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A few minutes after Keigi got arrested.
99th precinct, Brooklyn, NY.

"You can sit in here." A female with regular clothes told me and I sat on the chair that she pointed out to me.

"Thought I wouldn't see you again." Jake, an officer and one of my old friends said.

"I thought so too. Someone keeps framing me, Jake! I'd never kill my best friend, hell, he was the brother I never got!" I started crying again and tapped my shoes on the black floor.

Jake closed the door of the dark interrogation room and took a seat opposite of me.

"So, you believe that someone framed you. But who could that be? Do you have someone in mind?" He asked me and leaned back on his chair.
"It could be anyone, from the past or present." He added and I nodded.

Truth is that my mind couldn't think of someone that I ever got 'beef' with. I would definitely remember a person I fought with.

"I really can't think of someone. I was always quiet, I think you know that too." I looked at him and he nodded.

"I know, Kei (pronounced like kay from okay lol moving on). I believe you but if we won't find any clues that lead to someone framing you, we can't help you. They'll put you in jail." I shivered at the thought of getting locked up for a murder I never committed.

"I don't know what else to say. You already know the story—"
"What are you doing in here Jake? You're not supposed to be interrogating her, you're a close friend." A dark skin male opened the door of the room and walked to the table.

"No one else was available, that's why I'm here." Jake answered and the man that seemed to be the captain of the precinct, since he was wearing a uniform, sighed and then looked at me.

"You can leave, I will interrogate her." He muttered to Jake.

"Alright." Jake nodded.

"Just know that I believe you and I will try to find the person that framed you." I thanked Jake and he left the room. He's a very intelligent person and officer. I really hope he can help me.

"So, you're the Keigi Kravitz I've been hearing about." He scanned me and I nodded my head.

"I guess." I shrugged.

"So can you please recap the story for me? I haven't read your case yet. Actually, I will go and get your file, I won't be long." He left the room and after a minute or two, he came back with the file in his hands.

"So let's see..." he opened it and read it. I was so anxious at that moment.

"Ookay." He sighed and that worried me even more.
"So, where were you on January seventeenth?" He took off his glasses and placed them on the desk.

"Just like I said the previous time I was there, I was with my friends out for dinner in Manhattan." I explained and he motioned for me to continue explaining.

"My friends, meaning the cast of a movie we all worked in. We pulled up to the restaurant at nine, had a good time, and left at twelve. I then drove to my apartment and hoped on the bed without changing. Then a sudden two am call woke me up. It was my friend Chynna, she told me what happened to Yams. I changed quickly and headed straight to the hospital." Once I was done, he got up and walked around the room.

"So you were out that night... but what happened before you went out with the cast?" He looked at me and I stared back without showing weakness so he wouldn't think I was guilty.

"I was on the set of the movie from nine in the morning to five in the afternoon. We wrapped it up and decided to have a night out as a cast. We all went back to our houses and when I got to mine, Chynna FaceTimed me and I talked with the whole mob for about an hour and a half. I still remember Yams saying that I need to visit them soon." I wiped a tear when I remembered what he said. Little did we all know...

"So you didn't visit them for a long time."

"I was going through a breakup with one of the members and wanted to be alone for a few months. I was strictly focused in my job." I honestly confessed and the captain nodded.

"Yeah. When did you break up with the Asapian?" He asked and I held my laughter at the word he used.

"In July. I auditioned for 'Good Kill' in August and when I got the role, we instantly started filming the movie. I reunited with the mob in Christmas holidays in Cali and stayed with them for two weeks. After New Year's, I started filming again so I flew back in Manhattan. As I said earlier, we wrapped it up in January 17th and you know the rest." I shook my hands to give more emphasis on my words and he nodded his head.

"And you reunited with them again in the hospital, when Mr Rodriguez 'passed out'." He moved his fingers when he said 'passed out'. He didn't seem to believe me.

"When he passed out, yes." I changed his tone and he rolled his eyes.

"I have some bad news, miss Kravitz. There's a witness who informed us that you and Yams bought some pills in January second. She even showed us the receipt." He said.

"I won't deny it, we bought the sleeping pills, Yams had always trouble sleeping, but what does that have to do with Yams' passing?" I asked confused.

"We found fingerprints on mr Rodriguez's body when we were searching for clues."

"No." I mumbled and my eyes widened.

"They match yours, miss Kravitz. They were the most recent ones on his body." He announced and many tears escaped my eyes. This couldn't be true. I can't go to jail. I did absolutely nothing.

"I was framed! Please, believe me! I would never ever do such thing!" I pleaded him but he wasn't having it.

"Do you have any clues or witnesses?" He asked me loudly and I looked down.

I had Chynna but Twelvyy wouldn't let her come here.

I had no one. No one would support me, they all think I'm a traitor. They really switched on me that easily, I still can't believe it.

"That's what I thought. You have forty one hours until the court. We won't keep you in here until then. Spend your last hours of freedom wisely." He closed the file and exited the interrogation room.

Once he left, Jake and another female officer entered the room and closed the door.

"So? What happened?" Jake asked curiously and I burst into tears instantly.

"Oh god. That's bad." The female said as I cried my eyes out. I couldn't go to jail.


Brooklyn nine-nine fans where you at?!🙈✨

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