pt 4

23 3 0

Pov. Hawks
"I'm sorry he woke you like that...I think he was angry at me."
"Why?" He asked, sitting up slowly.
"He came in to check on you and asked why I was here. I told him that you asked me to stay, but he just got angry and told me that I should leave you to heal on your own..."
"I'm sorry," He said, kissing me lightly on the head.
"I'll go talk to him," he said, getting up.
"It's okay, I don't want you getting in trouble or anything..." I said sitting up.
"I'll be okay, the worst-case scenario is he disintegrates me," He shrugged.
"...That's pretty bad..." I gave him a worried glance as he walked out of the room.
Why do I have such a bad feeling about this?...

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