A truth revealed I

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Narrator: Nero

Chapter 12

"How will we know it worked?" Rem kept asking.

I was getting sick of this. Rem wasn't good at the art of the con.

"Did she take the bait?" she kept saying.

"Quiet!" I eventually shrieked.

"What'd I do?" she responded.

How could I explain this to her? Rem was too nice but I couldn't seem to tell her no. It was like she had a supernatural hold on me. Right now, she was randomly looking at youtube on Henrietta's phone. That's when we got a knock on the door.

"Nero, are you in there!?", Henrietta yelled.

I tried staying quiet but it was no use. Emilia had given her a key according to Rem. We were trapped like rats. When Henrietta opened the door, we were screwed.

She came in like a tornado. I couldn't protect Rem anymore. I yelled it out loud.

"It was Rem!" 

Balancing act: Fractured Dreams (Balancing Act #5)Where stories live. Discover now