Chapter Twenty-Four: Goodbye, Sam

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"You finally decide to grace us with your presence, your majesty?" I heard a voice call out, as I absentmindedly walked into the compound. Shaking my head I glared at Alakay who sauntered over. "Where have you been? You think you can just go wherever your heart's desire now, young lady?" he asked, crossing his arms.

Shoving him in the shoulder I walked past sighing as his laughter followed, then he was beside me. "Shouldn't you be nice to me? Someday soon I am going to have a lot of power and will make your life miserable as you have made mine," I said.

Alakay, faking a gasp, stopped in his tracks, his hand flying to his mouth. "How dare you! I have been nothing but kind to you since the day we met," he said.

"Oh really? Nice huh? So nice that you have accidentally shoved me into the water of the obstacle course, multiple times? Or how about that time that you oiled my sword so I couldn't get a grasp on it for our combat practice?" I questioned spinning on him and standing on my tip toes.

His hands dropped to his hips as he glared back at me. "You are one to speak! You put salt in my coffee and then proceed to undermine everything I had to say in our tactical training sessions," he said, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Ladies! If you could finish up your arguing we have some training to get done," Benedict called from ahead. He stood with Louis and Shepherd. Benedict glared at the two of us while Louis and Shepherd weren't hiding their amusement.

"Age before beauty," I said, sweeping my arm to the side to indicate he should go first. At this point we all lost it laughing as we made our way to the center of the training arena.

"I claim Sam as my partner. She needs to be knocked back to her place," Alakay said, walking ahead of me to get ready.

"I told you to be nice," I said, jogging up and swiping my leg behind his, causing him to stumble as he lost his balance. Before he could comprehend what was happening I jumped on his back, knocking him face first to the dirt. I quickly grabbed his arms, pulling them behind and holding him down.

"Looks like it's you who got knocked into your place," Benedict laughed walking over to us. I struggled in his hold as he pulled me off of Alakay.

Grinning, I shoved free and helped Alakay to his feet. "Still want to fight me?" I asked.

Alakay smiled as he shook his head. "Most definitely. I need to regain some dignity after that," he said, dusting himself off.

The next day I made my way to the castle where we were going to have our first official meeting about what was to come. Before that though, it was time to say farewell to Aaron and the girls.

"Do we really have to go? Can't we stay here with you?" Kate asked, looking at me with the hugest eyes.

Smiling, I pulled her close. "Now that I know where the four of you are, I promise that we will see more of each other. In just a few months, I'll invite you back and we can spend more time exploring Jarrow. Maybe even go for a boat ride!" I said, earning squeals from the twins. Turning to them I pulled them close. "You two behave yourselves. Don't cause too much trouble for Aaron, but make sure to cause just a little to keep him on his toes," I said laughing with the girls as Aaron shook his head. I stood and turned to Aaron. "I can't express what it means to have you back in my life, Aaron," I said.

He nodded and pulled me in for a hug. "To know that you are alive has given me hope to continue. The girls have a new light to them as well," he said looking over to where the girls were talking with Chloe and Isabella about their next trip to the castle. "Remember you aren't alone in what you are about to face," he said.

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