pt 1 Stitches and Needles/ Visiting Shoto

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Pov. Dabi
I walked up to the door opening it to see Hawks standing there.
"Hey, sorry I took so long to come by. Work has been rough since...well you know"
"Yeah....sorry about that," I said looking away, remembering what had happened.
"Don't be." He said with a grin.
I moved out of the doorway inviting Hawks inside. As we walked past, I noticed Shigiraki's eyes follow us, looking like he was somewhat bothered by Hawks being here...
"Hey.." Shikaraki said in his usual scratchy voice.
"Hey, do I have any work for today?" I asked looking over at him.
"Not today, take a break," he said smiling at me.
"Uh..Okay, thanks."
"I know he proved himself...but keep an eye on your friend..." Shigaraki said as his eyes darted from me to Hawks quickly.
"Oh, I will,"I laughed looking at Hawks and grinned.
When he walked out of the room, I turned back to Hawks giving him a slight smile.
"You want to go to my room, or get food?"
He looked at me wide-eyed, seeming to get very excited.
"Both..." He said, not changing his tone of voice.
"Okay, let's go to my room and I'll order take out." I laughed, leading Hawks down the hall. Hawks followed me to my room where we sat down on the bed. I dialed the number to KFC. "Okay they will call us when it's done, we will have to walk a little away from the HQ for obvious reasons."
"Okay," I laid back on the bed sighing.
"So how was your day?"
"It was rough..but I have good news," he said, flashing me one of his signature half-smiles.
"Oh yeah?" I said looking over at him.
"Yeah, Shoto is awake now,"
"Really? That's great, could we visit him after we eat?" I shot up from the bed, suddenly feeling more excited to go out.
"Yeah, I don't mind taking you over," He laughed.
I smiled while grabbing my phone from my pocket and answering it.
"Foods ready," I said as Hawks had already stood up and was ready to go.
"You want to walk or fly?"He asked as he walked over.
"I'm heavy, I don't want to make things difficult, plus your wings are still injured" I looked at him then at his wing.
"My wing is still healing, but I'll be fine," He shrugged.
"We can walk then, Plus I don't want to strain your wing with my big body," I laughed
"You're not much taller than me..."
"Maybe I'm fatter," I said laughing again as he rolled his eyes.
"We better hurry, someone might take your chicken if we don't hurry," I said, picking up my jacket off the floor, putting it on.
"No! Come on!" Hawks grabbed my arm running outside, I took him to the destination getting the food.
"I'm thinking you like chicken more than me.." I said smiling.
"Hmm, maybe" he smirked
I gasped, "Wow...I'm not loved"
"Are you really jealous of fried chicken?" He turned around laughing.
"Maybe..." I grinned taking him back to the HQ.
I watched as he took out some of his chicken, eating it as we walked. I reached over and grabbed one of Hawks chicken nuggets, laughing as I bolted for the league.
"THANKS!" I said running faster.
I saw the door to the league and turned around not seeing Hawks. I ran into the door seeing Shigaraki.
"Where did he go..." I said breathing fast.
"What are you talking about?"
"I stole one of Hawks chicken nuggets...He loves his chicken," I ran past Shigaraki and into his room hiding under his bed. Just then I heard the door open and heard Hawks talking to Shigaraki
"Where is he?"
"He's hiding. He thinks you're going to get him for taking your chicken nuggets?" Shigi said, confused. I heard Hawks laugh In response.
"No, I won't...I got another order hehe."
"I was going to share with him, but I guess I'll have to eat all alone..."
"Ow," I said as I hit my head trying to get out.
Well...I might as well get out now...
"There he is," I heard Hawks laughing as I stood up walking over to them.
"Sorry for taking your chicken nuggets..." I said laughing
"It's okay, you have to eat too." He handed me the second bag I started heading back to my room, but just as I turned around Hawks slapped my ass, smirking at me while eating another chicken nugget. I turned around looking at him
"Did you just...haha let's go eat"
"Payback for my chicken nuggets," he smirked as I took his hand leading him into the room Shutting the door behind him, sitting down to eat. I turned on the TV looking over at Hawks as he began eating again.
"What should we watch before we visit Shoto?"
"Uh...I don't know, just turn on whatever," He said with his mouth half full.
I flipped a couple of channels and left it on the animal planet. We sat there for a while watching until a slightly larger fish came out of nowhere and bit down on the smaller fish slowly eating it.
"WHY THE FUCK DID THAT FISH EAT THE OTHER FISH?!, I don't wanna see this while I'm eating..." I laughed looking at him turning on a movie.
"Uh when you're done, we can head out. For now, I'm going to lay down." I said laying back, grabbing onto my side. Shit...I think it reopened it. I stayed there not wanting to move and slowly fell asleep. Suddenly, I woke up wincing in pain.
"..Hey, Dabi you okay...?" I felt him lightly shaking my arm. I felt my side once more noticing the wet feeling on my side and the soreness that had started spreading. I sat up Holding onto my side rushing to the bathroom....shit, how did it bleed through that many layers of bandages? I rummaged through the first aid kit looking for badges. We're out... I grabbed a hoodie that was hanging on the bathroom door and put it on, I walked back into the room sitting down next to Hawks.
"Dabi..tell me what's going on, are you okay?" He said clearly worried.
"It's nothing," I said, trying to laugh it off.
"Why do you always try to hide this stuff from me, Do you think I'm stupid?"
"Then tell me what happened..." He said, looking more serious.
"I don't want to bother it's not so bad."
"We were on a mission, and I guess I wasn't paying attention and some guy with a knife slashed me," I said nervously laughing.
Before I knew it, Hawks was pulling up the hoodie and my shirt.
"Dabi...You're going to need stitches." I sat there looking down at the ground, We sat there in silence as the door opened.
"Dabi, I need you to-....what..what happened?!" Shigaraki exclaimed, sounding angrier now.
"Nothing, I'm fine..."
"Don't bullshit me, your bleeding!" Shigaraki said in a stern voice coming inside.
"What d-do you need me to do...I can't be lazy or I'll be worthless this can wait..."
"Nvm, it's not that big of a job. You need to get that healed before I put you out on any squad missions..." Shigi said, leaning on the wall.
I looked over at Hawks, suddenly feeling more guilty.
"I can stitch him up, I just need some thread and a needle." I started to unwrap my bandages as they talked. Shigaraki left and came back with a needle and thread handing them to Hawks.
"You better not let him bleed out. His blood type is in there somewhere, check the cards...I have to go," Shigi said and walked out of the door. I looked over at Hawks who had a concerned look on his face.
"Hawks, I feel..dizzy..."
"Dabi.....dammit why didn't you tell me about this sooner?! There is no time I have to do this now..." I looked at Hawks feeling scared, but I understood what had to be done... I grabbed onto his shirt, closing my eyes.
"I'll try my best not to let it hurt too much..." He opened the box full of needles, thread, and some bags of blood.
"I feel weird...tired"
"Just hang in there, I need you to stay awake..."
"I need your arm Dabi...I can't have you lose too much blood," he grabbed my arm and warned me before sticking the needle in my arm.
"Good job, now I just need to patch this up..."
I grabbed onto Hawks' waist for comfort as he threads the needle, getting ready to begin stitching me up.
"Heh, it's gonna be fine just try not to think about it, okay?" He started at the bottom snipping the thread and repeating the process over again until he reached the top. He stood up grabbing a rag and washing the wound until the bleeding stopped.
"It's not very pretty, but it will hold." He said looking at it one more time before his eyes met mine. I started to shake, still feeling the needle in my arm. Hawks noticed and started playing with my hair, calming me down a bit as I focused on him...
"Why do you do this to yourself... I don't understand at all,"
"We didn't have anything, and I can't go to the store because my last mask was burned, so I was left here and I didn't wanna bother anyone...Especially you," I said as I waited for his response.
"Are you kidding? I literally get paid for helping people. It's part of my job you idiot," He laughed.
"Yeah..sorry," I sat up and looked at him.
"Can we still visit Shoto today..." I asked, hearing my raspy voice, cracking from stress.
"Yes, but I'm flying you there." He said more demandingly this time.
"Okay..." I said walking with him outside after he had pulled out the needle.
I grabbed onto him as he took off into the sky. I looked down and closed my eyes when we got higher up
"Ah-.......This is new...hey we need to go to the store afterward," I said, grabbing onto Hawks' shirt.
"Okay, and I guess being this high up can be hard to get used to," he said laughing holding onto me.
"You scared?" He said, smirking at me.
" Scared? No!"
I noticed the store and pointed to it, Hawks began holding onto me tighter and stopped, flying and started dropping us towards the ground...
"Hawks...HAWKS what are you doing?!" I gripped at his jacket feeling my stomach drop.
He started laughing, spreading his wings, giving us a soft landing. I looked at him with wide eyes, breathing fast.
"You're an asshole..." I said catching my breath.
"Oh, thank you~" He said, laughing harder.
I walked to the back of the building, rolling my eyes. We were where no one would see us meeting me out here. Hawks told me to wait here while he ran inside. I watched him go and sat against the wall starting to zone out while rubbing my hand gently across the stitches...I have to stop hiding things...
I heard footsteps approaching and snapped out of my daze, seeing Hawks walking up to me. He handed me the bag of bandages and a bottle of water.
"Thanks," I drank some and sat it in the bag grabbing onto Hawks ready to go.
He nodded, holding onto me, and took off.
"Does it still hurt?"
"A little...but I'm fine," I said, giving him half a grin. We flew for a little until we reached the hospital. Hawks went and got the visitors pass and got the room number grabbing my hand leading me to his room.
"He will be a little burnt, so try to be ready to see him..." I looked down at the ground suddenly feeling anxiety hit me.
"Okay..." We walked into the elevator and hit his floor number and I covered my face with my shirt so I wouldn't be noticed. The elevator door opened and we walked down to his room. I found myself holding onto Hawks' hand tighter. He opened the door, leading me inside. I closed my eyes for a moment. Seeing him in a hospital bed was difficult...
"T-Touya what are you doing here?" His voice sounded dry and raspy...
"Hey...little bro I came to visit you, "I tried to sound cheerful, so I wouldn't worry him.
"Y-you shouldn't be out in public...y-you'll get caught..."
"It's okay, I'll be okay. Hawks is helping me get around," I said, managing a half-hearted smile.
"Speaking of, can you hand me the bag please?" Hawks handed me the bag and I walked over to the chair sitting in the corner opening the boxes.
"Oh yeah, here. do you need any help?" He asked, walking over next to me.
"No, I'll be ok...actually, can you get my shirt?" I said laughing
"Okay," He walked over to me, pulling up my shirt revealing the cut and stitches.
"Mh- that hurt..." I whined.
"Sorry," He said apologetically.
"It's okay," I smiled at Hawks, grabbing the bandages
"Touya...w-what did you do?...."
"Uh...I got attacked while on a mission. It's okay, I'm fine..." I looked over seeing him trying to sit up. I quickly came to his side.
"Hey, hey...easy" I saw him wince in pain.
"You need to stay laying down,"
"Are.. you okay..." He looked up at me.
I glanced down at the cut then at Hawks...
"Ah, yep," I walked slowly back to the table where I had the bandages.
"Stitches?...I-I thought you hated needles..." He said with a pained expression in his eyes.
"I do...I was about to di- uh pass out yeah so we had to get it done."
"...Hawks told me what happened...did h-he hurt you ?" I stopped at the chair.
"Yeah, I'm fine...I wish you could say the same," I finished banging myself up still holding onto my side trying not to look odd.
"It was worth it...we all got out alive, so it's okay." He gave a weak grin.
"...Yeah but that was really reckless," I walked back over to Shoto hugging him.
"You really scared me...but we won't have to deal with him anymore," I stood up grabbing my side once again, feeling a sudden snap of pain.
".....well is there anything you want me to get you?" I asked, trying not to worry him.
"Some soba would be great," he said, giving a small grin.
I walked over cleaning up the plastic and trash from the bandages, then Hawks walked over to me whispering in my ear
"You okay?..."
"Uh...yeah I'm fine why?" I said "acting casual", I wasn't good at all.
"You look...conflicted," He said, raising an eyebrow at me.
"...No, I don't..." I said, turning back to Shoto.
"We're going to go get your soba, okay? We will be right back," I said looking at Shoto before walking out of the door. I threw my trash out. As soon as we closed the door Hawks stopped right in front of me, pulling me to the side.
"What's really happening?"
Hawks leaned onto the wall, locking eyes with me.
"I'll tell you later okay...I'll be fine till then,"
He sighed and pushed off the wall. We walked into the elevator and left through the main gates. We walked a couple of blocks to a place where we could get some soba for Shoto and headed back. We made it back to the hotel and snuck up the food to Shoto's room.
"Hey kid, we're back," Hawks said, opening the door.
I walked over to Shoto handing him the soba.
"Here you go," I said grinning.
"Thanks," he said, giving a weak smile.
"You okay Sho?" He looked up at me.
"Yeah, I just miss my friends..."
"You wanna call one of them? I'm sure Hawks has their numbers," He looked at Hawks then back at me.
" you have Midoriya's number?..."
"Midoriya...which one is that again?" Hawks asked laughing
"He's the green-haired kid...the one that likes Shoto," I said, smirking at my brother.
Shoto's face turned to a shade of red that was almost darker than his hair.
"'s not like that," He stuttered.
"Okay then, it's the boy Shoto likes. You're very obvious, little brother." Hawks and I started laughing.
"Wait...He's the finger breaking kid right?" at that moment, I couldn't hold my laughter.
"Yeah...yeah that's him," Shoto said looking away.
"Sorry Sho didn't mean to make fun of your boyfriend," I said, containing the rest of my laughter.
"Yeah, sorry to ruin the moment," Hawks said with a slight smile.
"No, you're fine ba- Hawks..." I realized what I was saying and quickly said Hawks' name. My face was a dead give away...
Hawks started laughing as Shoto's eyes darted for me to Hawks.
"I knew it," He said in a monotone voice.
"Uh...knew...whattt?" I scratched the back of my head looking at Hawks.
"HA, gotta hand it to ya kid, your perceptive," He laughed.
"Thank you," He said with the same monotone voice and a small grin.
I walked to the back of the room sitting in the chair.
"Fine then all-knowing brother...just call the kid," I said looking over at Hawks. He dialed the number handing the phone to Shoto. I looked down at the bandages with a worried expression.
"H-hello Mr. Hawks?" Midoriya's voice wavered on the other end.
"Actually this is Shoto,"
I propped myself up against the wall on the side that wasn't hurting. Hawks grinned at Shoto, then looked over to me. I saw Shoto's expression change as he talked to Midoriya. I saw a smile that didn't look forced, covering his face. I grinned back at Hawks, silently communicating how obvious my little brother was with his feelings for the green-haired boy on the other end of the phone.
"Todoroki-kun where have you been?..... I heard the news. I'm sorry for your loss...I think?"
"Thank you for your sympathy, heh...I just have been a bit busy with everything," He laughed a bit.
"What have you been up to? Can I come to visit?"
"Uh...I don't know,"
"Why, what's wrong?"
I noticed Hawks looking at me as I clutched my side. I forced a grin, then looked back at Shoto.
"O-oh okay, well I hope you feel better soon. School is really different without you. Kacchan won't stop yelling at me...Kiri's here to help though, so It's not so bad. I hope you can come back soon, so I can see you...I - I mean so we can all see you haha..."
"I will try," he said smiling
"O-okay well, I have to go my moms calling me for dinner, bye Todoroki ~"
"Goodbye, Midoriya." he hung the phone up, handing the phone to Hawks. And if I'm not mistaken, a small smile was growing on his face.
Oh, Little brother,
"Thank you for letting me use your phone."
"No problem, hope it helped."
"Well you should get some rest, we can come to visit another day," I said standing up groaning.
"Okay...Thank you for coming to see me," he smiled and waved to us"
"No problem little bro," I waved back and walked out of the door shutting it.
"He looks better than I thought..."
"He's a tough kid," Hawks said smiling.
"Yeah," I leaned onto Hawks.
"...You looked like you were struggling back there."
"I can wait till we get back to the league," I smiled.
As soon as we left the hospital I felt sick. The pain was also worse now with the bleeding and throbbing in my side. I couldn't talk about it in front of Shoto, I didn't want him worrying about me. He needed to get better. Hawks took me back to the league. The height wasn't really helping, but it was the fastest way for us to get back. Once we were there I rushed to the bathroom running past Shigaraki.

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