Childhood in Flames

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Dabi Pov


I walked up to the house opening the door

"FATHER~" I saw him sitting in his room glaring over at me. "You're like the rats, you just don't die..." I began walking over breathing heavily. "you hurt them...both of them, that just won't fly with me..." I activated my quirk entering his room. He looked at me, I could feel his hatred as he stood up activating his quirk.

"I've beat you many times before, you think I can't do it again..."

"You won't win this time"

"Are you sure about that?"


I threw a punch at him hitting him on the side of his face.

"You little-" We both heard a loud crash, causing us to look over at Hawks who had just kicked the door down.

Endeavor looked over at Hawks and grinned.

"You've come back to get your ass beat too huh..."

"Don't flatter yourself." He spat at Endeavor with disgust.

I took this opportunity to fire a stream of flames straight at my father. Hawks eyes darted from my father to me and filled fear as he tried rushing to my side. I don't know what came over me, but I found moments later my whole body had ignited into flames.

I walked over to my Father covering him with my flames.


Pov. Change: Hawks


I had been knocked back through the door. Once I had hit the ground, all I could hear were their screams and the roar of the flames consuming the room...then the fire cut out Revealing Endeavor as he fell to the ground. I ran over coughing, Dabi covered my mouth taking me outside, staying completely silent. He took his hand off my mouth and just stood there not saying a word.

"Y-you killed him..." I looked at Dabi who's gaze was on the ground wincing.

I watched as Dabi fell back screaming in pain. "What's wrong!?"

"It feels like last time... when I was little, I overdid it...". He stood up stumbling a bit then leaning against the wall. I walked over to help, but he brushed me off...

"You need help."

"I'm fine.."

"No, Touya, you're not!" I reached out to him trying to help, but he turned to me with rage in his eyes as he slapped my hand away.

"I SAID I'M FINE!" I stood there looking at him shocked. I can't let him go back in, but he won't listen! I need to get to him... I can't watch him burn in that hellscape, I just can't...

I felt a wave of adrenaline rush through me as I saw him turn around. I wasn't sure If it was fear or anger, but I opened up my mouth calling out to him.

"WOULD YOU JUST LISTEN?!... For once in your life... just listen!" I screamed as my vision started to get watery.

Dabi had already begun walking back into the burning house when he came to a stop.

"I have done so much!... I made sure you stayed alive! I need you alive..." I began choking on my words.

"W-What if you die in there?! What am I going to tell Shigi? H-How would I...What w-would I..."I gulped, not able to speak. He stood in the doorway not saying a word.

"Just... don't go back in...please..."

Tears started to stream down my own face as I saw Dabi turn back to me. His expression changed when he saw me crying. He came over slowly with tears of his own starting to fall down his face.

"But I need to make sure he's gone... He can't come back...he will hurt you and he'll hurt Shoto..." His voice was angrier than the look on his face.

"T-Touya... I can't let you burn again...I need you..." I wiped my eyes trying not to let my voice not shake too much.

"He's going to find me just like when I was little..." His eyes were only on me now as he slumped down resting his head on my shoulder. His hands were gripping at the fabric of my clothes and his breath was staggered.

"Not this time," I said with a determined tone.

I held him tighter as Dabi grabbed onto me. He buried his face deeper into my shoulder, staying silent for a while as he started to calm down.

"I won't let him find you this time..."

There was a loud crashing noise and we both looked over to see the house that had collapsed. I wiped his tears away with the sleeve of my jacket, letting him stand up. Soon sirens began to go off in the distance, and Dabi looked down at me giving me a soft kiss.

"I have to go...the pros will be here soon..."

"...Okay, I'll see you soon..." I said watching as he rushed into the nearest alleyway heading to the league. The pro's arrived and I gave them information on what had happened and they searched the house. Aisawa was standing by the building with a bunch of other heroes and saw me. He walked over and looked at me concerned.

"The only one in there is Endeavor...he didn't make it out...It looks like a villain attack..." I said looking back at him.

"Okay, thanks...You should go home Hawks, get some rest, it looks like it's been a rough day for you..."

"Okay sir, thank you..." I took off into the sky heading to the league.

As I took off a paper fell out of my pocket I reached back grabbing it reading it, I read through a bunch of thank yous and romantic innuendos with Dabi's number at the bottom.

"Idiot" somehow, it made me smile though


P.O.V change: Dabi


I had just made it to the HQ's door when Hawks landed behind me. "Wow, you're slow," he said giving a small laugh.

"Or, I just wasn't in a rush, I made it to a safe point. Maybe I took my time because I tore my wasn't fully healed I guess..." I turned around, walking over to Hawks.

"You okay?..."

"Today was...a lot" He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

I went and gave him a hug, just holding him.

"I'm sorry...I really wish you weren't involved in this whole...mess" I felt his wings cover me as he hugged me tighter.

"Are you hurt at all?" I asked, inspecting him.

"No, just the same burn from earlier," He laughed.

"...does it hurt a lot right now?"

"No, but it will tomorrow," He looked away with a forced grin.

"Okay, well we can ice it if it hurts too bad, I'm just glad you're not hurt badly." I felt myself getting light-headed, probably from the amount of fire I used, or the smoke I inhaled.

"I feel like I'm going to pass I guess I better head inside"

"You want me to help you?" He asked looking over at me again.

"No, but you can come in and rest with me," I smiled, letting go of him walking down the stairs opening the door.

"Sure," he smiled and walked down to me following me down to my room. I flopped down on my bed, watching Hawks lay beside me. Then he laid his head on my chest wrapping his wings around us as we slowly fell asleep.   

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