pt 2 1/2

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Pov. Dabi
        I came back inside and made my way down the stuffy hallway. The door slammed closed behind me. I looked around not seeing Shigaraki anywhere. That was probably for the best. I don't think I could keep talking to him if he was like this... I'm not sure how much time he needs to get over these feelings he has, but until they're gone I can't trust that he won't try anything.
        I pushed open the door slowly to my room seeing Hawks sprawled out on the bed, clutching onto some pillows. He was laying on his stomach with one of his wings hanging off the bed and resting on the floor.
    Seriously, take up some more room why don't you...
        I stifled a laugh, seeing him almost like a child as he slept. I stood there for a moment, trying to figure out how I would get back into bed without waking him.  I decided on trying to slip into bed on the side he used to be sleeping on and slide under the blankets.
        Hawks turned over nestling up into my chest and his arm resting on my side. He was probably asleep, but still aware that I had come back. I shouldn't have gone outside tonight... especially because Shigaraki could have done something while I wasn't in the room. I should have known he'd find me out there at a time like this.
        I woke up to the feeling of feathers brushing against me. I opened my eyes seeing Hawks still resting his head on my chest. His breathing was soft, barely audible. I focused my eyes until my vision wasn't blurry anymore. I reached over and grabbed my phone off the table to check the time.
"Hey, Bird-brain..." I kissed his head.
"Don't you need to work today?" I said with a tired voice.
    My hands found his arms, rubbing them awake.
"...They can do without me for a day..." He grumbled."
"They are going to get suspicious if you don't,"
    I missed his contact as he flipped onto his back letting out a large sigh.
"Fiiiine..." He yawned and sat up, with his eyes barely open.
"For now just go do what heroes do, and I'll come to see you after, okay?"
    I got up and put my arms over my head to stretch. I felt the muscles in my back pull before I let my arms fall back down to my sides. Hawks had his hair sticking up in every direction as he dragged his wings behind him to the bathroom.
    While he got ready I figured I'd the same, even though I really had nothing to do today. Soon he came back in after he looked a bit more presentable.
"Do you know where I put my jacket?" He asked, looking around the room.
"Hmm, nope," I said, kicking it further under the bed.
    He sighed and kept looking.
"Can you at least help look?"
"Why do you need it?" I smirked.
"Because when I fly it gets- You know where it is don't you..."
"Me? Nope..."
"Come on! I have to go, just tell me."
"Fine, I'll tell you, but you need to give me something in return."
"...You're impossible." He walked up and yanked me down, giving me a quick kiss.
"Okay, now tell me."
"I find it hard to believe you're one of the smartest pros out there and you haven't checked under the bed." I laughed.
"Whatever," He hit me on the arm playfully before fishing out his jacket from under the bed.
"Oh, don't be like that."
    He put on his jacket and picked up his visor, turning towards the door.
"I'm leaving now Dabi, I'm already late. I'll see ya later right?" He winked.
"Of course," I smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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