pt 3

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Pov. Dabi
                    I sat there kneeling on the floor. I looked at my hands. There were bandages covering my arms and legs like snakes. I felt a dark haze over my mind looking around the room that was now illuminated red. I felt my breathing start to speed up.
No, no, I can’t be here again…Did he find me?! How did he-
                I looked around seeing a disgustingly familiar face standing in front of me. His flames curling around his body and charing the floor around us. I stumbled to my feet feeling small and helpless. His scowl was trained on me as he began to walk forward.
“Touya, I thought you were better than this. I thought with this quirk you’d be useful.”
                He reached out for me, grabbing me by the shirt and lifting my feet off the ground.
“N-no, I’m sorry! I’ll do better! I-I’ll train harder! Please don’t-” My voice choked out as I was thrown against the wall.
                There was a burning in my chest as I felt all the air leave my body
“It won’t matter. You’re worthless with this feeble body of yours.”
                Tears stung my eyes, while they kept their gaze locked on the floor.
“Get up, Touya. Prove to me that I shouldn’t do away with you.”
                My arms and legs began to shake as I slowly stood up keeping my head down.
“Come on, shoot your flames at me.” He demanded.
“B-But my arms I ca-“ His leg came up to the level of my chest and kicked me back down.
                He held me down to the floor barley letting me breathe.
“Now, get up and do as I said!” He removed his foot, stepping back.
                I got up coughing. I looked up at him with a sense of fear I knew well.
“…O-Okay…” I held my hands up seeing my arms shaking worse than my legs.
                I swallowed hard, activating my quirk. I felt the heat swallow my hands as the flames shot out. My father stood there deflecting them with his own.
“Come on, Knock me back a couple of steps!”
                I started breathing heavily trying to contain the growing heat in my body.
“Don’t you have any more power behind your flames? Pathetic…” He stopped.
                I tried to stop the flames, but they wouldn’t. The dancing blue chased its way up the bandages on my arms. My skin was screaming as the heat began feeding off of me.
“T-They won’t stop! D-Dad!” I looked up at him, eyes wide with tears evaporating off my face.
    The overwhelming heat filled my body as it migrated up to my chest. My face began to burn with the same heat as I looked up to him, eyes begging for help.
“Turn it off yourself. I’m done trying to fix you.” He scowled and turned to walk out.
“DAD! Please help me! PLEASE! IT HURTS SO BAD! I-I c-can’t...I can’t..m-make it stop...”My voice cracked as I screamed falling back down the floor. I was barely able to hold myself up. Everything was in pain. I was so overheated I couldn’t even cry...  I felt the flames licking away at me as my fear-ridden body sat there unable to move. The whole thing was in slow motion. Each step he took was an eternity. My heart burned with the rest of my insides as I watched him leave me there. The room became blue instead of red as the door slammed shut, leaving the room to consume me whole.
    I shot up, grasping at the blankets around me as my chest heaved.
“Hey, Hey, It’s alright.” Hawks’ arm found its way around me.
“W-What happened?...” I looked around the room.
“Shigaraki slammed the door on his way out. If you ask me he seemed like he had quite the attitude.” He scoffed.
    Hawks looked over at me realizing that I was having a panic attack.
“ Hey...Dabi, are you okay?” He moved closer, taking my hand.
“I-It was just a dream...I’m fine.” I choked.
“Tell me.” he sat back.
“I was back...there...and…” I looked down at the scars painting my arms.
    He sat there and let me explain. His face was covered with a somber expression as he watched me struggle through the details.
“And the worst part was, It was exactly the same...I felt everything…” My chest tightened.
    His eyes were still looking back at me with my words glossed over them. It was like they hadn’t entirely sunk into his thoughts yet. I felt his hand squeeze mine slightly.
“...I’m sorry, I didn’t want to weigh down the mood or anything…” I sighed.
    He blinked several times and attacked me with a tight hug, his arms swallowing me. I hooked my arms under his, holding him closer as I rested my hands on his back as he let his wings cover us both now.
“No, I’m sorry… I’m sorry that you had to go through so much pain...Never apologize to me for telling me the truth…”He rested his forehead on mine.
“...I love you so much, Keigo…” Tears threatened my eyes as I gazed into his.
“Shut up you’re making me cry…” He kissed me lightly on the lips once before pulling away.
“Please don’t ever leave…” I placed my head on his shoulder while tears began to fall down my face.
“I won’t,” he exhaled and began to relax.
“But you have to lay down, you’re still healing…” He let go.
“Fine, but I’m still holding you,” I grumbled wiping the tears from my face hoping Hawks hadn’t seen them yet.
“Haha, okay,” He laid down facing me.
    I placed my arm around him and curled up into his chest, listening to the sound of his breathing and the small thump of his heart. As much as it was annoying to admit, It was calming… We laid there for a while until I had healed emotionally.
I guess seeing Hawks when I woke up helped...Why do I desperately need this stupid Pidgeon?...

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