▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ▀▄▀▄ ☾ SKINSHIP ! ( IV. CHAPTER FOUR ╎ ✎ ) 27 january 2020, monday
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MONDAY MORNING CAME quickly. Yejin wakes up at six-thirty and is at school by seven-thirty to avoid the rush of the students. She sits by herself at the back of the classroom so she's pretty much not noticed by anyone. She has informed the school of her haphephobia so they would allow her to sit by herself. She also brings her own lunch so she doesn't have to queue up for lunch.
She puts her AirPods in and begins to doodle things on her notebook. She has Psychology in the morning for an hour and a half then a long break in between. She has English in the afternoon at two-thirty. The thing with going to a sixth form is that she can't leave to go home in the middle of the day, if she doesn't have any lessons; she has to stay the full day, the only exemption being Wednesday where she has a lesson at eight thirty then no other lessons for the rest of the day so she can go home.
The students slowly start filling the classroom. She looks out for Heeseung and she sees him walking into the classroom with his arm around his friend, Jihyun. He looks at her and flashes her with his angelic smile that she started noticing on Saturday. His smile was one of her favourite things about Heeseung. The way it made her feel safe as soon as she saw his pearly whites. Yejin smiles back but when she meets Jihyun's glare, she looks down. She feels uncomfortable around Jihyun. She was the first partner that Yejin had in Psychology and she was the worst. She made Yejin not want to work with anyone.
Jihyun and Heeseung take their seats and begin to talk away until the lesson begins. It's not that Yejin wanted to eavesdrop on their conversation but she was curious to know if Heeseung would talk about her. She tucks her hair behind her ears and pauses her music but they don't have to know that she's listening to their conversation and not her playlist.
"I feel sorry for you, Lee Heeseung, for being paired up Kang Yejin. God, that girl might as well be mute," Yejin hears Jihyun say to Heeseung who is taking out his books for the lesson. "She was my first partner and I swear, I never want to work with her again,"
Yejin feels her heart beating a little too fast. Is that how Jihyun really felt about her? She could've at least said something instead of keeping it bottled up and making Yejin hate her so much for not doing anything.
"Don't feel sorry for me. I actually really enjoy working with her," Heeseung tells his friend, glancing at Yejin for a second before looking back to his friend. "She's one of my favourite partners that I have had. She works well, she does her part well and she's really nice company,"