pt 2

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Pov. Change: Hawks
"What's up with him...did he have to go that badly?" Shigaraki laughed, looking over at me.
"He was having some pain where his cut was...he's checking it now I think,"
"Yeah, I think something is wrong, but he won’t talk." I shifted my weight and shoved my hands into my pockets looking at Shigaraki.
"You should bug him about it when he gets out. He's done that before...he feels like he's being a burden...He's not trying to keep things from you." he looked at me then the door as he walked off to his office with a worried expression.
I walked over to the bathroom knocking on the door
"You okay in there?"
"Ack-...uh yeah" he opened the door looking at me with a pained expression.
He took my hand leading me to his room. I let go, shutting the door behind us. I leaned on the door looking at him as he stood there.
"Alright, spill," I said, watching him walk over,  picking me up.
"I'm okay," he grinned, looking over at me. He winced as he laid me down on the bed beside him.
“No, you’re not!” I said poking his chest.
“I told you, It’s fine…”
    I sighed and slid my hand up under his shirt, finding the bandages on his side with blood starting to seep through.
“Okay, I may -Ah...Have broken a stitch or two…” He said hissing at the sudden pain.
“What did you even do? There are so many…” I said, pulling away the bandage seeing the broken stitches.
“I think it was when I ran over to Shoto...I bent over too fast and they pulled too tight and snapped…”
“You had to have broken at least five…” I said wrapping the bandage on his side tiger to stop the bleeding.
“I’ll be okay…” He said holding me closer to him.
“Just lay with me for a bit, then you can get mad…” he rested his head on mine with his arms around me.
“Fine,” I sighed.
“But I’m fixing these,” I said pointing at his stitches.
“Mk…” He said, tensing up.
    I rested my forehead on his chest as he ran his fingers through the tufts of my wings. It was nice, you know until he suddenly jumped away from me. He nearly scared the shit out of me...
“I think I'm bleeding…” He grabbed at his side, wincing.
“God…” I said pushing my hair back.
“It’s not your fault though…” He said with apologetic eyes.
“Yeah, I know,” I said helping him up off the bed and into the bathroom.
    Dabi sat down on the toilet, still clutching his side. I pulled off his shirt and unwrapped the bandage again. I washed off the blood with a wet towel and pulled over the small box with the needle and thread, looking up at Dabi.
“Can you sit on my lap, so I can hold onto you?” He asked with a gentle expression, waiting for my answer.
“Whatever works for you,” I smirked, straddling his waist and threading the needle.
“Sorry, I’m such a pain.” He gave a weak smile.
“You’re not that bad. Besides, it gives me something to do.”
    I pulled away from the towel, setting it aside, looking at Dabi again before starting.
“This shouldn’t take too long. I’ll try to make them looser this time.”
    He nodded and put his arms around my waist. He closed his eyes, tensing up at the feeling of the needle going through his skin. I pulled it through and tied the first one shut, feeling him tense up and grasp at my shirt. I stopped for a second noticing he was struggling to not shake. I knew he hated needles, so I felt bad I was the one who had to hurt him like this. He looked up at me. I needed to help distract him…
“How about this, for every stitch you get through you get a kiss?” I gave him a grin.
“Heh, okay…” he said focusing on me as I started the next stitch.
    I was able to tie it off a bit more quickly and cut the string, letting my eyes meet his again.
“That’s two,”  I said getting the third one ready.
    I kept going until I tied off the last stitch and cut the string, standing up and washing my hands.
“All done, again…” I said laughing.
“Thanks,” he said, standing up and inspecting it in the mirror.
“No problem,” I smiled at him
“Now my reward?” He looked at me with a stupid grin.
“Of course~” I laughed.
    He put his arm around me leading me down the hall. We passed Shigaraki’s room and entered Dabi’s a couple of seconds later.
“Ah, Room sweet room,” He said, flopping onto the bed.
“Does it feel better?” I laid beside him laughing
“Yep,” He flipped over facing me.
    I put my wing around him, moving closer to him.
“Hm~ This is nice...but you owe me my reward still,” He said, snaking his arms around me again.
“Fine, go ahead~”
    He moved in closer and kissed me exactly five times and pulled away, staying close.
“Hehe, thanks.” he smiled.
“Hey you earned it,” I grinned.
“Now rest, you need to heal.”
    I gave him a slow, deep kiss and pulled away. I saw the slight tint of pink paint his face.
“Rest,” I said without breaking eye-contact.
“No buts, you need to sleep.”
“But, I like Butts,” He laughed at his childish joke, of course.
     I sighed stifling a bit of a laugh before he opened his mouth again.
“Will you stay?” He asked, rubbing circles on my back.
“Heh, yeah I’ll stay.” I grinned.
“Thanks,” He said, curling up into my chest.
    I used my wing to cover him so that the light wouldn’t bother him as he slept. I pulled out my phone and checked some messages and stuff, letting Dabi sleep. Later, I heard the door open revealing Shigaraki’s hunched figure.
“Oh, hey. I just fixed him up, he’s just resting.” I said in a half-whisper.
     Shigaraki scratched at his neck and walked into the room.
“Oh, thanks.” He turned, looking at me and Dabi.
“Aren’t you going back to your place?” He asked in a sour tone. Well, more sour than his normal tone…
“He just wanted me to stay while he rests, Is that okay?” I asked, seeing Shigaraki’s glare resting on me.
“ You could have just asked someone from the league. Don’t want you getting caught, now do we?...”
    The room was silent for a bit before I decided to respond.
What a creep…
“I’m sure it’s okay, sorry for not asking first,...I said, smiling nervously.
    He let out an over dramatic sigh and walked over to the door.
“I’m just saying you should leave Dabi alone…” He walked out, not looking back and slamming the door.
Damn, what rat crawled up his ass?...

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