The Directionally Challenged Villain

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Hawks P.O.V
I woke up hearing loud knocks at the door. I sat up still feeling sleepy
"Hey Enji, what's up"
"May I come in for a minute?" He said giving a slight grin
"Uh...sure." I stepped aside letting him in.
"Did you sleep?"
"I slept..okay, coffee?"
"Sure, thanks.''  He answered.
As I was pouring his coffee, I noticed his gaze move to the trash where Dabi's shirt is.
"What happened to your shirt?"
I looked at the trash can then back at Endeavor
"Oh, wing caught onto something and tore the shirt." I gave Endeavor his cup of coffee and sat down. I have to change the subject…
"So did you find that...person?"
"No I didn't..not to intrude, but I thought you were a medium the shirt says large,"
Think...think... "Uh, when I eat I wear a size bigger to make room for my stomach…"
He looked at me with a confused face for a minute then looked down at his cup.
"You look paranoid, what's wrong?"
"I just feel like last night we were followed and I wanted to make sure you were safe," I choked on my coffee and replied, "followed…"
"Yeah I know it sounds weird but, on our way here it felt like the guy never left...I felt fine when I got home though,"
I sat quietly thinking of something to say.
"Well, I didn’t see anyone last night…" He stood up thanking me for the coffee and we left for work. I could have flown around on patrols, but I was tired still. I let Endeavor drive me to our district, at least until the coffee kicked in.
    We couldn’t have driven more than a couple of blocks until Endeavor’s head had turned to the side, looking out my window.
"Is that the villain...Dabi?"
...Are you fucking kidding me?!
"Uh, I think it is."
I watched as Dabi stood up looking at me knowing he messed up. I mouthed "Go"  but as he turned around Endeavor noticed Dabi’s injury. "He's injured, this will be easy" endeavor ran after him and I followed from above-watching Dabi run into an alleyway and landed next to him once I saw we lost Endeavor.
"What happened to going to the hotel?!"
He sat there silently looking at the ground for a little then replied.
"I told you I was directionally challenged..."
     I Sighed, trying to figure out what to do.
"I'm sorry, I thought I was far from your house.." Dabi looked at me and then pulled me into the alleyway with him.
"He's coming" I tucked my wings around him pushing him into my chest hiding him.
"What are you doing Hawks?" Endeavor was clearly confused...
"Uh I hit my head pretty I decided to take a break"
"Let me check your injury out."
"Noo!, I'm fine just resting,"
"Okay..well did you find him?... Why are your wings in front of you?"
I could feel Dabi leaning into me more. I didn’t answer him. I needed him far from here so that I could figure this out.
"Uh I think I saw him running that way," I pointed ahead of us and the endeavor took off without another word. I peeked into my wings, opening them slightly. I saw Dabi still clinging to me tightly.
"Hey there, you okay?" I poked him to get his attention.
"Uh yeah..sorry for bothering you..." I saw him wince in pain so I said the first thing that came to my mind.
"Here take my keys and bandage yourself up at my place. Don’t go through my stuff, or I will turn you in. I'm not kidding."
"Are you sure?" I nodded my head and he turned away and walked back to my place.
I had to deal with Endeavor for a bit, but I told him that it was the league that had helped him escape. I tried my best to get home quickly because, let’s be honest here, trusting a villain with your house isn’t that good of an idea. I seem to find myself in this position a lot. Decisions aren’t my strong suit hehe…
I came inside and locked the door behind me. I started looking around for Dabi and soon found his lanky body sprawled out on my bed. He was definitely asleep but he looked like he had just fallen off of a building.
"Morning princess" I watched him flip over grabbing my pillow "five..more minutes boss-"          what?...
" can be my boyfriend..."
I looked at him confused.
"What the fuck?...uh Dabi" I was cut off with a gasp from the delusional villain in front of me.
"I can't fuck you...I just met you,"
He flipped over, so I walked over poking him "Dabi?...hey wha-" He grabbed me pulling me onto the bed and cuddled up to me.
"You're really warm...and comfy..."
What is he saying...and why am I blushing?
"hmph-" he rolled on top of me...great.
"You grew, pillow…" He snatched at the air and his eyes shot open.
"" he sat up looking confused.
"...You sleep well?" I noticed him blushing, and he was clearly embarrassed.
"Hey, it's okay, you were really out of it," I laughed.
"Yeah....I'm thinking that wasn't a pillow now..." he then slipped off of me sitting down on the other side of the bed.
"Sorry..I've never done that before."
"It’s okay, but you were having quite the dream," I continued laughing.
"Did I say something?" He sounded nervous.
"Uh...yeah you were just talking about someone becoming your boyfriend and...uh yeah that was it," I noticed his face started turning red.
"Did I say anything"
"No, why?.."
What did he mean by that?
"Uh okay good...well I should leave, I mean who wants some creepy villain laying in there bed..."
"I mean, you looked like you needed the rest..."
"I'm fine...uh would you like to walk to the league with me?"
"Yeah, I need to make sure you don't get caught anyway," I got up walking to the door with him as he grabbed a hoodie and put a mask on.
"What's that for?"
"If I don't wear this it's obvious who I am,"
P.O.V change- Dabi
"Hey, I know an alleyway if you want to follow me," Hope I don't get into too much trouble with Shigaraki…
"Okay" Hawks followed me through the alleyway till we made it to the league.
"So this is the place?"
"Oh that's right you've never been here before, yeah it is..." I turned to look over at the door and there was Shigiraki.
“Hey, Dabi where have you...tell me that not #2 pro hero Hawks in front of me…" Shigaraki scowled at me.
"Uh..yeah it is..but don't worry he's not here to attack us."
"What?! Dabi you brought a HERO here?!" he walked up to me slapping me across the face...I just looked down at the ground, avoiding eye contact with him.
"Wait, I saved him several times. I'm not here to hurt him or you…"
" Yeah..thanks, Dabi, go inside we have things to discuss…" I walked up to Hawks hugging him letting my hands reach his back pocket, then walking into the league shooting Hawks one last look. "Bye cutie…." Hope he understands I'm not trying to be weird...okay maybe just a little...
------------------~ ~Meanwhile ~ ~ --------------------
"So what made you think that was a good idea…" Shigaraki took the hand off his face and started to yell at me. I continued looking down at the ground not saying anything.
"He is the #1 hero's sidekick, and you brought him right to us! What has gotten into you?" He slapped me once more, harder this time.
"Nothing" I grumbled.
"Well, something had to have happened! Did they force you too?"
"No..he just wanted to walk with me," I sighed knowing this sounded absolutely ridiculous.
" he wanted to walk with you just because," He said, crossing his arms.
"He's my friend!"
"Do you even hear yourself? They are going to lie and manipulate you!" Shigaraki started raising his voice again.
"Sorry, won't happen again..." I walked past Shigaraki pushing my shoulder into him whispering "Bitch…"
"Dabi I swear to god…" He began to walk away but for some reason, I felt the need to open my big mouth...again...
"Yeah, that's right walk away coward...Go ahead, you can hit me all you want!" he stopped and turned around facing me once more
"Do I really have to be the bigger person here? I don’t want you injured, you are my second in command. I suggest you get your head on straight..." I watched him leave and I did the same walking out of the door slamming it. I can't even have friends, let alone a significant other...maybe he's right maybe I should steer clear from him...

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