▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ▀▄▀▄ ☾ SKINSHIP ! ( III. CHAPTER THREE ╎ ✎ ) 25 january 2020, saturday
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YEJIN NEVER WALKS Gureum in the mornings. She had a set time for everything and she followed it to the dot. Walking her dog was something she did in the afternoon between two and three, whenever she got the chance but the morning she woke up, she just couldn't stay at home. She got herself and Gureum ready and left the house at seven. This is early, way too early for the both of them. The streets are quiet and the dog park that she usually goes to is also pretty empty compared to the time she that she usually goes at.
She places her AirPods over ears after taking the leash off Gureum. She throws the ball as far as she could and hums to herself while Gureum runs to fetch it. She takes a seat on one of the benches and waits to Gureum to run back to her. She throws the ball a couple of times before her hands start to get tired so she decides to walk around the dog park with him.
"Gureum-ah, do you think Heeseung is my friend? You haven't met him but I think you'd really like him," Yejin tells her dog who just woofs at her softly.
She doesn't know why she feels like this way about a guy who she only started to talk to yesterday. She felt like she could tell him anything but she also didn't trust him. She knows the type of person he is in school and how he's with her is completely different. She doesn't know which side of him to believe.
She wants to be Heeseung's friend but she's scared of what he probably tells his friends about her. Does he tell them that she's quiet? That she has a mum who loves talking? That she barely talks to him? Or does he tell them that he likes her company? That she's really good baking? That she's a nice person to hang out with?
She walks to the grass and squats to the ground. She holds her Samoyed's neck and places soft kisses to its face. Yejin was ten when she first got Gureum. Yejin is an only child so Gureum is almost like a sibling to her.
"Gureum-ah, you've grown so much," she says to her dog, stroking his fur gently. She just remembers how small he used to be when she first got him. "Shall we go and find some other dogs for you to play with then, darling?"
She gets up and resumes her walk around the park when Gureum suddenly starts barking loudly. She is startled at first but then she sees her dog prancing towards another dog. A Golden Retriever, she notes. She shakes her head as she runs after her Samoyed. She looks around for the Golden's owner but she can't see them anywhere.
"And who do we have here?" She says out loud, going to pet the other dog. She checks the tag around his neck. "Taeyang? Good morning to you too, Taeyang. Where's your owner, huh?"