Dinner at the todoroki's

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    Hawks lands, walking up to the familiar front door of his partner’s home. He stepped up knocking on the door at an annoyingly fast pace. Endeavor answered with the usual scowl showing on his face.
“Heeeeeey! Did ya miss me?” Hawks smiled in endeavors direction.
“We are colleagues, I don’t believe I should.” Endeavor steps aside, letting Hawks in.
“Anyways, come in and have a seat. The children have prepared the meal for tonight.”
    Hawks steps in walking over toward the table noticing that Shoto wasn’t there.
“Hey, uh where’s the kid?”
    Hawks look over at Endeavor with a questioning tone. Endeavor looks back at him with a neutral face.
“Which one?”
“The red and white one. What’s his name….Shoto that’s it.”
    Hawks laughs, knowing by now he should have remembered his name.
“Actually, now that you mention it,  SHOTO!!!!!!!!!!”
His voice echoed down the hallway, followed by Shoto’s response.
Endeavor sighs pinching the bridge of his nose trying not to be rude in front of the guest.
    He yells back, turning to his kids in the kitchen.
“Kids, is the food ready?”
    They respond with a short ’yeah’ and bring it out to the table.
    Hawks looked at Endeavor as he sat down across the table from him.
“Man, being a parent sounds rough…”
“Yes, it is...”
    Endeavor seemed to growl a bit as he responded to Hawks.
“Oh, you made chicken! Enji, You know me so well!”
    Hawks stuffs his face grinning at Endeavor. Endeavor looks up for a small moment rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, sure. Anyways, what have you been up to?”
    Trying to swallow quickly so he can answer, Hawks looks at Endeavor.
“Well, I was just working some hero jobs here and there nothing big.”
    Endeavor takes a bite of food nodding in response to Hawks. There was a softer look on his face now. His scowl was only slightly present.
“Hey, you mind if I excuse myself?”
Hawks looked up at Endeavor waiting for his answer.
“Of course. I assume you know where the bathroom is?”
“Yep, I’ll be right back.”

POV. Change- Hawks
    I walked down the hall turning the corner to the washroom, hearing a loud thump coming from inside.
Huh? What was that?
    I opened the door not expecting to see some guy laying on the floor. He wore a large tattered black trench coat and had burns covering his arms. When he finally stood up I knew who it was. The villain Dabi…
“What are you doing here?” I asked, readying myself for a fight.
    I soon found myself being yanked into the bathroom and pressed against the wall.
“Shhhh… I’m not here to hurt anyone okay?”
He whispered looking at the door frightened. I felt my wings start to hurt from the sudden pressure.
“Ow- Hey watch it! I got hollow bones!”
“Just be quiet okay?”
I looked over to find Shoto standing in the doorway.
“Hey, Touya are you- OH I’m so sorry for interrupting....”
    He started walking to the door and stopped him from leaving. He tells him to come in and pulls him aside.
“Who is this guy Sho?”
“Oh, that’s Hawks, dad’s sidekick.”
“...You poor small bird-man...You’re that things sidekick?....”
    I looked at them confused.
“Excuse you?”
    What’s with this guy?
“I feel bad for you.” He laughed.
“He’s not that bad…”
    Dabi walked up to me again looking into my eyes making me feel...strange.
“The fuck he isn’t…”
“You don’t know who I am? The infamous Touya? The family mistake?”
    I looked at him confused and suddenly knew who he was. I got sudden flashbacks from many years ago that I had forgotten. Touya...was my childhood friend back at the organization… The one that had been presumed dead after a really bad accident. I tried not to seem shocked once I remembered him. I don’t think he remembered any of that anyway…
“ Weren’t you the one that went missing?”
“The one and only. Riddle me this...If he’s not so bad, explain this.”
    He gestures to his whole body.
“He’s a hero, I don’t think he would hurt people like that…”
“Oh, you misguided little bird, if he was a good person he wouldn’t have beaten fear into his children over and over again. He knew what he did. If I went out there right now he wouldn’t hesitate to attack me.”
    His eyes looked as if he were indifferent about the whole thing like I wouldn’t believe him. Is it true?
“...I’m sorry.”
    He looked over slightly surprised.
“You believe me?”
    I nodded looking at sudden fear overtake Shoto.
“Guys! Be quiet! He’s coming!”
    Dabi tried hiding in the shower as Shoto hid behind the door making sure it was locked. All the scrambling was followed by Enji’s booming voice behind the door.
“Hawks, are you okay in there?”
“Y-Yeah I’m okay… Just freshening up.”
“Is there anyone in there? I thought I heard voices...familiar voices…”
“Nope, just me haha. I talk to my reflection….”
    I looked at Dabi who was in the shower with an I don’t know face and tried my best to keep cool. I don’t know why but I felt like I needed to help him, but for some reason, he seemed like a good person… He’s a villain Hawks, what am I talking about… Dabi tries coming quietly out of the shower and trips over the side.
“You should get a new carpet! I just tripped!”
    I tried my best to make it look like it was me so that Enji wouldn’t over-react.
“I swear I heard...Never mind. Just hurry out.”
“ I think he was a little harsh… Was he like this all the time?”
    I helped Dabi up off of the floor as he dusted himself off.    Shoto ran over asking if Dabi was okay.
“...Just about every day.” He smirked.
Thinking about how Enji had talked about his own son. I felt like I had known him for so long. How have I never noticed? Dabi had turned his gaze to me, noticing my concern.
“I uh, I should head off with Shoto. I don't want you to get in trouble. You ready Sho?”
    Shoto nods, leading Dabi out of the bathroom, rushing him down the hall.
    I felt a small bruise forming on my wing. I looked in the mirror noticing that it wasn’t that bad and walked out to the table again.
“You okay?”
    I felt something come over me as I heard Enji’s voice. I couldn’t help but start to think about what Dabi had said. I didn’t want to believe that he would hurt someone to the point where...where they wouldn’t come back.
“U-uh yeah sorry about that.” I managed to muster up a fake laugh.
“You did fall though. Are you sure you are okay?”
    I looked back at him trying to act normal.
“Oh yeah, only a couple bruises and a mild injury. I was kind of a nasty fall though.”
“Just tell me if you need some ice.”
    I nodded, finishing my food. It was a bit colder, but I wouldn’t pass up free food. I finished my food sitting back in my chair.
“That food was so good!”
“I’m glad you appreciated it. Kids! Come clean up!”
    I stood up pushing in the chair and pulled off my jacket from the back, putting it on.
“I’m sorry you got hurt.”
“It’s okay. It was kind of my fault anyway.”
    Enji looked at me with a faint expression of concern. Then I heard a thump, the same one from earlier...
“Did you hear that?”
    I tried to hide my shock and at least buy a little time.
“Uh, nope! But It could just be Shoto being clumsy.” I laughed nervously, hoping he wouldn’t go looking for what made the sound.
    “I still think I should check. Just in case.”
Do you no know how to stay quiet?
“Actually, I was thinking maybe you could give me a ride home?”
“Oh, Yeah I can drive you home.”
    I said a quick thank you leading the way out the door and over to the car. I got on the passenger side expecting Enji to get inside. He didn’t.
“You just wait here okay. I’ll be back.”
    I sat there restless watching Him walk away towards the back of the house.
I hope I bought you enough time…
        I heard a scrambling noise, as if someone had started to run away, and then saw Enji go after them. Minutes later he had returned to the car hopping in on the other side.
“There was someone here…”
“Did you know who it was?” I said as I peeked over in his direction.
“No..All I saw was he was wearing a dark coat.”
    Time passed quickly. Though, I did seem to think that Enji was on edge. It must have been because of Dabi’s visit. Soon he pulled into my driveway, looking over at me.
“We are here. Hope you enjoyed yourself.”
    I opened the door taking a step out.
“Yeah, I had a good time. Heh, I should be heading inside now, so see ya tomorrow?” I said grinning.
“Yeah, see you tomorrow...”
    Without saying anything else, He pulled out of the driveway zooming down the street. I sighed, walking towards the door closing it behind me.
I think I should call Shoto so he can make sure Dabi is safe…
    I pulled out my phone calling him and waited for him to pick up.
“Oh hello, Hawks.”
“Hey, kid. I’m sure that your dad is looking for your brother. Just make sure he’s safe alright?”
    I heard a small chuckle over the phone before he responded.
“Yeah, I saw that. You should check outside.”
“...Outside? Why?”
    I headed outside seeing Dabi lying on the driveway.
“Shoto! What is this?!”
“Holy shit... “ I exclaimed, running to his side.
Oh my god...I thought he was dead…
    I heard Shoto say goodbye and hang up on the other end. I put my phone into my pocket helping Dabi up off the ground.
“Are you okay?”
“..Ah..yeah. I’m okay... I climbed onto the bottom of his car. On the way over here, My back got torn up a bit...Ow…”
    I sighed, suddenly seeing small red smears on the driveway.
“Come inside. I can patch you up.”
    I put his arm around my shoulders to hold him up and walked him to the bathroom.
“Oh, so we are doing bathroom tours now?” He laughed a bit followed by the sound of him hissing at the pain. I looked at him with a slight grin rolling my eyes.
“You want help or not?”
    I see him flinch again as he tries to take off his shirt. I walked over helping him by pulling it over his head.
“I’m sure it’s not that bad.”
    I looked at his back seeing the wound and scars that covered almost his entire torso. I didn’t even know he went through so much pain...Or that Enji had caused this much pain…
“I don’t know, It’s pretty torn up.”
“I’ve survived worse...Never mind, Just forget it.”
    I turned to grab a medkit and pulled it out opening it to get to the supplies. I saw Dabi turn around picking up his shirt looking at it.
“Guess I’ll need another one. This one is all torn up and bloody...”
“Yeah, definitely,” I smirked.
    I looked back over at his back seeing a large amount of blood trickling down his back.
“Holy shit, You back is all bloody…”
“..It’s not that bad…” He hissed.
“Are you kidding me right now?..”
“This is a papercut compared to what I’ve been through...Doesn’t feel like one tho…”
    I sighed, taking out a wet rag and washing down the wound. I eventually got most of the blood cleaned off and felt Dabi tense from the pain.
“You know you’re insane.” I laughed.
    I heard him laugh through the pain for a bit at my comment. I began to notice the surgical staples covering his body there had to be hundreds. His scars were stretched over his toned back muscles. I found myself staring, wanting to touch them, but restrained myself. For some reason, I found it oddly attractive.What....the actual fuck is wrong with me. He’s a VILLAIN Hawks...
“How is someone like you...working for that scumbag?” He said in a hoarse voice.
    “I shook my thoughts trying to respond to his question as best as I could.
“Well, that’s kind of a long story. When I was younger I was always told I’d be a good hero, and well at the time I looked up to your dad, so I applied to become his sidekick.”
    I plunged the cloth into the water rinsing the blood off and continued holding it to his wound until it stopped bleeding.
“I was told I had to be a hero...And look where that got me.” He mumbled.
“I don’t know. The way I see it you were one of the lucky ones.”
    He looked back at me confused.
“Lucky? Have you seen me? I used to look Nice...and normal.”
    He picked up his jacket, pulling out a photo. I saw a picture of a young boy with red hair, blue eyes, and bandages holding a small Shoto.

“Well, at least you escaped…”
“Don’t you know how?”
    He looked back at me again asking in a questoning tone.
“Yeah, but the media would never let me live it down...The hero who changed sides…”
“But that’s not the whole story…”
“It doesn’t matter. I live under a microscope.” I said, clearing my throat.
    He turned around facing the wall again with his head leaned back.
“So, you know I’m a …”
“You’re what?”
“Never mind, If you don’t know that’s better for you...I don’t want you to see me differently.”
    I adjusted myself and sighed.
“You know I couldn’t be more honest when I say I don’t give a single fuck. Also, this is gonna hurt...”
    I poured on some rubbing alcohol to disinfect his back, seeing him tense up.
“Ahh- Shit…Well everyone already knows who I am...You know it’s kind of odd, considering you are a hero… But I’m a villain.”
“At least you could do anything you wanted to. I have so many rules to follow…”
“True. I forgot that you only know my first name...Well, I’m assuming you have heard of Dabi, you know the one who burns everything in his path? Well, that’s me. I work for the league.”
“Most heroes have heard.” I chuckled.
    He turned around again, trying not to move too much.
“So, you’re not scared...or mad?”
“No, why would I be?”
"Well, I’m a villain. You with me alone..” He grins sparking blue flames out of his hand.
“You know, this isn’t what my fire used to look like… Before, when I was younger I went through intense training like my other siblings have done. That’s what Shoto is doing now… Our father wanted us to surpass all-might, so we would have intense training with few breaks...He wanted me to master my blue flames, but he didn’t teach me correctly...And I burnt myself until I perfected it. There came a day where my whole body caught on fire, and he just sat there and watched. All he said was that I was a disappointment…He said I looked like a monster, like some kind of villain, and of course that would tarnish the Todoroki name. He kicked me out and forgot about me entirely...I guess now you know what kind of person he is…”
    I felt a stab of guilt, like trusting his dad was the wrong decision. I don’t know why I empathize so strongly with a villain, but I wanted to still believe I knew him like he hadn’t changed so much… As these thoughts raced through my mind I continued to wash his back one last time before wrapping it in bandages.
“I don’t understand why you expect me to be angry about all that…”
“Agh- Now you now the truth…”
“Well, I always knew he had some...Issues.” I laughed.
“Yeah.” He said, standing up.”
“Thanks for helping I guess. Do you know any hotels where I can stay the night?”
“Uh, I think there is a place a couple of blocks from here once you turn left.”
“Thanks, I’d ask to stay but you only have one bedroom, and I’m too tall for your couch.”
    I turned around and picked up his shirt throwing it at him.
“Yeah, sorry. You might need that though.”
“Actually you mind if I just throw it out here?”
“Sure I don’t mind.”
“Well, let’s see if my directionally-challenged self can find this hotel.” He laughs.
“Well, you should be able to find it if you just keep going to the left.”
    I watched him go down the street and locked the door once he was out of sight. I don’t understand why my hero instinct didn’t kick in, but to be honest, I didn’t want it to. There was something there. It was just something I couldn’t explain.
And with that thought, I found myself already in bed falling into a sudden sleep.
Hope you enjoy our first chapter !!
      Stick around for many more

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