, you should go to sleep," Siduri told me.

"Nonsense, the stars are out," I told her.

The duties of a queen were boring to me. I wanted to be an astronomer like the Muse Urania. I knew she wasn't real but it was a hopeful image. A lady looking out at the stars.

As I gazed out from the terrace of the palace, I saw a shooting star.

"Make a wish, Jezebel..." I told myself.

The star then revealed itself to be a meteor and crash-landed in the gardens. A ditzy clay figure creature wandered around below shouting its name.

"Baltoy!" it cried.

I began running outside to observe the creature. Siduri tried to stop me but she was too late. I was too excited to see the thing from outer space.

This was the beginning of my history with Baltoy...

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