It Gets Easier

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Warning: Foul language, mentions of abuse, a brief indication of suicidal thoughts, implied rape, and an OBSCENE amount of fluff was used in the creation of this fic. Reader discretion is advised.

                                                                               ___ ♪___                                                

Annabeth was new in school.

And, of course like every other stereotypical time when a student enrols in a new educational environment-people whispered and stared at her like she's some freaky science experiment.

She's never been the new kid before. She liked living in California with its beaches and warm sun. She missed going surfing on the weekends with her friends and she missed the small high school that she went to where she knew everyone.

California was nothing like New York.

New York is crowded, the people are rude and step on you like you're a piece of gum on their shoe, and there's a surprising amount of wind for a place with so many freaking buildings.

She really hated New York.

She also hated her new school, Goode High. Especially when her peers blatantly stared and pointed at her. She got it! She's new! Big freaking whoop! Now move on with your lives already!

When she entered first period, the noise level in the classroom immediately decreased. Geez, was it going to be like this all day?

Her black and grey converse squeaked as she walked to the empty seat in the back of the room. She sat down and glared at the teens that were still gawking at her. The hushed whispers began not long after.


Annabeth turned to her right to find a girl with black pixie hair and electric blue eyes boring into hers. The girl wore a leather jacket and her shirt had the logo of some band Annabeth was unfamiliar with. She looked kind of punkish, but despite her tough exterior, she gave Annabeth a wide smile.

"You're new here right?" she asked.

Annabeth wanted to say, Well, no shit Sherlock, but held her tongue. She had a feeling that she did not want to get on this girl's bad side.

"Yeah, I am. My name's Annabeth."

"Thalia," the girl responded back. More whispers surfaced through the room. Thalia rolled her eyes and directed a menacing glare to the rows of students.

"Can I help someone?" she practically yelled. Immediately, everyone turned away from the pair.

Annabeth sighed in relief. "Thanks. I didn't know how much longer I would have held out before I snapped."

"No problem. I'm actually really glad you came here. You seem cool, and God only knows how tired I am of these idiots."

Annabeth laughed. Thalia was definitely interesting and she liked her a lot. If she had to make friends with anyone in Goode High she's glad it's her.

Annabeth sensed some movement to her left. She turned her head to see a boy dressed in all black. Black shoes, black jeans, black hoodie. Even some of the hair that was peeking out of his hood was a dark raven black. She's never seen someone wear so much black in her life.

He was hunched over in his seat, just blankly staring at his desk. He looked so lifeless it unnerved her.

"Thalia," Annabeth whispered to her new friend, careful so that the boy wouldn't hear, "who's he?"

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