The Club

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This chapter does contain some more mature content. There will be a warning before it starts and after it ends for those who do not want to read it.

    I left the league hearing the metal door slam closed behind me. The sky was still bright as the sun was setting. The air was cool on my skin as I stepped out of the dark alleyway. I sighed pulling out my phone checking my messages from earlier to get the address of where exactly Hawks wanted me to go.
    💖 ~Birdie~💖
-I don't know If you are busy tonight, but I'm going out with Mirko tonight and wanted to know you'd wanna come with me.
No, not really. Are you sure Mirko is okay with a villain joining you guys?
-Yeah, I already talked to her about it. 😉
-So, are you coming?
Ok then, where?
-You know that club on the edge of town?
-Well that's where I'll be, I'll be looking for you
Ok, what time?
-Around 8?
Ok, see you then

    I grinned, sliding my phone into my pocket. I felt a little overdressed, but that could just be because I never go out.  I saw the street lights turn on as the sky got a bit darker. I walked down the sidewalk for a couple of blocks before turning some corners and entering the club Hawks had been talking about. As soon as I walked in I heard music playing loudly and people laughing and singing in the crowd. I took off my mask and ordered a drink. I found a table somewhere along the side of the club, and l began looking around. I heard the crowd start to cheer for someone on the dance floor. I turned my head to see what was happening and saw Hawks dancing with a girl, who I assume is Mirko. 

(The dance that Hawks and Mirko are doing- )

    I watched him with wide eyes feeling my face begin to flush red. I felt like I couldn't look away, like watching him move around on the dance floor was the only thing I was able to do. He was surprisingly good...really good...

Soon they were finished with their dance, and the crowd went crazy cheering for them. By the time they were finished, I had to let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. Hawks looked over and met my gaze and smiled, giving me an awkward wave. He looked over to Mirko and told her something before walking over towards me.
"Hey, Dabi. Mirko, this is the person I was telling you about before we came." Hawks looked from her back to me.
"Oh, Hey. I've heard a lot about you." She said, looking abnormally smug.
    Hawks sat down beside me and she did the same as she sat across the table from us both. I felt kind of uncomfortable with another pro hero being here, let alone one apparently Hawks has grown quite close too...
        Hawks was talking to Mirko about something but I wasn't paying much attention. I was trying not to draw too much attention to myself in case Mirko got some kind of stick up her ass. I took another sip of my drink noticing Hawks looking at me with a strange expression. I looked back at him not really knowing what to say. After what happened in the back of the ambulance, I didn't know where we stood. Hell, I didn't even know if this was allowed. Hawks just sat there with the light reflecting off his golden eyes.
    I had forgotten for a moment that Mirko was also with us until she took a sip of her drink and cleared her throat, trying to get our attention.
"So, I guess you two want to talk a bit so I'm just gonna go dance for a bit. If you guys need me you know what to do." She said winking and walking off towards the dance floor.
    One of the waiters walked past and Hawks called him over to order another drink.
" Do you want anything?" Hawks turned to me again.
" Maybe just a refill," I said grinning at the waiter as he took our orders and walked off.
" So the fire, have you been okay? I mean, that was probably a lot to handle." He said, taking a sip of his drink.
"Well considering what happened, I think I'm okay..." I said looking away awkwardly.
"You seem tense..." Hawks said, tilting his head a bit.
"Is there something on your mind?"
"Nothing really, I was just thinking know what happened in the ambulance and all that... It's probably not good that we are even seeing each other let alone..." I rambled.
"You're overthinking it," he said with a confidant tone.
"If you didn't want to see me, then why are you here?" He raised an eyebrow at me.
    I didn't answer. I just took another sip of the drink avoiding his gaze on me.
"Listen..." he sighed.
"If me being around you makes you uncomfortable we can just forget about this..." He took another drink.
"No, it's not that...It's just...I don't know what that would mean."
"You don't know what it would mean?" He asked laughing.
"I guess it means that I'd be your boyfriend." He smiled while taking another drink, waiting for my reaction.
"...You're serious? You don't think we would get in trouble or anything?"
"Yes,  and to be honest I don't care about that. It's not their choice."
    I looked back at him seeing that he was serious. I don't know if it was the alcohol, but I didn't care either.
"I do think, however, it would kind of be your choice. So, what do you say?" He said setting down his drink.
Fuck it...
"Why not?" I looked over at him, grinning.
He smiled back at me and stood up grabbing me by the wrist.
"Come on, Let's go dance." he laughed
I followed rolling my eyes with a smile creeping up the side of my face. The song changed and Hawks smiled at me.
"I'm not dancing to this," I said laughing.
"Then you can sit and watch." Hawks smirked and went further onto the dance floor and started to dance. 

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