Unexpected Feelings

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Pov. Dabi
    I walked out into the hall, feeling my body still waking up. I pushed open Shiaraki’s door and walked in stopping only a couple of feet from him, probably looking pissed.
“ What the hell’s your problem?!” I asked, not trying to sugar coat it.
    Shigaraki had something against Hawks, and after everything he did, he still doesn’t trust him. I respected Shigi, but he was being rude to Hawks for no reason.
“ What do you mean? I was just looking out for your friend.” He said, standing up.
“Bulllshit, you were being an asshole! What did he do to make you act this way towards him?”
“He’s a hero, I still don’t trust him...And you’re getting too close.” He started sounding upset?
“Yeah, he is a hero, but he saved me. He protected the league! What else does he have to do?” I took another step closer feeling my insides heat up with my sudden rise in anger.
    I can’t do anything to him until I get a reason…
“I don’t know what else to tell you, We can’t trust a hero…” He said swallowing hard.
“You know what, You can lead our missions, hell you can lead me straight into my deathbed, but you can't tell me who not to get close to,” I said, hearing a slight growl in my own voice.
“I found someone who makes me happy, and you aren’t going to disrespect him.” I shook my head looking down at Shigaraki’s face. His hair covered his eyes, so I couldn’t tell what he was feeling.  I don’t know why but I got this weird feeling from him when he started scratching under his sleeve.
“...And I wasn’t enough...everything I did for you? It wasn’t enough?” He murmured as I was about to walk out.
    I turned back hearing his voice cracking more than usual.
“What’d you say?” I asked, facing him.
“Nothing, go back to sleep…” He said, sounding hurt at what I said.
    I’m not sure why he’s acting like this…
“No, I’m pretty sure you said something.” I leaned down looking him in the eyes, I sounded more demanding as I spoke to him.
“Get out of my face…” He said, looking away.
“What are you going to do if I don’t?” I didn’t budge. I needed to know why he was like this. I needed to know why he didn’t talk to me anymore, or why he hated Hawks.
    I saw his eyes dart back over, looking at mine. His pale complexion seemed to have some sort of pink spreading across his face.
“I will give you one more chance to get out of my face, Dabi…” He said, barely audible, in a shaking voice.
“No, we need to talk. Are you like some kind of germaphobe now?”
“ Oh, Hawks is a hero! We can’t trust him because he’s a good person!” I mocked him, watching him clench his jaw.
“Tell me why you-” I was interrupted with the feeling of Shigaraki’s cold hands pulling my face closer to his. He pressed his lips against mine. I stood there, shock filling my body, as I felt him hold me closer. My face went red when I tried pulling away from him.
“...Dabi?” Hawks opened the door, seeing what was happening.
    I heard his voice and tripped over something while trying to get away. I tried catching myself on the table, but I managed to hit my side sending flares of pain up my body.
“Shigaraki...what were you…” I rasped, clutching my side.
    Hawks ran to my side helping me up as I looked back at Shigaraki.
“D-Dabi, I-I…” He turned away wrapping his arms around himself, looking down.
“...Just go…” He rasped.
“Dabi, are you okay?!” He put my arm around his shoulder looking at Shigaraki.
“H-Hawks I…” I looked at him, feeling the bruising start to appear.
“Just get him out of here, Hawks,” Shigaraki demanded.
    Hawks took me out without hesitating and took me to the bathroom. He sat me down and lifted my shirt up over my head, seeing the blood leaking out from my wound.
“Hawks, I-I didn’t… I didn’t do it.”
“...You’re bruised.”
    He didn’t acknowledge me…
    Hawks took a cloth to my side wiping away the blood and pressed it to my skin to stop the bleeding.
“Shigaraki, H-He kissed me…” I felt tears in my eyes.
    It wasn’t because of the pain. It was because I was scared. I was scared that after seeing what Shigaraki had done, he wouldn’t believe me. I couldn’t lose him…
“Hawks, Please believe me…” I pleaded.
    He didn’t answer. He just sat there silently waiting for the bleeding to stop.
“ I was yelling at him and him...He just did it. I promise I didn’t, I wouldn’t!” I felt my chest tighten as I choked on my words.
“I didn’t think he would do the after...after I told him that I loved you…”
    His eyes were now on me, looking like he didn’t believe what I was telling him.
“...W-what?” He spoke in a quiet voice that was almost a whisper.
“I love you, Hawks…” I swallowed the lump in my throat and kept my eyes on him.
    His eyes were shining in the dim yellow light of the bathroom as he processed the words I had just said. His breathing was staggered and quiet as he saw the pleading look in my eyes.
“Screw it, come here you idiot.” He came on top of me connecting our lips and kissing me passionately, resting his arms on my shoulders.
    I felt soreness in my side, but I didn’t want to think about that, not right now. All I wanted to think about was Hawks. His lips were soft, It felt natural like I could hold him here for days without a single break.
    I never thought of myself as the romantic kind of guy, but everything felt different now. Everything I did, He was always there. I can’t even think about what things would be like without him. My heart felt like it was warm and swollen inside my chest, almost filling me with a feeling I couldn’t quite explain.
    I felt him pull away and look back at me.
“I’m sorry, did I hurt you?
    I kissed him again lightly on the lips and pulled away.
“No, It definitely wasn’t you.” I laughed
“Can we go to the room? This floor isn’t the best place to sit.” I said letting my hands find his waist as I reluctantly lifted him off of me.
“Yeah,” He said getting up, not making eye contact.
    Hawks took my hand helping me stand.
“Mh-I’m up…” I said, feeling sore again.
    Hawks took me back to the room, letting me lay back in bed. He sat beside me again, grazing his hand over my side.
“Did the bleeding stop yet?” I asked, looking down at my stitches.
“Yeah, and this time, make sure it stays stopped.” He laughed.
“Yeah, okay,” I said smiling at him.
    He laid beside me and pulled me in close.
“ I uh, I love you too by the way.” his eyes met mine.
    He moved in closer and kissed me, giving me a small bite on the lip as he pulled away. I felt that butterflies’ feeling in my stomach hearing him repeat those words back to me. Everything about him just seemed to fit. Now that I’ve heard the confirmation, It was like there was a new thing inside me I didn’t quite understand. It was way different than the daunting feeling of being on the opposite side of a war we probably couldn’t win. There was some kind of light there now, something to hold onto.
    I smiled at him and held him against me for a while, enjoying the presence of the bird who somehow stole my heart.
    And I thought I was the villain…

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