The Truth Comes Out

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Hawks Pov.
Come on Endeavor pick up...
"Hey, Enji! I'm feeling better, any jobs?"
"That's great, but no there aren't any so far, So would you like to come for dinner ...I mean again?" Can't say no, food is food.
"Sure, I could eat!"  I took off, flying back home to get dressed, then I made my way over to Endeavor's house. I knocked on the door and he answered with a friendly greeting.
"Unfortunately, Shoto will not be joining us.....but other than that everyone's here." he stepped aside welcoming me in
"Uh okay.."
"Have a seat, dinner should be ready soon, is sushi okay?"
"It's not chicken but yeah that's fine." I gave a slight laugh
"Yeah sorry again about not everyone is here, it's not punctual. Shoto had an...accident while training today."
"An accident? Is he okay? What happened?" I watched endeavors expression change. He seemed slightly agitated... "He got burned and cut himself up..but he will be fine"
"Oh..I see I hope he feels better soon".
The bathroom door opens loudly followed by heavy footsteps
You've got to be kidding me...
"Shoto, don't walk with a heavy foot!"
"What are you-.....Oh yeah sorry, father!"
"Shoto you should rest up, I heard you got injured!" I spoke into the hallway.
"Yeah, not like you'd care..."
"SHOTO! Watch your mouth boy, you are better than this!"
"He's fine Enji, he's a teen he will be like that sometimes."
"No..he knows better. He never talks like that, I'm going to check on him."
Oh no...
"I'm sure he's fine...."
"I'll be back" I heard Endeavor yelling, followed by a loud slap. Silence filled the house for a moment. Then, just as I thought it was over I heard Dabi's voice.
"Hey old man, don't touch him!"
Shit... I got up running to Shoto's room.
"What the? How did you get here Dabi!?! Are you trying to kidnap my son?" Endeavor and Dabi both activated their quirks. I turned around looking for Shoto.
"You should get out of here just in case.." He got up, clearly scared, and accidentally let it slip
"Touya!" Shoto yelled out for his brother but immediately realized his mistake.
"Enji, stop! He wasn't going to hurt Shoto!"
Endeavor pushed me out of the way as Dabi shot a flame hitting him in the face.
"Why are you here? I thought I got rid of you...." I watched as his eyes widened realizing what he said.
"So, it's true then?!"
"No...I-I slipped up you see..."
"Hell yeah, you slipped up! You hurt your own children!" Endeavor knocked Dabi to the ground.
"SHUT have no clue how troublesome they are!"
"I'm calling the council!" he wasn't even fazed by that... All I could do was watch as he kept hitting Dabi.
"Heh...I am a hero." I watched as the fear grew in Dabis eyes as Endeavor lifted his fist up.
"You can't do anything he's a villain...I won't get in any trouble." Endeavor leaned back swinging his fist towards Dabi. I can't just stand here and let him do this anymore... I jumped into the crossfire before he got to Dabi "AAAHHHHGG-Shit..." Endeavor reached for me
"Hawks, are you okay?"
Dabi reached his hands up, placing flames all over Endeavor's body.
Dabi looks at me, seeming to remember something. He tried to leave through the window, but Endeavor hit him from behind knocking him out of the window unconscious.
I rushed past Endeavor and flew out the window to Dabi's side, picking him up.
"I'm taking him away from you!" I flew up, trying not to think about the pain in my right-wing...I looked down seeing Dabi's eyes half shut. I landed by the league banging on the door
"Are you here to apologize?" Shigaraki seemed irritated until his expression changed to shock and anger.
"He needs medical attention alright, please help him..."
For some reason, Shigaraki starts to show weakness and starts tearing up.
"Ah shit..shit we can't we will get arrested, Oh god I'm sorry I yelled Dabi..."
"I can go get some stuff from my house. I have several medical kits in case of an emergency..."
"Please, I'll see what we have here..."
I watched Shigaraki frantically bring Dabi to what I assume was his room and then The bathroom. I took off to grab the medkit and flew back as fast as I could.

I ran into Shigaraki working on Dabi.
He looked so stressed, but he mostly looked in pain. Toga ran into the room with blood bags with Dabi's blood type.
"Hey, I got them." I rushed into the room opening the kit and pulling out the supplies, handing them to Shigaraki.
"Hawks, get him ready while I set this shit up." Shigaraki was focused on putting together the equipment as he spoke.
    I nodded and started pulling off Dabi's shirt. His back was badly bruised and looked like there was a lot of internal bleeding. I held his limp body to mine while I checked for any broken bones. His back seems to be ok other than the bruising and bleeding, but he had at least two cracked ribs...
"It's ready." He looked over at me with a pained expression.
His eyes looked watery for a moment before wiping them.
"You can lay him down now..." Shigaraki said, looking down.
    I pulled out medication for Dabi's burns and started applying it to his back and torso. Then I did like he said making sure not to make his injuries worse. Shigaraki hooked up the cheap monitor and blood bag. I just looked at Dabi as he laid there, out cold.
"It's all my fault...I shouldn't have yelled at him, and...maybe then he wouldn't have left..." Shigaraki sat there on the verge of tears with his face covered with his hands.
"I'm not sure how long we can keep him here like this..." Shigaraki said looking up at me.
"Just keep him for now until I can figure something out...For now, though I have to go. The other kids are still in the house with Endeavor..."
    I turned away attempting to leave, but I felt a tug on my arm. I turned around and saw Shigaraki standing behind me.
"...Hurry back...He's going to want to see you if he wakes up..."
"If he does wake up before I get back, you should talk to him..." I said turning away.
"If something happens call me." With that, I left the league.
    I took off feeling the pain in my wing a little more now. It was just a surface wound, a little sting, I can still fly through this. Besides, I can't leave Shoto with Enji, not when he's like this...
    I landed in front of the house not bothering to knock. I opened the door running in looking around for Shoto and the others. I turn and see Todoroki with bruises on his face standing in the kitchen with his sister who looked like she'd just finished crying. I walked over to them telling Fuyumi to get Natsuo and leave until this settles down. Then I turned back to Shoto once they were on their way out.
"Where is your dad?"
"He's in his room...Touya, Is he okay?"
"...He's alive, burned, but alive."
"Now I need you to get outta here alright kid?"
"Please, don't go in! You're going to get hurt!"
    Shoto grabbed my arm trying to stop me from leaving.
"I'll be okay kid," I pulled out of his grip and ran down the hall.
    I turned the corner and threw the door open, storming into the room.
"What did I say ab-Oh...What do you want?"
    I stood where I was feeling anger start to rise inside of me. I closed the door, locked it, and leaned onto it with my arms crossed.
"You tell me..."
    He stood up from his desk chair taking off his glasses.
"You think you scare me? I've been doing this longer than you've been alive...Besides he's fine."
"Not that're not supposed to hurt others at all! He did nothing to provoke you, you didn't even care that he was your own son!"
"He made first contact, Hawks. Besides, he's not my son anymore. He's a disgrace, a monster."
    Endeavor's eyes narrowed on me as he spoke.
"He's still your own flesh and blood! Don't lie to yourself, you know Touya! You raised the damn boy!"
    I heard the strain on my voice like I wanted to scream. I felt like I knew him... He saved me, all those years ago...I wanted to believe he wouldn't hurt people as he has...
"I hope he dies..." Endeavor snarled.
"I'm going to the council about this Enji...I can't let you keep doing this."
"He's a villain, I am justified!"
"No, No you're not...I didn't want to do this but they are going to know the truth. You beat Shoto, there is physical proof! You burnt me! And blood tests will confirm Dabi is your son. You're trapped."
"Shoto knows what would happen to him if he told on me, and you, you just got in the way during a fight with a villain. Not that hard to explain."
    I laughed, mocking him.
"And if I told you I was recording this conversation?"
"I guess, I'd have to get rid of you." He made direct eye-contact with me as his quirk activated.
"I hate that I have to do this...I looked up to you...Looks like I was wrong about you."
    I pulled out my blades as Endeavor rushed towards me shooting flames in my direction. My movement was stunted because of it being such a small area to fight, so my wings were out of the question...This isn't looking good for me...
"So, you're going to kill me?..." My eyes stung with tears as I heard the words that had just been said out of my mouth.
"If it's what I must do then yes." He said firing another stream of flames at me. I tried dodging them but it grazed the same wing that had been burnt before. I looked at it distracted for a moment, and when I turned around all I saw was Endeavor kicking me down in a short moment. I found myself cornered to the wall wincing in pain. He powered up his quirk again aiming straight at me. I looked up at him with the fire licking away at his clothes and adding a menacing glow to his face. He looked conflicted and angry, and suddenly he tensed up ready to fire. There was no way I could get up in time to avoid the blow. I tried using my body weight to push myself onto the wall to stand. I looked up seeing the fire already coming at my face. I Covered my body with my wings waiting for the fire to finally burn away at me, but it never came. I lowered my wings seeing Shoto laying there with burns decorating his skin.
"Shoto! No, no, no,..." I kneeled down beside him and looked back over at Endeavor.
"Look what you did!"
I scooped up the poor kid in my arms feeling a pain in my back.
"Let me take care of Shoto."
"No, you've done enough..."
"I don't think Touya is the monster..." I said glaring at him.
"Why do you insist on defending him?" He growled.
"You wouldn't understand..." I looked at him with the same scowl he had growing on his face.
"I honestly don't know why you would take sides with a disgusting villain like him."
" would understand..."
    I said nothing after that and turned away, jumping out of the window flying off into the night. I looked down at Shoto.
"Hey, kid. You awake?"
"Y-Yeah..." He rasped.
    Shoto's breathing became slow and heavy.
"Stay with me, Shoto. I'm taking you to the hospital."
    He passed out, going limp in my arms. Shit... I have to hurry...
    I landed at the hospital running into the doors, calling for a nurse.
    The lady at the desk sees me holding Shoto and calls for the Doctors to take him to a room. I laid him on the bed, watching them take him away.
I'm sorry Shoto, but I have to go...
    I took a step back hearing my phone ring. I answered it, hearing Shigaraki's voice on the other end.
"Hey, how is he?"
"Please tell me you're on your way! He's failing!" Shigaraki's voice was strained on the other end.
    I could hear him rushing around trying to tend to Dabi.
    He hung up the phone feeling my adrenaline kick in. There was no way We could keep him stable on our own. The internal bleeding is too bad. I have to get him medical attention...
"NURSE! I have one more thing. I am with the Hero Council from an undercover mission, and we have a man down. Can you lend us a med-team and an ambulance?"
"Oh of course Mr. Hawks. Where will they be dispatched?"
"I'll drive."
"O-Okay then, give me a moment to get a team ready..."
    I nodded picking up the keys she left on the counter for me. I ran out to the ambulances parked out front unlocking one and hopping inside. Shortly after the paramedics and doctors came running and got into the back. I told them not to look around outside of the ambulance to keep the location disclosed. They nodded and I pulled out of the hospital parking lot turning on the sirens, speeding to the league hideout.
    Once I got there I jumped out. I called Shigaraki again, waiting for him to pick up the phone.
"Are you here?"
"Yeah, bring him out," I said in a serious tone hanging up.
    Shigaraki opened the door holding Dabi and looked over at me.
"I hear sirens..." He scowled at me.
"Just bring him here goddamnit!" I snapped.
    Shiagaraki handed Dabi to me and watched me run him to the ambulance. I opened the back laying him on the bed. The doctors swarmed around him beginning to get to work. I looked at him once before leaving to wait outside the ambulance. I saw Shigaraki leaning against the side of the truck looking down at the concrete.
"Hey, when he wakes up, I want you to talk to him. I'm serious, you look like you got a lot on your mind."
    He looked at me from the corner of his eye and sighed.
"No, He hates me...Just go in and see him, you're the one he wants to see anyway..."
    Shigaragki looked back at the ground again.
"Thank you for helping him..."
"No problem. It's in my job description anyway." I laughed.
"You sure you don't wanna see him. They said he's awake."
I took another step towards Shigaraki, watching him push himself off the ambulance.
"I will, but I only want to apologize... Then I'll leave..."
    I nodded and took him inside. I sat down on the side of Dabi's bed, seeing his eyes still heavy.
"Mornin princess..." I smiled.
"...Lay with me..." He could barely speak without his voice sounding weak.
"I will, but there is someone that wants to talk to you first..."
    I looked over at the door of the ambulance seeing Shigaraki like a deer in headlights. He took a while to actually realize I was talking about him, but he came forward standing beside Dabi.
"Dabi...I'm sorry...I hit you and you didn't deserve it..." Shigaraki started to scratch at his neck, looking down.
"It's okay..."
"It's not okay, You were hurt and you would have been okay if I hadn't-"
    Dabi pulled Shigaraki into a hug, letting out a heavy sigh.
"I told you, It's okay."
"Get better...I'm going to go talk to the others..." Shigaraki said, turning away and leaving.
"D-Do what you need to boss..."
    Dabi pushed himself up, wincing at the pain, and laid back against the pillows.
"Dabi you should know that...Shoto is in the hospital..."
    I tried breaking it to him in the easiest way possible but he still reacted and sat up quickly hurting himself.
    I helped him back down trying to calm him down.
"Woah, calm down. He's fine I took him there myself." I said moving closer to Dabi.
"I need to see him...what did he him?" he rasped.
"I have enough evidence to put him in jail for a long time...So, don't worry."
    What I was saying didn't seem to help...He started to stand up but got dizzy and started to fall. I stood up catching him.
"I-I have to..."
"You don't have to do anything..."I said, laying him back onto the bed.
"If it makes you feel any better, I got my wings singed." I laughed.
"WHAT?!" he exclaimed.
    Why am I so bad at this?....
"Come here..."
    Without warning, I was pulled down onto Dabi. I felt my heart start to beat faster feeling his warm embrace around me.
"I-It's not that bad. I can still fly, see!" I said laughing nervously.
    I moved my wing around showing him I could still move it around.
"Still, you should rest..."
    Dabi wrapped his arms around my waist holding me closer to him. I felt my face burn hot with embarrassment. Why did I  like this...god what is wrong with me?...
    Dabi looked at me, eyes wide. He was so close...I could see how his eyes shined almost as bright as his flames...I felt his warmth against me and his chest rising and falling as he took in every breath.
"I-I have something I need to tell you..." He said looking right at me.
"What is it?" I shifted around on the bed beside him.
    Dabi's gaze was still set on me as his face started to flush red.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"You know, never mind it was dumb anyway..."
"You sure?..." I asked, moving closer to him.
"No...." He said swallowing hard.
"I'm just...afraid to say it..." He said, starting to get quiet.
"Afraid?" I asked.
"Well, I'm more nervous..."
"Oh, well in that case... maybe you don't have to..."
    I started feeling a haze come over me as I matched his gaze again.
"What do you me-"
"Oh, come here you fucking idiot."
    I yanked him into a kiss feeling him tense up at the shock of what was happening. He seemed to relax more as the kiss went on. Why did I do this? Did I read this situation wrong? God, he's going to think I'm gross...Why am I like this?...
    Aside from my thoughts going crazy, It was actually really nice... I loosened my grip on his shirt and placed my hands on either side of his face holding him into the kiss. Eventually, I pulled away looking at Dabi as I tried catching my breath. He looked back at me with wide eyes and a bright red blush.
"I-I-Uh..T-Thank you...."
    I laughed a bit hearing how hard it was for him to respond.
"O-Oh, sorry I-I mean.."
    He moved in closer giving me another quick kiss on the lips.
"You're welcome." I smiled.
"Now you see, That's what I needed to get off my chest..." Dabi grinned.
"But...I'm a villain, and you're a hero..."
"Haha, Well I might not be for long...I was involved with your dad's work, so I don't know how the council will react..."
"I'm, sorry..."
"It's okay what is good and bad anyway?" I smiled at him again.
"I gotta go make a phone know before your dad tries to get to Shoto," I said standing up pulling out my phone.

"Can you stay with me?" He whined.
"I will just be outside the ambulance I'll come back in when I'm done." I walked over kissing him on his forehead and turned to leave.
    I turned around trying not to laugh, seeing Dabi sitting there frowning.
"Weenie? What, are you five?" I laughed.
"You're a weenie, you didn't kiss me correctly..." He sat there pouting.
"You kn-"
    I laughed and leaned in to kiss him on the lips and pulled away.
"Happy now?
"Hehe, yep. You'll be back soon though right?" he said looking up at me with hopeful eyes.
"Yep." I smiled and left the ambulance to make the call.
    I made the call explaining the evidence and the situation. I also requested that Shoto not see his father until this is sorted out just to make sure he didn't get hurt any more than he already is. I hung up the phone and headed back into the ambulance to see Dabi. I opened the door and saw Dabi already asleep. I tried to stay quiet as I walked in, so I wouldn't wake him. I went to sit on his bed as he rolled over hiring his back and waking up.
"Agh...Hawks? Your back..."
"Tired huh?... You should get some sleep..."
"But I wanna talk with you..."
"Really? No, you need to rest."
"" He retaliated, pulling me down to lay next to him again.
"Hi, how are you?" he laughed giving me a stupid smile.
"Hm I don't know, a little bit of pain a bit of fear, but mostly just babysitting a villain." I laughed trying to lighten the mood.
"...fear?" he said letting go of me.
    I really need to work on my "cheering up" skills...
"It's fine."
"No, it's not fine! Tell me what you're scared of." He said speaking in a more demanding tone.
    I waited for a second. before answering. I hope he doesn't try to do anything stupid...
"...Your dad, he is looking for me...he said he'd kill me but I don't know if he meant it...I'd be dead if Shoto hadn't taken the hit..."
    Dabi started getting noticeably mad and glared, as he spoke.
"...I'll kill him first then..."
"H-Hey, calm down alright? It's over now."
    I tried to keep him from getting up and talk him out of doing anything that might get him killed. I know he will do whatever he can to get back at his dad...I don't know if I'm enough this time to calm him down.
"You're not going back there!"
"Look, I'm already feeling better." He said getting up off the bed.
    I grabbed his arm trying to pull him back, but he pulled out of my grasp.
"No, No you're not," I said, locking the ambulance.
Dabi stood there looking at me as his eyes darted to the keys. He took a couple of steps forward and pinned me to the bed. I looked up at him blushing. For a moment I had forgotten about the keys and Dabi had already taken them out of my hand.
"Guess I am." He said, smirking at me.
"Dabi, you better not make me save your ass again!"
    He got up off me and went to open the back door of the ambulance.
"I'll be back." He said, turning back winking at me.
    I tried getting up and getting to the door before he closed it, but he had already hopped out and locked me inside.
"For the love of God, Touya! At least let me help...he's going to kill you!"
"No, he's after you, and I need you safe..." He said through the window.
    He waved, gave me a half-hearted smile, and turned and left. I watched him go feeling afraid that he would get himself killed. I paced around trying to think about what to do. I felt my phone buzzing and remembered I could call Shigaraki. I pulled out my phone and dialed his number.
"Goddamnit, he locked me in the ambulance! He's going after his dad again!"
"Okay, I'm coming." He said hanging up.
    Soon Shigaraki opened the door letting me out.
"He left the key here?"
    I shrugged.
"Thank you, I have to go after him...If something happens I'll call you." I said taking off into the sky.
    I flew off into the direction of Enji's house, feeling my heart race. I hope I could make it in time...I didn't want to lose him so soon. I felt the air start to sting against my burn as I tried to fly faster.
I'm coming, Touya...

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